Just checking in to say, I did get the email a couple of days back, but have not had the time to create account.
On todo list for this weekend.
I did get two more spots sold a couple of days ago. Thanks ARS!!
The email now said to get the cards AND activate them, unlike the last adds where they just wanted me
to get card, but not activate.
This is a big hassle for me, being a fulltime traveller and receiving mail at a friends place,
where I don't want cards mailed to with a bunch of different names.
I did ask my contact person, if it's absolutely mandatory to get card and activate and she said it was not.
So I opted to not do that.
I understand that means a higher risk to me, as the card issuer could question the adds, but there's no disadvantage to the AUs.
If I knew I'd sell that many spots on a regular basis, it would be worthwhile investing in a mail forwarder, but at this point
the deal I have with my friend, works fine for me.