Good Going, Sibley, with the donating and also the consolidation! I am doing some consolidation lately myself.
I'm going to take credit today, though, for decluttering my vintage portable ceramic electric heater, of the dust dam that had taken years to form deep inside the hidden recesses of the thing. It tool me 2 hours, most of which I spent in figuring out if the dust dam was dust, or some kind of filter, or what. Internet not very helpful. The 'dust dam' was partially blocking the flow of air over the heat fins.
Finally poked around enough to figure out it was just years of packed on dust, and got all sorts of tools out to get the matted dust crud out safely. (Vacuum cleaner, lungs to blow, hair drier to blow, thin wire handle from Chinese take-out box to hook onto crud mat. The unit is currently warming my feet, all nice and clean, and efficient once again, lol. More fun than 'regular' decluttering.