Author Topic: Continued: Getting rid of stuff / Clearing out clutter! PART 2  (Read 1456179 times)


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Continued: Getting rid of stuff / Clearing out clutter! PART 2
« Reply #5900 on: June 21, 2022, 12:09:23 PM »
Had an old MacBook Air from 2015 that I had gotten from work. (They let me buy it outright at a hefty discount when I was due for an upgrade). DW used it happily as her primary computer for a few years, but the battery degraded over time for a while and didn't hold a charge very long.

I tried to repurpose it as a "always plugged in" computer for a few months. Even considered replacing the battery, but ultimately just decided to sell it off.

Sold it off to one of those 3rd part electronics resellers. Didn't get too much for it, but now it is out of my house, and they can worry about replacing the battery and finding a good new home for it. Still was a rock solid machine, other than the battery.

I traded in my old MacBook Air when I bought a new one at an Apple reseller. I got about 60 usd for it. The wipe out that I made accidentally screwed up the hard disk. Before that happened I was promised about 100 dollars. My problem was that the fans seemed to really tired so when the cable broke and a replacement was to expensive I decided that I could buy a new one after about 8 years of use.


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: Continued: Getting rid of stuff / Clearing out clutter! PART 2
« Reply #5901 on: June 22, 2022, 03:24:41 AM »
A small bag of my clothes and a large bag of DS's was donated.  I have a few piles of things waiting for donation. They are collecting dust and I will have to clean them. I really must get them out of the house.

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Re: Continued: Getting rid of stuff / Clearing out clutter! PART 2
« Reply #5902 on: June 22, 2022, 05:33:20 AM »
Big box of children's books made it into the free library at my inlaw's appartment building.
Cleaned out 1 drawer of my little cabinet. 5 more to go......

Prairie Gal

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Re: Continued: Getting rid of stuff / Clearing out clutter! PART 2
« Reply #5903 on: June 25, 2022, 07:25:33 PM »
Found three pairs of shoes, a book and an old scanner to donate.

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Re: Continued: Getting rid of stuff / Clearing out clutter! PART 2
« Reply #5904 on: June 25, 2022, 07:48:44 PM »
Got visitors today so things that have been lying around for ages have finally been dealt with. They will want to nose about so even the cupboards are tidier right now.

Sold some decorative outside lights that aren't really us and gave away a few other things including a dressing gown that I've had for 9 years and never worn. I kept thinking I would become a classy silk nightie with gown kind of person but I'm always in a hoodie and PJs. A pair of jeans I never really liked have ripped so they are going to recycling rather than patching. As is a cushion cover that is now so thin it's full of holes. It's satisfying to really wear something out. I've boxed up books & DVDs that have been listed for free but no-one wants and I'm donating them to a big charity fair - more eyes on them and maybe they will go finally.

So I've got a load of stuff in the car waiting for me to pass the relevant places. Hopefully won't be too long.


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Continued: Getting rid of stuff / Clearing out clutter! PART 2
« Reply #5905 on: June 25, 2022, 10:13:38 PM »
DH cleaned out his pantry and so much stuff went! Some items I brought to my house. Others were expired and got tossed. Some items neither of us will use are going to a neighborhood pantry.  Like items were grouped together in a basket so that we know he has all the ingredients for say, taco night, at a glance. Or not, and we know which items need to be purchased to complete a meal.

He reorganized and agreed he could let go of the pandemic grocery anxiety and let levels get lower than in the past two years before he restocked. He's made a concerted effort to use up items and base menus off what he has and making a list instead of just grabbing items in the store. He's not mustachian (yet) but has come a long way since I've known him.

At my house I took a bag around to grab everything that was recyclable and get it into the can before this upcoming week's pickup, then did the same with trash. Packaging, compost, all out of the house and in its proper place. I really felt the urge to go shopping today and quashed it because I do not need anything and I'll save that money and energy for when I do need something.

Prairie Gal

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Re: Continued: Getting rid of stuff / Clearing out clutter! PART 2
« Reply #5906 on: June 26, 2022, 05:55:48 PM »
I tossed a bunch of wire racks that the previous owners had left behind. One little corner of the garage opened up. I have a box of hangers in the garage also. I tried to give them away, but the people never showed up, so I guess I will just put them in the donate box for the thrift store. Same with some old blankets.

