I need to call Citi and ask for a credit line increase. I have an old Forward card with them that had a $7000 credit limit. I asked for an increase on the web page and they bumped me to $8900. Obviously, I want to get it above $10,000 to use for this, but I've never called and asked for an increase before.
Are there any questions I should be prepared for, such as why I want a further increase?
Nah. AUs shouldn't have anything to do with limit increase, obviously. They'll just want you to repeat the same info you put in online (annual income, length of employment, your address, etc.).
Just call and let them know the credit increase you got online wasn't what you were looking for, and ask if they can bump it. Good luck, let us know how it turns out! :)
Typically 3-4 days. The email I got yesterday (Thurs in the States) said to add by Monday.
I've had longer, can't remember if I had shorter, as I almost always do it right away. But that's the typical range, I believe.
Thanks everyone for the info on lead times.
Another quick question on the new company - their FAQ says that if you can't add an AU's SSN online, then you need to call to add it. The old company directed me to not worry about the SSN for Barclay (after the SSN option was removed from the online add), as long as I included their address. ARS & others, are you calling in to add the SSN for Barclay card adds after adding them online with the new company?
I do indeed do my Barclays online, with the address, though the company asks you to call in and add SSNs, I have not had an issue doing it that way so far. The paranoid wanting to make sure they get the money should add the SSN to make SURE it reports. I call it "good enough." YMMV, and keep in mind it would be a bummer to lose $200 or whatever cause you didn't want to make a 5 minute phone call, so probably better to listen to the company than me. Just confirming that's what I do. :)