Here are my questions:
[1] How slow do I need to go to ensure safety from bank anger? How would 2 AUs per card per year look?
[2] How long do you leave the AU on? Would longer command a higher price?
[3] Does card utilization % factor in here at all?
[4] I'd like to sell on ebay, anything I need to know before I do that?
[Numbers added for reference.]
1. Nobody knows for sure, there are no guarantees. Less activity is probably safer. Using recommended companies is probably safer. Following their recommendations is probably safer. The general rule of thumb is to not add AUs to any tradeline that you're not willing to have the bank close on you. I use a recommended company and follow their guidelines on everything. I've had probably 150 AUs and have had two cards closed, one card with a weird issue, and one issuer call and ask me nicely to stop. But I don't mind breakage.
2. I follow the recommendations of Good Company. It varies from 2 months to 4 months, depending on issuer. Pay rate is mostly based on CL and age. If you're selling directly, you can negotiate whatever you want. More money for longer makes sense. I occasionally will have a "renewal order" where an AU apparently didn't get their stuff done in the first slot, so they pay again for a second consecutive slot.
3. You're expected to have at least some utilization so the card posts to the AU's credit report. You're expected to keep utilization under 10% so it doesn't adversely affect the AU's credit. Anywhere in between is fine.
4. No idea. I wouldn't do it personally, but I can understand the appeal.
I'm also extremely interested in hearing about the length of time - SPECIFICALLY about add/removal dates. I would like to hear various replies from experienced users with many cards about how many tradelines you think/know you can sell each year, per slot (not per card).
I don't see it mathematically possible, for example, to have 6 sales per slot, per year. Especially when each purchaser requires 2 months of time actually ON the card as an AU - not just 2 sequential credit reports saying that the tradeline appears. In reality, if the prior sentence were the case, they could be removed directly after the second posting appeared on the report. This means they're not LIVE on the card as an AU for a full 2 months as they're led to believe. It also means potential for failure, non-payment, and wasted time, etc..
As noted above, I follow Good Company recommendations on length of time to leave them on the card. Usually the order gets released to me and added to the card just before statement close - usually a few days.
I leave the AU on until the recommended remove date. I generally remove them on that date or a day or two later. I keep track of the number of days each AU is on (because it's easy to track in my spreadsheet). Usually "two cycles" equates to 55 to 63 days. Similar numbers for "three cycles" and "four cycles".
With Good Company, since I have X slots per card, they will sometimes sell a slot that is in the process of being vacated. So if I have two slots on a card and they are both filled by AUs, and the cycle date is coming up, they'll have me remove one of the existing AUs, say, 3 days before cycle date, then add a new AU 2 days before cycle date. Very rarely the dates will overlap by a day or two, or I choose to wait because they release the new AU order to me a day or two before the old AU is due to come off.
So the TLDR is that Good Company seems to want you to have them on for "number of cycles" minus a few days.
Good Company generally guarantees to pay if it posts and you leave them on until the "remove date" listed on their portal. I just keep a tickler in my to do file for the date on which my next AU is to be removed, so it's pretty easy.