The garage is starting to look a bit more organized, but still lots of work to do out there.

Dutch Comfort

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Re: Continued: Getting rid of stuff / Clearing out clutter! PART 2
« Reply #5907 on: June 27, 2022, 08:42:12 AM »
Sister in law could use a large ton that was in our garden waiting for a purpose for containing her bamboo plants in her garden. Gladly gave it away to have more space!

Will get through my closet to donate a few items, since I bought a few new things this weekend and my "1 in - 1 out" rule has to be adhered to!

DS started to get through his lego's and is making a set every day. He wants it out of his room, but I told him it only goes out in complete sets so I can decide on whether to sell, keep or donate it (we probably will keep the Lego City items, while the few Lego Ninjago and Lego Marvel sets will be sold). This will be his summer job!

DS also went through his sock-drawer..... and found a bag full of socks which were ill-fitted and/or outgrown / unused. I need to check if the outgrown/unused can be donated. The ill-fitted/worn out socks will be turned into scrub sponges for cleaning.


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: Continued: Getting rid of stuff / Clearing out clutter! PART 2
« Reply #5908 on: June 30, 2022, 05:10:13 PM »
Went through the kids rooms again today, & got rid of a ton of stuff. Organized clothes, tossed torn items, gave away a bunch on Buy Nothing. Tossed/recycled garbage. Cleaned the closets & drawers. Gave away books, shoes, clothing, soccer gear, etc.

Also gave away a few items lingering from another Buy Nothing posting.

Listed four items on eBay, which I haven't been doing for months.


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Continued: Getting rid of stuff / Clearing out clutter! PART 2
« Reply #5909 on: June 30, 2022, 07:10:17 PM »
I got a free tote bag and realized that I did not need another tote bag. I put some new toiletries and some non-perishable snacks in it and put in in the neighborhood pantry on my way to work.


  • Magnum Stache
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Re: Continued: Getting rid of stuff / Clearing out clutter! PART 2
« Reply #5910 on: July 01, 2022, 08:39:40 AM »
I got a free tote bag and realized that I did not need another tote bag. I put some new toiletries and some non-perishable snacks in it and put in in the neighborhood pantry on my way to work.

I don't know how someone can not need a new tote bag, but I applaud your solution!

The condo is clear and I have left the buy nothing group. A couple in our development was helping their nieces set up their first home, so they took a lot of things and let us drop off the last bits on the way out. They got a lot of those little things you end up realizing you need at the last minute, like trash cans.

Still have to figure out what we can trim down on the boat. DH is adamant that he wants to keep the extra computers and Arduino kits for coding classes, but we are packed seriously tight, so I am going to have to identify something to go.


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Continued: Getting rid of stuff / Clearing out clutter! PART 2
« Reply #5911 on: July 01, 2022, 10:17:27 PM »
@ixtap Well, I used to have a real problem with too many reusable grocery bags and totes. I took every free one that came along, I refashioned them with scrap fabric pockets and hanging loops. Then I realized that I never need more than three at a time and I had double digit numbers. (hoarding?)
Now I try to keep them circulating in the universe instead of trapped in my trunk. :) I figured someone would rather have a brand new bag so that's the one I let go of.

Got rid of a container from Father's Day snacks and a single sock that had drifted alone in the drawer for months. His mate is probably lost at sea. I did a quick swipe of the tv stand with it before I tossed it.

Next is the gardening shed. It's getting over-full and this is only my first summer here.


  • Magnum Stache
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Re: Continued: Getting rid of stuff / Clearing out clutter! PART 2
« Reply #5912 on: July 02, 2022, 08:48:57 AM »
@ixtap Well, I used to have a real problem with too many reusable grocery bags and totes. I took every free one that came along, I refashioned them with scrap fabric pockets and hanging loops. Then I realized that I never need more than three at a time and I had double digit numbers. (hoarding?)
Now I try to keep them circulating in the universe instead of trapped in my trunk. :) I figured someone would rather have a brand new bag so that's the one I let go of.

