Looking for six D sized batteries to put in my electronic Casio piano keyboard so I could play it at the flea market, to sell it.
Had to move lots of stuff away from the bottom of a big cabinet, to open the doors. I thought I might have some old batteries in there. Sure enough, I found six D batteries there! Then tested them all, had to recycle 3 of them since they were weak. But I now have the other 3 to use toward the Casio demonstration. If I just went out and bought six new batteries, I'd still have these old batteries cluttering the place up.
While in there, found stuff to toss, repurpose, or add to the 'sell' pile.
Will put all the remaining stuff back in the cabinet soon, lol.
Going to donate a pile of old Readers Digests later today.
Forced myself to add a few pounds of ancient computer programming manuals to this morning's curbside recycling.