So I'm in an interesting spot, because I'm acquiring a TON right now. But trying to keep in useful, organized, sensible, etc. Baby on the way and the desire to get free stuff means a LOT is incoming!
-Decided we don't want to use the bassinet we got with a bunch of other stuff on BN. This will go to a friend who is also expecting- if she decides she doesn't want it, she works with foster families and will put it into their charity lot.
-Getting tons of hand me down clothes. I'm sorting it as it comes in. Setting aside things I don't like, or are too "boyish" for me to want to dress a girl in. Another friend is due the day before me, and is having a boy, so we're going to do a swap- she has some girl hand me downs she's gotten.
-Sold our futon and bought a twin bed for the office/'guest' room. It'll make for much better sleep when we do any shifts, and if we end up needing my mom to stay after the baby. I'm hoping not, but if I have a c-sec and Husband has to go quick back to site work, then we'll have no choice.
-Have some area rugs and hallway runners listed for sale. Also a puppy exercise pen and a second crate we don't use. And an amp we aren't using, since we swapped out for a soundbar after we moved.
-We're selling our truck. Going to trial one car for a while, and if car share etc doesn't work with a baby, then get a second car that's more appropriate to where we live now.
While husband is gone for work the next few days, I plan to sort through my dog's various toys, treats, etc. There's plenty of random odds and ends from when she was a little puppy that will be trash or I should rehome, I'm sure.