Got rid of a container from Father's Day snacks and a single sock that had drifted alone in the drawer for months. His mate is probably lost at sea. I did a quick swipe of the tv stand with it before I tossed it.

Next is the gardening shed. It's getting over-full and this is only my first summer here.

I used at least five today!


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Continued: Getting rid of stuff / Clearing out clutter! PART 2
« Reply #5913 on: July 02, 2022, 12:07:13 PM »
This conversation reminded me I'd saved a cool rice bag and some webbing in my sewing stash. I made a...dum dum dum...tote bag. X) It is currently packed with a bunch of mending to take to a friend and I have a stong feeling his daughter will love it and I can gift it to her. I love the process but don't need to keep the item when I sew.

I don't know if I can count this as a declutter because I could have just tossed these items when they came into my house. But I have diverted them from the landfill for a while.


  • Handlebar Stache
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Re: Continued: Getting rid of stuff / Clearing out clutter! PART 2
« Reply #5914 on: July 03, 2022, 11:50:47 AM »
Clutter blindness.  There was an old pump bottle of liquid soap on the sink, with a quarter inch of soapy water in the bottom.  It has been there forever. Finally noticed it. Dumped the soapy water into another similar bottle, cleaned and recycled the now empty bottle. 

Moved some other items off the sink into a cabinet.

I  threw out a small half-full jar of ancient Herbalife brand  skin moisturizing lotion I will probably never use.

When looking for a filter for a vacuum cleaner in a bedroom, came across a stack of magazines. Found 4 big ones that were easy to part with. Put them in the recycle bag.

« Last Edit: July 03, 2022, 12:51:17 PM by slackmax »


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: Continued: Getting rid of stuff / Clearing out clutter! PART 2
« Reply #5915 on: July 03, 2022, 05:28:30 PM »
Gave away more stuff on Buy Nothing, and sold three shirts on eBay. Junk out, money in.


  • Magnum Stache
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Re: Continued: Getting rid of stuff / Clearing out clutter! PART 2
« Reply #5916 on: July 04, 2022, 10:53:23 AM »
Clutter blindness.  There was an old pump bottle of liquid soap on the sink, with a quarter inch of soapy water in the bottom.  It has been there forever. Finally noticed it. Dumped the soapy water into another similar bottle, cleaned and recycled the now empty bottle. 

Moved some other items off the sink into a cabinet.

I  threw out a small half-full jar of ancient Herbalife brand  skin moisturizing lotion I will probably never use.

When looking for a filter for a vacuum cleaner in a bedroom, came across a stack of magazines. Found 4 big ones that were easy to part with. Put them in the recycle bag.

Here's a cure I've found for clutter blindness:  pick an area, big or small.  Remove all items from that area.  Clean thoroughly.  Put back only the items you want to keep.  This forces you to notice and decide on each single thing, so nothing is missed.  Works like a charm!


  • Magnum Stache
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Re: Continued: Getting rid of stuff / Clearing out clutter! PART 2
« Reply #5917 on: July 04, 2022, 04:30:17 PM »
I've got 3 bags full of clothes, shoes, and other miscellaneous items for the thrift store. But still way too much clutter...I need to work on preventing new clutter as I address the current clutter!


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: Continued: Getting rid of stuff / Clearing out clutter! PART 2
« Reply #5918 on: July 04, 2022, 05:13:43 PM »
Gave away 30+ items on Buy Nothing today. I deal with anxiety by cooking & cleaning/organizing. I had a stressful couple of days, so I did all of the cooking, and all of the decluttering. Make hay while the sun shines, and all that.

Also listed my son's ant habitat on Facebook Marketplace, with the shipping option. I've never done that before, and it sold in less than an hour. Definitely had the price too low, but will get that mailed out tomorrow.


  • Handlebar Stache
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Re: Continued: Getting rid of stuff / Clearing out clutter! PART 2
« Reply #5919 on: July 05, 2022, 08:26:42 AM »
Clutter blindness.  There was an old pump bottle of liquid soap on the sink, with a quarter inch of soapy water in the bottom.  It has been there forever. Finally noticed it. Dumped the soapy water into another similar bottle, cleaned and recycled the now empty bottle. 

