Requesting help from the hive mind also: :-)
I got three emails from new company today: Two automated AU sales emails from the portal and a followup email from the company pointing out the last minute adds and making sure I could do them "by tomorrow", meaning Friday.
I'm on vacation but I have the cards with me (in case I got sales - sometimes the card issuer wants the CVV code or the expiration date off the card), and have access to phone and internet, so that's not a problem.
A. Both new AU sales are on the same credit card (an 11 year old USAA card with $34K limit). This card already has two AUs on it from new company sales in February (added Feb 2 and Feb 28) which were done via the old manual process. The emails said nothing about removing the old AU's. I *think* USAA has a maximum of two slots, and I think it is too early to remove the add that was done on 2/28. So I'm conflicted between wanting to add the new AU's, but not wanting to exceed the number of slots with USAA, but also not wanting to remove existing AU's too early. Thoughts?
B. If I do end up adding both, it's better to add them in a single phone call, not two separate ones...right?
C. They're requesting that I add them by tomorrow (3/31), but my card doesn't close until the 6th (so 4/6). The card has an existing balance on it that will show on my 4/6 statement. It seems like I don't need to solve this problem in the next 24 hours...right? I'm in Washington DC at the moment, was planning to go to the zoo tomorrow with my kid, and it would be a little easier to deal with this tomorrow evening after about 6pm Eastern. I've emailed new company with my questions, but I think they're in the western US, so by the time they get back to me I may be away from my computer. Overall, trying to be responsive but don't want to drag my laptop around with me at the zoo tomorrow and don't want to tell my kid to watch the zebras for 20 minutes while Daddy makes a weird phone call or have USAA wonder why there are elephant noises in the background as I add foreign-sounding names as AU's.
Thanks to all for any advice.
P.S. - As I think about this, I think the new company probably isn't watching the transition from the manual system to the new portal, and that I should remove the 2/2 AU in one phone call, leave the 2/28 AU, add one of the new AU's in a second phone call, and have them shift one of the AU's to a different card (another one of mine or someone else's). I suspect I'll get an email from them sometime tomorrow during the day, but I'm not dragging my laptop around with me all day, so it'll have to be tomorrow night, which I think will be OK since the card doesn't close until the 6th.
P.P.S. - Not sure why I'm so long winded and indecisive today. Probably combined effects of vacation and hanging out with my 15 year old daughter.