What could cause AU not to post? I added two AUs two days apart to the same card and the one added two days later already posted but the earlier one didn't. Should I be concerned? This is with the old company.
Most likely scenarios, in no particular order:
1. Some error in the process of adding the AU by you. This would include:
A. Not typing or transferring the key AU information of name, address, SSN, and DOB.
B. Not completing the process with the CC company. Some CC companies now have an authentication at the end of the process, which I sometimes almost forget to do.
C. Failing to put a purchase on the card before the closing date.
D. Failing to add the user before the closing date.
E. Accidentally adding them to the wrong card, I suppose.
2. Some error in adding the AU by the CC company. If you called in:
A. They may have failed to enter the key AU information correctly, or have failed to complete the process on their end somehow.
B. They may have suspected fraud. Normally this would result in the card being locked and the AU added anyway, but it's possible if the CSR thought fraud and was highly energetic that they would refuse to add the AU and possibly lock the card. Alas, this explanation would make more sense if it were the second AU that you added failed.
I'd be concerned only to the extent that I'd have lost that commission and somewhat damaged the TL company's reputation and somewhat damaged the TL company's opinion of me, which might affect their decision to send commissions my way in the future. And if it's consistently happening, I'd carefully go over my practices and make sure I was doing everything correctly.
But, if it's just a one-off, which is the most likely scenario, the TL companies say it happens from time to time without rhyme or reason, and other than a lost commission and slight inconvenience to the TL company to reassign that AU to someone else I wouldn't worry about it.