Moved some other items off the sink into a cabinet.

I  threw out a small half-full jar of ancient Herbalife brand  skin moisturizing lotion I will probably never use.

When looking for a filter for a vacuum cleaner in a bedroom, came across a stack of magazines. Found 4 big ones that were easy to part with. Put them in the recycle bag.

Here's a cure I've found for clutter blindness:  pick an area, big or small.  Remove all items from that area.  Clean thoroughly.  Put back only the items you want to keep.  This forces you to notice and decide on each single thing, so nothing is missed.  Works like a charm!

What I have noticed is that I will eye an area, and remember that I already decluttered it last year, so why bother again? But if I do declutter it again, I sometimes end up getting rid of some more stuff anyway, since something in my psyche has changed since last year, or I really do not need the things any more, for whatever reason. 


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: Continued: Getting rid of stuff / Clearing out clutter! PART 2
« Reply #5920 on: July 05, 2022, 08:35:31 AM »
Clutter blindness.  There was an old pump bottle of liquid soap on the sink, with a quarter inch of soapy water in the bottom.  It has been there forever. Finally noticed it. Dumped the soapy water into another similar bottle, cleaned and recycled the now empty bottle. 

Moved some other items off the sink into a cabinet.

I  threw out a small half-full jar of ancient Herbalife brand  skin moisturizing lotion I will probably never use.

When looking for a filter for a vacuum cleaner in a bedroom, came across a stack of magazines. Found 4 big ones that were easy to part with. Put them in the recycle bag.

Here's a cure I've found for clutter blindness:  pick an area, big or small.  Remove all items from that area.  Clean thoroughly.  Put back only the items you want to keep.  This forces you to notice and decide on each single thing, so nothing is missed.  Works like a charm!

What I have noticed is that I will eye an area, and remember that I already decluttered it last year, so why bother again? But if I do declutter it again, I sometimes end up getting rid of some more stuff anyway, since something in my psyche has changed since last year, or I really do not need the things any more, for whatever reason.

There's also an emotional thing that happens sometimes: if it's hard to get rid of stuff for whatever reason, and you do get rid of something and then everything is ok, then it makes it easier next time to get rid of more.


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: Continued: Getting rid of stuff / Clearing out clutter! PART 2
« Reply #5921 on: July 06, 2022, 01:55:54 AM »
Council clean-up completed. A pile of miscellaneous stuff that was really landfill, but would have been hard to fit into the weekly rubbish collection. And various scrap metal objects. I also put out second child's old bicycle with a free sign on it and someone picked it up. I put it out last Clean-up and no-one took it and neither did the council collectors. I assume it looked too good to take. Encouraged by this I put my bike out too. I haven't ridden it in a decade or so and aren't likely to. If I ride a bike again I will almost certainly get an e-bike. It was a bit of a wrench to get rid of it, but both of them were just deteriorating in the shed...better someone get some use out of them.


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Re: Continued: Getting rid of stuff / Clearing out clutter! PART 2
« Reply #5922 on: July 06, 2022, 11:04:30 AM »
There's also an emotional thing that happens sometimes: if it's hard to get rid of stuff for whatever reason, and you do get rid of something and then everything is ok, then it makes it easier next time to get rid of more.

I really struggle with the emotional angle and the worry that I will need stuff in the future. The truth is that there have been times that I missed something I previously donated. But what I try to remind myself now is that even if I miss an item and wish I could use it now, would it really have been worth storing it and moving it and keeping track of it? The answer to that is usually no!

Another thing I remind myself is that sometimes even when I keep an item, I can't always find it when I need it! So that helps me let go of things, too. I am still a work in progress, though...


  • Magnum Stache
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Re: Continued: Getting rid of stuff / Clearing out clutter! PART 2
« Reply #5923 on: July 06, 2022, 11:40:34 AM »
There's also an emotional thing that happens sometimes: if it's hard to get rid of stuff for whatever reason, and you do get rid of something and then everything is ok, then it makes it easier next time to get rid of more.

