Can you guys clarify for me how the slots work with old company? I currently have 2 AU’s on my PNC card, both set to be removed in December. For a while my dashboard showed 0 of 2 spots available, which corresponds with the FAQ that says 2 AU’s max for PNC. A few weeks ago, it switched to 1 of 2 spots available which I thought was odd. Today I got another order. I thought they were going to only have a limited number of people on each card at a time so now I’m a bit confused. Should I add the order or is this an error?
I did message them but since it’s the weekend not sure if I will hear back before the deadline to add the order.
The Old Company has a recommended number of slots by issuer. You can go above or below their recommended number if you choose. Personally I follow their recommendations.
They will send you new orders a few to several days before your CC's closing date. I've been given new orders up to five days before the closing date.
Often what has happened in the situation you describe is that one of your existing AUs on that card can be removed now. Often you can look in TradelineMaster and figure out which AU can be removed. In this case, I remove the existing AU, confirm removal of that AU, and then add the new AU.
In rare cases, the removal date in TradelineMaster is one month later than the actual "OK to remove by" date as calculated by Old Company. There is apparently some bug in the "OK to remove by" date logic that they are aware of but haven't fixed. In this case you'll have to email Old Company, they'll explain this to you, and tell you to remove one of the AUs even though the date in TradelineMaster is still approximately one month in the future. In this case, I remove the AU they tell me to, confirm removal of that AU, and then add the new AU.
In other rare cases, the Old Company makes a mistake and puts an AU sale on your card which does, in fact, exceed your chosen AU limit. In these cases, it's often because of some sort of weirdness related to previous AU orders on that card which have resulted in them getting their AU count on your card wrong. In this scenario, it's up to you whether to accept the order or not. In most cases, I decline the order and they move it to someone else's card. In rare cases, I've accepted the order and temporarily exceeded my AU limit.