Yeah, I have a sister that could be your sib's twin. Sadly, I let the rest of my siblings outvote me on something the black sheep sister vehemently swore she was entitled to. Pissed me off so much that after acquiescing on that point, I adamantly refused to be manipulated further. I also rewrote my own will. The pressure my sibs put on me is going to cost them in the long run, but even writing that sounds bitter. Uh, it made me re-think and revise my own beneficiary designations. Does that sound bitter better?
@Dicey, just want to say to the bolded that it doesn't sound bitter. It sounds like a logical consequence.
After my special trustee duties of selling my parents house were finished, I had learned so much of how my sister mishandled things that I started revising my beneficiary designations beginning when I took my disbursement check to the bank. She has no idea how much gaining for herself is going to cost her in the end.
Heh-heh, I know just what you parent's estate was significantly smaller than it might have been because of sister's constant draining of parental resources. She gambles. In the year before my mom died, she stole at least $11k in cash via fradulent CC use that I know of, in addition to manymanymany other things. The fact that she still got (and squandered) the biggest piece of the pie will never be forgotten.
Just to keep this thing on topic, I'll add another glimpse into her dark soul. After my Mom's Memorial, Dad didn't want to live in the house without her. He wanted to go to my brother's in AZ, so another sister, DH and I packed him up and moved him. He took what little he wanted and left the rest, which was heartbreakingly sad in itself.
My parent's gated Senior Community hosts an annual garage sale. As it happens, it was scheduled for about six weeks after her passing, which was WAY too soon, but it had to be done. Other Sister, DH and I did the seven hour each way shlep multiple times to get the house ready. The three of us ran the Estate Sale. Black Sheep Sister was nowhere to be found, as she'd already taken what was "hers" and disappeared, despite living less than an hour away.
During the sale, we got an all-cash offer on the house. The prospective buyer was - wait for it - a Probate Judge. It didn't phase him in the least that Dad was out of state and the house was in a trust. We told him we'd already had an offer for the same amount and asked him to do a little better, which he did. We were elated, because we didn't have to pay any commissions or fees to get the sale closed. All the houses in their community had one of three floor plans, so we knew exactly what it was worth.
When Black Sheep Sister is employed, she works in Title Insurance. When she discovered the house was already in escrow*, she split a fucking gasket. She screamed and swore that we had sold the house too cheaply and that she was going to consult a lawyer and sue us. She knew nothing about the terms of the deal, but we knew it was rock-solid. Talk to the hand, Black Sheep Sister.
Meanwhile, the same trio returned to the house one last time after the Estate Sale and cleaned the ever-loving shit out of it. DH touched up all the paint, and sis and I scrubbed everything. We rented a pro carpet cleaner and DH worked on it for hours until it looked like new. The buyer was thrilled, telling us he fully expected he'd have to replace the carpet and repaint. Um, nope. We took pride in the job we did, and he had offered us a fair price and completely eliminated any hassle we might have otherwise encountered. Win-win.
*Valuable lesson learned for me. Whenever we buy property, we expressly forbid the use of any Title Company BSS has ever worked for. No need for her to know any more of our business than she can already get her nosy mitts on.
I know I've told parts of this story before, but damn,
@saguaro, it felt good to let that out again. Thanks!