I really struggle with the emotional angle and the worry that I will need stuff in the future. The truth is that there have been times that I missed something I previously donated. But what I try to remind myself now is that even if I miss an item and wish I could use it now, would it really have been worth storing it and moving it and keeping track of it? The answer to that is usually no!

Another thing I remind myself is that sometimes even when I keep an item, I can't always find it when I need it! So that helps me let go of things, too. I am still a work in progress, though...

I have gotten rid of tons of stuff in the past few years, and have truly regretted parting with only one thing.  It's the only thing I occasionally think of and wish I still had (a vintage laundry hamper).  But if I had to keep all the other things in order to have kept that one item, it would not have been worth it.  Plus, the more I get rid of and the more I see that I never need or miss the vast majority of the stuff, the easier it is to continue parting with things.  I'm soldiering on because there's still more.

The basement and a spare room are the last bastions of clutter, so I'm working on those now.  I realized how much useless stuff I have downstairs last night, when I was frantically searching for a baby bunny that had somehow gotten in, and thinking how many fewer hiding places there would have been had I tackled this area sooner!  Happy ending - bunny found his way out with the help of a broom.  And now that the basement is topsy-turvy anyway, I might as well continue.

Frugal Lizard

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Re: Continued: Getting rid of stuff / Clearing out clutter! PART 2
« Reply #5924 on: July 06, 2022, 11:45:45 AM »
I have been wanting to get back to work on the clutter but with elder parent downsizing twice in the last 9 months, I just have to throw up my hands.

I have decided for the rest of the summer I shall not worry about clutter (apart from preventing any more clutter to enter the house) and renew my resolve to tackle it in the fall once both of my offspring have gone off to university residence.  I shall sort through things uninterrupted by teenager opinions and hopefully they both take a whole bunch of stuff with them.


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: Continued: Getting rid of stuff / Clearing out clutter! PART 2
« Reply #5925 on: July 06, 2022, 01:22:44 PM »
There's also an emotional thing that happens sometimes: if it's hard to get rid of stuff for whatever reason, and you do get rid of something and then everything is ok, then it makes it easier next time to get rid of more.

I really struggle with the emotional angle and the worry that I will need stuff in the future. The truth is that there have been times that I missed something I previously donated. But what I try to remind myself now is that even if I miss an item and wish I could use it now, would it really have been worth storing it and moving it and keeping track of it? The answer to that is usually no!

Another thing I remind myself is that sometimes even when I keep an item, I can't always find it when I need it! So that helps me let go of things, too. I am still a work in progress, though...

I have gotten rid of tons of stuff in the past few years, and have truly regretted parting with only one thing.  It's the only thing I occasionally think of and wish I still had (a vintage laundry hamper).  But if I had to keep all the other things in order to have kept that one item, it would not have been worth it.  Plus, the more I get rid of and the more I see that I never need or miss the vast majority of the stuff, the easier it is to continue parting with things.  I'm soldiering on because there's still more.

The basement and a spare room are the last bastions of clutter, so I'm working on those now.  I realized how much useless stuff I have downstairs last night, when I was frantically searching for a baby bunny that had somehow gotten in, and thinking how many fewer hiding places there would have been had I tackled this area sooner!  Happy ending - bunny found his way out with the help of a broom.  And now that the basement is topsy-turvy anyway, I might as well continue.

The biggest example I have of "should not have gotten rid of it" wasn't even my stuff! My mom, in her anxiety/depression/whatever the hell is going on with her brain, latched onto my dad's tools as "must get rid of". Dad isn't strong enough anymore to stand up to her when she gets going, and I was distracted and didn't go back through what dad didn't pack up. I should have. We have needed some of those tools since. Nothing is a huge deal, but it clearly bothers dad, and mom is completely oblivious to the extent of her fuck up, and also to the consequences of her not being aware of her fuck up.

Of my stuff, of course there's some things that I've gotten rid of and regretted it later. But it wasn't a disaster. And that's the key.


