I am light on details because I really didn't want to delve deeper, and even if I had, I wouldn't trust the info anyway.
20+ years ago, FIL moved in with his mother (GMIL) because of her failing house. He cared for her for ~10 years and took care of all house maintenance and repairs in exchange for getting to live in the house until he died.
10 years ago she moved in with her daughter (sister of FIL). Aunt makes noises every so often about how FIL should move out so they can sell the house.
GMIL dies a month ago. FIL has a will saying he can live in the house. Aunt has a newer will saying it should be sold. FIL was never told about the newer will and has put significant money into the house (somewhat stupidly IMO).
Now aunt is forcing FIL to buy or move, and FiL says aunt is dead to him. And is apparently buying the house for around 100k.
The whole thing is just messy messy messy. I assume both sides are to blame - FIL for assuming a 20 year old deal was still good with nothing to back it up (looking in it was obvious how this would go), and Aunt for possibly influencing the will.
Of course the other factor is that it would make sense for a 75 year old who lives alone to buy a condo instead of a 3 story (with basement) house in the Cleveland snow belt.....
And selfishly when FIL dies this house will now be our problem to empty and sell instead of someone else's!
Stay tuned for chapters 2 and 3, featuring MIL and my GPA, both of whom have similar arrangements about staying in a house after a spouse dies. Hopefully theirs are better legally defined.