Small wins this week - I read "Decluttering at the Speed of Life" and liked the anti-konmari approach of keeping things contained as you go, so that if you are interrupted (or sick, or tired) you are not left with a larger interim mess. I really like KonMari - especially for the folding advice - but this was more practical for me at the moment so I can keep some progress going without commiting my full office or home to overhaul. It is just not the time for that now.
With that in mind, I got rid of about 4 inches of paper clutter at work, and a full box of stuff at home. I also needed to read her take on kitchen pantry clutter - which I fight against (frequent lurker on the
' topic, and I hate the thought of food waste). She asked - is the food already wasted? As in, you might be ok eating slightly expired food, and using up non-favorites, but how many times have you opted for something else when it should have been an option. Also addressed the 'i don't want the chance of being sick today', with -
when is a good time to feel sick?
So, a super old bag of broken/mixed/yucky cereal and similarly broken/mixed/yucky biscuits plus the last few tablespoons of lemon curd finally hit the bin. I'm very relieved. I tried a few pudding and other recipes with those items and they were never good. It was wasted food a long long time ago. Now I can focus on the next mystery ingredients in my cupboard, and the next likely stack of shreddable papers.