Hi, arebelspy and mustachians.
I'm on the page 19th of this thread and has been reading for 2 weeks now. So, I thought I will ask, it might take me 2 or 3 more weeks to catch up and see if anybody has asked the question.
It seems like the supply is too high to meet the demand (or the demand is too low), which seems it's only low because AUs don't know about the existence of such a thing as buying piggybacking spot. I'm sure there are way more people who would like to buy a slot than those who would like to sell. So, my question is, can we, mustachians, supply the demand? Can we post something on CL, have a bumpersticker or a flyer on our cars, at work places (for free)? Is it a conflict of interests, even if we don't give our direct contact, but the contact for the company. It could be without the contact, just the name of the company (I know we are not allowed to post it here, but maybe it's ok do post it in real world). Or we don't want to alert CL companies? I just think that if each of us added at least 5 AU a year, or at least tried, we are going to increase the pool of demand, and sales for everyone. What is the consensus on this subject?