My mother-in-law passed away in the fall. She had 4 children, 2 boys and 2 girls, one of whom is my wife.
We all dreaded whether the batshit-cray-cray narcissistic other sister was going to show up for the funeral and pull the drama-queen stunts she did for her father's funeral.
So much so that her 3 siblings seriously debated not telling her about the funeral until after it was over. These are nice people but they've been pushed and pushed into that solid a dislike of their sister over the last 50+ years.
In the end, they told her and, probably not having any money to make the trip, she chose not to come. I'm sure one of them would have paid for her to come if she had asked even vaguely nicely. Can't say they were sad about her absence.
So, we've long expected the sister would be a total horse's ass about the will and the distribution of assets. The first part of the assets were under accounts that had account beneficiaries with set percentages. So the companies just do it, period, with no one really getting much (if any) of a say otherwise.
There's just one investment account remaining that has not yet been distributed. Apparently, it's going by the will, not set beneficiaries. It's supposed to be divided equally into 4 parts. Should be easy, right?
Well, I would like to say the sister has behaved admirably, but it would be more accurate to state she has performed as expected.
This is my 3rd hand understanding of what's going on.
The sister, we'll call her "Judy", is refusing to sign the papers that would cause these funds to be disbursed. First, she explained she had converted to become a Jew and wouldn't sign any papers her rabbi didn't approve of. Now she's saying that she was "dad's favourite" and because of that, she should get 100% of this money. I've suggested we explain to her she might or might not have been "dad's favourite", but dad gave all his money to her mother, his wife, and not her. And clearly, whether or not she was "mom's favourite," mom chose to divide the money equally.
Now, personally, I think that Judaism gets a bad rap by all the bigots out there, so let's be clear the religion we're really discussing is Judyism.
And, to be fair, it's important to know that, as far as we could tell, she used to be a member of some religion of the month club. She would latch onto some religious skeaze who said things she liked and loudly "join" that religion, i.e., spout its BS until she found someone else's BS she liked better. My personal fave was a preacher out in California who preached that if you did something and you felt good about it, that was God's way of telling you it was the right thing to do. Boy, howdy, did "Judy" latch onto that doctrine. Jeffrey Daumer, that serial murderer who killed, dismembered and ate 17 young men (that we know of) could follow that doctrine and like it. But I digress.
Anyway, the funny thing is that of the 4 siblings, she is the only one who's not financially well off. Two of the siblings could hand this money - estimated at $150,000 - to the nearest wino stumbling by and it wouldn't affect their finances one whit. (My wife is one of them.) The other would **wants** the money but doesn't **need** the money. She, on the other hand, does need it, unless she's found a sugar daddy.
Now, I don't know, but I guess that she's already blown thru the sizeable chunk of money that's already been disbursed. Time will tell on that. I would be surprised if she hadn't.
At some point, the executor of the will will get tired of pissing around with her and point out a few obvious points. 1st, the executor gets paid for their time and trouble, and the more trouble she makes, the more they'll end up getting paid. Since the executor is one of the brother's wives, she'll just be transferring more of her share to one of her brothers with her antics. And since they were planning on doing the work without getting paid, as a courtesy to their siblings, it will come with a nice price tag. They can then keep that fee for themselves (the rest of us are JUST FINE with that, or if "Judy" really pisses them off, they'll divide it into 3 parts and divvy it up between "Judy's" two brothers and sister. And take "Judy" to court over it, the judge will divide the assets according to the will, and "Judy" will pay EVERYONE'S legal expenses. Since one of the brothers is a lawyer, he could accept that money (the two reasonable siblings are JUST FINE by that) or he can divvy it up into three parts and give everyone but "Judy" their portion. In other words, THANKS FOR BEING AN ASS THIS TIME, because it's the first time she's ever been an ASS in a way that's benefitted her other family members!
But hey, some people just have to learn the hard way.
It remains to be seen whether she is one of them.