Well, maybe as a warning and a data point, one of my cards that I had AU’s on came under review (US Bank, not with old or new company....as a side note I have no idea who old or new company are since all references to them are in this code, but I suspect that one of the tradeline companies for another card I have is “old company “).
It seems one of the AUs was under review himself, for reasons unknown to me (maybe he was trying to apply for his own card?). When they looked at my account since he was an AU, they were suspicious about the number of AUs I had on it (7) and they threatened to shut my account down in 30 days. I was able to save the account, but only if I removed the AUs. It’s a bummer since that was my oldest account, so it was the most lucrative per AU. I let the tradeline company know and they understood I had to remove the AUs to keep the card. We also decided it’s probably not a good idea to use it again for AUs anymore as it has been flagged. It was good while it lasted, and it was still worth it compared to not getting anything for it I suppose.
I wouldn’t have been that disappointed if I lost it, but I am seasoning another card with them with a cash back offer now, so i don’t want to get completely banned from them at this point.