This family inheritance story has just come to my attention:
My Father has a Half-Sister, who was at one time married to a Scientist. This Scientist was very charming and famous, and even in a government advisory body of high standing. The couple had 3 children together and was very well off. They got divorced, because the Scientist was sleeping around (well, not really around, he took the ladies home to the marital bed). The children always blamed the divorce on their Mother, and even though they lived with her, their relationship never recovered. There was a Stepfather who helped raise them, and loved them, but they rejected him, harshly. When the Father (eta: the Scientist) died, all 3 children inherited a lovely amount.
My Father's Sister has always leaned towards that half-side of the family, mainly because that's where the money is. To her, somehow, 'wealth' equals 'better'.
It now turns out (eta: 50 years later) that that wealth was gathered through bribes! Large corporations at the time paid the Scientist large sums to influence the government advisory body! I wonder how that inheritance feels now....