Saw a Yahoo article today "Workers must plan on Social Security shortfall when retirement planning, advisers say" and found it interesting in light of the recent discussion here. It shows, by generation, how much of people's planned retirement income is coming from various sources, including (of course) Social Security. I'll net it for you: Baby Boomers - 40% from SS, Gen X - 25%, Millennials - 17%; Gen Z - 16%. I (being a Gen X'er) thought to myself, "I must be depending on far less for social security in my plan than the average," then I did the math on my spreadsheet and damn if it didn't come up at 24-25% over the course of my planning horizon. I need to internalize that a bit, but my first reaction to that is to be concerned that I'm depending on too much from Social Security. I suppose its offset by the rest of my relatively conservative assumptions elsewhere, but hmmmm....
Ah, just realized I made the classic math blunder of dividing by the remainder of my income (other than SS) rather than dividing by the total (SS + all other sources) I get a slightly better result, right around 20%.