Today I gave away the smallest item ever, a small envelope with flower seeds that I will never use, to a friend. I didn't buy, I received it as an unwanted gift.
We have been cleaning up after the flooding in the basement, and during Easter we made some extra effort. I looked through my books, found one to let go, and the ones I am sure I will keep, I put in a small box. Then I put about 10 that I may not want to bring if I move on a bookshelf next to my bed, so I can look through them and decide.
The book to let go ended up in another small box, with two over-the-door hangers made of fabric 8the ones w/many small compartments/pockets. They are very practical but I don't use them and they are ugly colours in my opinion. So why do I keep them??? :-)
There is a chance that we will move during 2nd half of 2020 (DH probably wants a divorce but he also is not communicating). I am looking at my things with this in mind "do I want to bring it to my new home when I move?". I will move from a house to an apartment, so it will be a different type of living, and of course, much smaller. I really don't want to leave the house for other reasons, but I do feel absolutely ok about the downsizing. I will probably go for good location, and well enough space for my kids, but not too expensive, meaning I will have little space for myself and my things, but I see that as a fun challenge. I know I will be able to keep things in order much better (DH is a packrat but absolutely refuses to admit this, he is in for a rude awakening).