I dropped off assorted things at a friend's yesterday, with their permission! She was actually really excited about one organizer that just doesn't fit in our house, said it completes her. It's especially nice to get rid of something if someone else thinks it completes them! lol
Today I got down the glass drink dispenser I bought (at thrift) a couple years ago imaging using for lemonade at picnics. Well, that hasn't happened... and we've since acquired two plastic drink dispensers. They aren't as pretty as the glass one, but we use them for camping, and they'll also work if we ever do have a party and want to serve lemonade. So, I'm a bit reluctant about letting this go, but I think I do it, and I think it's the right move. We sure could use the cupboard space.
I washed out plastic shower curtain liner and it cleaned up nicely, so I will remove the one I had in my online shopping cart. When I hung it up I used a different fabric curtain with it, we both really like the texture of it compared to the curtain we have, but the color is too dark. It makes the already small bathroom feel even smaller. I'll take it down and let that go. Again I'm oddly reluctant about this one, but I've tried it. It doesn't work. Writing here for accountability.
I figured out and hung two more frames in our bedroom. We still have a stack of frames and art we're trying to mix and match and get the house just right.
We got some gifts mailed off and that allowed us to get rid of a pile of stuff from the living room.
And, I listed my old sewing machine on ebay. *deep breath* One of my other items sold, but the buyer never paid, so I'm waiting for the case to close so I can list again. I haven't quite decided how long I will let ebay items linger.
I'm feeling good about things. I've been making and effort to make sure the kitchen counter is cleaned off almost every night, and that just inspires both of us to keep after things. It's good momentum.