For anyone who remembers the saga of the Destroyer of the Last Will and Testament (DotLWaT!), here is a brief recap and update. For those who don't know or can't remember, DotLWaT actually did go to the home of deceased and destroyed the Will within 24 of the death. This was more than a year ago.
Here is a short recap, leaving out all of the juicy drama about the funeral planning and related insanity:
1. Mama Zamboni died after a brief illness that involved hospitalization. She was old enough to have adult children--Mr. Zamboni and his siblings--but she was not that old and she didn't have cancer or anything like that, so the death was fairly sudden and unexpected.
1. DotLWaT went straight from the hospital to Mama Zamboni's home right after her death and found the Will that evening. She informed a few people including Mr. Zamboni and his sister that she found it. DotLWaT stated that she didn't like who is named as heir in it.
2. DotLWaT threatened to burn the Will. Everyone assumed she was joking.
3. DotLWaT then changed her story to "there was no Will" and insisted that she be named Executor of the Estate. The sister of the deceased (Mr. Zamboni's Aunt), whom everyone including DotLWaT seemed to agree was actually named the Executor by the deceased, said "fine, you got it, I don't want to be involved."
4. Mama Zamboni lived alone and unfortunately she was a Hoarder to an extent that she could have been featured on the TV show. Out of obligation, Mr. Zamboni offered to either physically help with her belongings or pay to hire help to clean out her home. DotLWaT got angry at the suggestion. She said she wanted to go through it all herself and she didn't want Mr. Zamboni or his sister involved. Mama Zamboni was a retired public school teacher of modest means who had immigrated to the US without a dime, so it's not like there were priceless heirlooms involved, but DotLWaT apparently thought there is some sort of buried treasure in the home I guess? Dunno. I can't even imagine what she thought she would find.
5. Mr. Zamboni's sister and Mr. Zamboni agreed that DotLWaT could clear out the home herself if that is what she wanted to do, but they balked at DotLWaT's stated plan to move into the home. They agreed that it should be listed for sale and the proceeds split among the heirs via the probate process. DotLWaT begrudgingly agreed to list it for sale after she cleared it out.
So here we are, more than a year after DotLWaT successfully petitioned the court to be appointment Executor. Has Mama Zamboni's home been listed for sale? Nope. No surprises there. Mr. Zamboni's sister has been trying to keep tabs on it, but Mr. Zamboni has ceased all communication with DotLWaT to preserve his own sanity.
Meanwhile, another family member has recently died. Although DotLWaT had openly and repeatedly professed hatred of this person, once he became gravely ill you know DotLWaT began hovering. He seemed to trust her and have no clue what mean and horrible things she has said about him over the years. You may have successfully guessed that she went to the hospital immediately upon learning he died. She said she wanted to see his body and then she told Mr. Zamboni's sister that her plan was going to go from there into his home to "look for important papers." Seriously, WTF. I guess she thought she'd get there before anyone else and the hospital would fork over all the stuff from his locker to her. Then she'd go into his place in a repeat of what she had done when Mama Zamboni died.
But in a twist she wasn't expecting, the hospital staff wouldn't even let her in to see him because she isn't "next of kin." She must have asked about his stuff, because she told Mr. Zamboni's sister that hospital staff had informed her his possessions all go to his wife because he was MARRIED! Which she didn't even know! To be fair, while we knew he had a very serious lady friend, who was often there when we visited and who seemed to be taking care of him for the past couple of years, we also didn't know they had officially married. So his wife inherited everything, much to DotLWaT's annoyance . . . I certainly hope she stayed out of his home and didn't get in there somehow to rifle through his stuff under the auspices of "helping" his wife, but I wouldn't put anything past DotLWaT at this point.