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Re: Continued: Getting rid of stuff / Clearing out clutter! PART 2
« Reply #5926 on: July 07, 2022, 08:38:55 AM »
I sometimes think back fondly on items I've gotten rid of, but have not truly regretted anything. And, love the freedom it opens up in my house, closet, drawers, you name it. I also love thinking about someone else actually getting use out of the item, instead of it just wasting space at my house.


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Re: Continued: Getting rid of stuff / Clearing out clutter! PART 2
« Reply #5927 on: July 07, 2022, 10:01:32 AM »
I also love thinking about someone else actually getting use out of the item, instead of it just wasting space at my house.

This is really a beautiful sentiment, and I will add it to my mental toolbox of ways to not regret letting things go!


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Continued: Getting rid of stuff / Clearing out clutter! PART 2
« Reply #5928 on: July 07, 2022, 06:01:23 PM »
SIL mentioned she loved some of the copious swag I got from work. I asked her if she wanted certain items and she said yes! I made her a little gift bag of swag I was given on my first day that felt awkward to refuse. She actually wants it, it's out of my house, and HR isn't offended. Now to remember to give it to her and not drive it around for 6 months...


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Re: Continued: Getting rid of stuff / Clearing out clutter! PART 2
« Reply #5929 on: July 07, 2022, 06:14:19 PM »
When we met, we each owned a home. Now, we live together on a sailboat and this time we don't even have a storage locker. We have only actually regretted getting rid of one thing in all that downsizing, but we didn't even know what it was when we threw it out. Now we know, but no one makes it, so we can't get a replacement.

Plus, if we really need something,  we can replace it when that need arrives. In our most recent clearing, there have been a few instances of me getting rid of old varnishes or other substances and DH deciding he wants to do that particular project almost immediately.  Oh well, those projects will be done with fresh stuff.


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Re: Continued: Getting rid of stuff / Clearing out clutter! PART 2
« Reply #5930 on: July 07, 2022, 08:30:16 PM »
I've been decluttering for years, and honestly, I can't recall regretting anything I tossed. If there ever was, I have forgotten! Mainly I regret keeping things. There are often things that should go out, but I hold onto them, only to get rid of them next time around. Whilst this is good as its better to get rid of excess, no matter how you do it, I often wonder why I didn't just let it go the first time.  It would have been a lot quicker, doh!

Prairie Gal

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Re: Continued: Getting rid of stuff / Clearing out clutter! PART 2
« Reply #5931 on: July 09, 2022, 11:03:54 AM »
I've been decluttering for years, and honestly, I can't recall regretting anything I tossed. If there ever was, I have forgotten! Mainly I regret keeping things. There are often things that should go out, but I hold onto them, only to get rid of them next time around. Whilst this is good as its better to get rid of excess, no matter how you do it, I often wonder why I didn't just let it go the first time.  It would have been a lot quicker, doh!

It takes me a few rounds sometimes because I was instilled with a strong sense of "you might need that someday" by my Dad who grew up during the Depression. They never threw out anything.


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Re: Continued: Getting rid of stuff / Clearing out clutter! PART 2
« Reply #5932 on: July 09, 2022, 03:27:38 PM »
So far, I think there has been one bag that I regret giving away but that’s it.

Yesterday I got around to trying some books I picked up from free libraries and decided I wasn’t going to read any of them so that’s five books out of the house.

The other thing I have been trying is to change over to ‘one-out one-in’ — I buy a replacement once something is all used up, instead of being in the cycle of buying something new and then discarding the old.


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: Continued: Getting rid of stuff / Clearing out clutter! PART 2
« Reply #5933 on: July 09, 2022, 04:30:03 PM »
I've been decluttering for years, and honestly, I can't recall regretting anything I tossed. If there ever was, I have forgotten! Mainly I regret keeping things. There are often things that should go out, but I hold onto them, only to get rid of them next time around. Whilst this is good as its better to get rid of excess, no matter how you do it, I often wonder why I didn't just let it go the first time.  It would have been a lot quicker, doh!

It takes me a few rounds sometimes because I was instilled with a strong sense of "you might need that someday" by my Dad who grew up during the Depression. They never threw out anything.
My parents were children of the Depression also. They kept everything and apart from "you might need it someday" there was "that's still good".


