Clothing was recycled, shredding was moved to this weekend, e-waste was moved to the free day for our city (first Wed of every month) to avoid any private company charges.
Sold an old (working) coffeemaker on a social media group. Finding other items to sell pre-move (baby carrier, old crib mattress, some unused cookware/appliances, etc.)
Intentionally working through our cupboards to eat up and use items I don't want to move. Hello, half a bag of quinoa. What to cook you in next week... ?
We're preparing for a move later this spring, so yesterday DH and I did a deep dive in our office. Recycled LOTS of outdated or expired paperwork, with a small shred pile to be disposed of (you know, the stuff you can't just throw away). Plan on hitting up local shredding service later this week, as most community free shedding days are in the summer (post-move).
Also found as part of that purge: a small pile of old electronics to take to a local e-recyclyer - three(!) old phones, a tablet, and a DVD player, all of which finally bit the proverbial dust.
Finally, a pile of ripped/worn clothing that can't be sold or donated is heading for a textile recycling bin!
(Is moving the ultimate de-cluttering motivator? It sure feels like it.)
I have moved quite a lot and everytime a move have been decided I have decluttered. I always ask myself if I want to pay to get this thing moved. That have allowed me to sell of all the things I don’t want to donate and donate rest. I also ask if the item will fit into the new apartment. Once I had to sell a book case because both didn’t fit into the new apartment. It also forced me to purge books. This also makes it easier to pack your stuff because you have made about 95 % of the keep or not decisions. Often you find even more stuff to sell and donate while you pack. This had allowed me to keep a fairly clutterfree lifestyle.
I have a slightly different strategy, but inspired by moves. We moved from Washington to CA (from a large home we owned to a rental we weren't sure we'd be in for long). I'd say we got rid of ~30-40% of our stuff. I wasn't into decluttering at the time, had small kids growing through things, and we just had a bunch of stuff that had accumulated.
For the second move (CA rental property to a home a few blocks away that we'd purchased), I was determined to again rid of as much as possible before we moved. Because, packing & unpacking & then finding a place for crap you don't need is...not a good use of time. I'm guessing we got rid of 10-15% of our stuff that go round.
Now, I have a daily task. Every day I find something to donate, sell or toss. Every day. Back in the pre-COVID days, I did this on Fridays, when I worked from home. I'd set a goal for 10 items every Friday. A lot of it was trash coming out for the kids room, or broken pencils & the like. Now I make it a daily task, since I'm WFH all day. I reach days where it's pretty hard to find stuff, but I'm always surprised by the depths of belongings.
Today, for example, I found a Calphalon butter warmer. In the first move (7 years ago), he promised me we'd use it a lot. It was originally his from pre-marriage. We've still never used it. I listed it on eBay. If I don't sell it, I'll give it away on my local Buy Nothing group. How have I moved something twice that's taking up valuable cupboard space & we don't use?