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Re: Continued: Getting rid of stuff / Clearing out clutter! PART 2
« Reply #5934 on: July 10, 2022, 04:01:46 AM »
oh yeah, no regrets about stuff I've given away! I like that reminder.

To-go pile: 3 kitchen things, bedding set.


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Re: Continued: Getting rid of stuff / Clearing out clutter! PART 2
« Reply #5935 on: July 10, 2022, 11:19:15 PM »
After a bit of a hiatus, I had a bonanza.

One product (used once but didn't work out) to Walking Friend

One product (used a few times but didn't work out) split between two friends

One product (used once but didn't work out) promised to Friend I Will See Next Weekend

The medicine cabinet is looking more roomy!

Three articles of clothing to a friend who was happy to wear, but also happy to help me get them to the thrift store if they don't work for her, super bonus!


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Re: Continued: Getting rid of stuff / Clearing out clutter! PART 2
« Reply #5936 on: July 11, 2022, 08:06:36 AM »
I have regretted donating some stuff, but I can't remember what, ha ha. So it's OK.

Today, I thought I was going to be able to throw out a used vacuum cleaner bag, since I had dumped the contents out, reinstalled it, and the suction was still too low.

Lo and behold, it turned out to be a clog in the suction hose, so I just cleaned out the hose, and all is well again, even reusing the old bag. 


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Re: Continued: Getting rid of stuff / Clearing out clutter! PART 2
« Reply #5937 on: July 11, 2022, 12:36:16 PM »
Went through and tossed a bunch of really old and expired cosmetics. I'd been saving samples of mascara and things for travel and they have dried up; such a waste. I threw out things like foundations, powders, liners, eye shadows, lip gloss, chapstick, etc., that were old, expired, dried up and no longer serving me. It's a relief to free up some drawer space and a lesson learned to stop "saving the good things" for another day.


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Re: Continued: Getting rid of stuff / Clearing out clutter! PART 2
« Reply #5938 on: July 11, 2022, 02:23:33 PM »
I have regretted donating some stuff, but I can't remember what, ha ha. So it's OK.

Every once in a while, I wish I hadn't gotten rid of my childhood favorite stuffed bear, Squeakers. But that feeling passes.


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Re: Continued: Getting rid of stuff / Clearing out clutter! PART 2
« Reply #5939 on: July 11, 2022, 05:34:29 PM »
I had bought a package of backing foam roll a while ago, used a small amount, and stashed the rest in the tool cupboard. Today, dad came by to ask if I had any before he bought it. One small package out of the house!


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Re: Continued: Getting rid of stuff / Clearing out clutter! PART 2
« Reply #5940 on: July 12, 2022, 07:55:39 AM »
Wanted to take a moment to send some encouragement to everyone just starting this process.  It's easy to feel overwhelmed, but in my experience, the best method is:
- whatever works for you
- keep doing it.
It can seem overwhelming when you read about those people quickly decluttering entire rooms, closets, garages, etc. but for long-term success the key will be Persistence.  Unless you're under a time crunch like a family home cleanout and sale, you can go at your own pace as long as you keep going forward.

Yesterday I dropped off 3 items at the Goodwill.  It's not a lot, but I do it consistently because it's now a habit to let go of things I don't need.  It not only clears out physical space but also the mental irritation of thinking "I should do something about this stuff" every time you have to look at it.
Good luck to everyone. 


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Re: Continued: Getting rid of stuff / Clearing out clutter! PART 2
« Reply #5941 on: July 12, 2022, 08:04:10 AM »
My Mom died in February.  I cleared out and sold the 5th Wheel RV she was living in, with the help of my 2 Aunts, and did so by stashing anything I didn't know for sure was trash on top of my already stuffed storage units.  At this point I am going through her papers.  I'm doing it one folder at a time.  I have a large shredder and I work until I get overwhelmed.  I'm doing about 2 folders a week.  It is slow, but I do see progress.


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Re: Continued: Getting rid of stuff / Clearing out clutter! PART 2
« Reply #5942 on: July 12, 2022, 03:54:23 PM »
I've been keeping a bag for donations by the door and when it gets full, off it goes. Yesterday it was a handbag, a book, a pair of trousers, a hat and a jacket.


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Re: Continued: Getting rid of stuff / Clearing out clutter! PART 2
« Reply #5943 on: July 12, 2022, 06:32:25 PM »
I had bought a package of backing foam roll a while ago, used a small amount, and stashed the rest in the tool cupboard. Today, dad came by to ask if I had any before he bought it. One small package out of the house!



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Re: Continued: Getting rid of stuff / Clearing out clutter! PART 2
« Reply #5944 on: July 12, 2022, 07:38:05 PM »
It's easy to feel overwhelmed, but in my experience, the best method is:
- whatever works for you
- keep doing it.
...for long-term success the key will be can go at your own pace as long as you keep going forward.

So true! I will add that you are never really done. The possessions that serve you now may not do so in a year or a decade. And in the mean time, new things will creep in. Vigilence!


  • Handlebar Stache
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Re: Continued: Getting rid of stuff / Clearing out clutter! PART 2
« Reply #5945 on: July 13, 2022, 07:37:20 AM »
Wanted to take a moment to send some encouragement to everyone just starting this process.  It's easy to feel overwhelmed, but in my experience, the best method is:
- whatever works for you
- keep doing it.
It can seem overwhelming when you read about those people quickly decluttering entire rooms, closets, garages, etc. but for long-term success the key will be Persistence.  Unless you're under a time crunch like a family home cleanout and sale, you can go at your own pace as long as you keep going forward.

Yesterday I dropped off 3 items at the Goodwill.  It's not a lot, but I do it consistently because it's now a habit to let go of things I don't need.  It not only clears out physical space but also the mental irritation of thinking "I should do something about this stuff" every time you have to look at it.
Good luck to everyone.

Yes, persistence!  I have so much stuff to get rid of, one way or another, it does feel like a lifetime project. I keep donating, selling, recycling, tossing, a few things at a time. And I almost never take any new 'future clutter'  into the house. So I know stuff is continually going out, and not in.  Slow and steady wins the race.   


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Re: Continued: Getting rid of stuff / Clearing out clutter! PART 2
« Reply #5946 on: July 13, 2022, 08:15:25 AM »
After going on vacation this past week and seeing in photos how poorly they fit, I unencumbered myself of 3 tshirts.  Then I donated a wedge pillow and a large knickknack to my local thrift shop.  I went early before they opened so I could avoid going inside. 


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Re: Continued: Getting rid of stuff / Clearing out clutter! PART 2
« Reply #5947 on: July 13, 2022, 10:58:32 AM »
10 more books to the RV park library, a few dozen VHS tapes to the thrift store, as well as a bag-o-junk from my dad's garage.

However, I did buy 2 vertical bookcases off Kijiji, but they will replace a horizontal one, which I'll sell.  More storage and less floor space taken up, so still kind of a win.

Also got rid of a big box of branches that my trees keep shedding, but unfortunately, there will be more in short order.  I'm going to declutter an entire tree in fall, though!  It's not one of the shedders, but is more than half dead, so at least it won't be an eyesore anymore.


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Re: Continued: Getting rid of stuff / Clearing out clutter! PART 2
« Reply #5948 on: July 13, 2022, 06:53:31 PM »
Went through my teen son's room while listening to a (recorded) course I'm taking. This is like my 3rd or 4th run through his room this summer, mostly because it's so incredibly messy. Got rid of another few bags of stuff. A bunch to recycling, some to Buy Nothing, and organized other things.


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Continued: Getting rid of stuff / Clearing out clutter! PART 2
« Reply #5949 on: July 13, 2022, 08:10:34 PM »
Decluttered the task of installing my new smoke detector. It's been sitting on the kitchen counter for maybe a month. I finally took down the old mounting bracket and installed the new one. It took all of fifteen minutes, including vacuuming up the dust from drilling the holes. Then I vacuumed the base boards and air intake vents. In total, I threw away the old mounting bracket, packaging, and old paint-crusted screws; recycled the instructions; and disposed of a lot of dog hair from the baseboards.
The important part is I got the task off my mental to-do list and the smoke detector parts off the counter.