@BeanCounter , and folks, this is one of the reasons I would have such a hard time pulling the trigger with dependents who have not yet established their own independence, etc. My situation is that it is taking much longer on that front than I had anticipated, at the cost of more than $120K above and beyond undergraduate college expenses. 529 accounts are $0.00 at this point, so everything hits 'stache dollars. Not saying this to discourage anyone, just something to consider - that the brain of a early adult is an interesting mix of chemistry, and it can result in some paths being taken that were not necessarily in the script you wrote.
My discussions with DW of late are contemplating significantly more travel than I had originally planned for. What I find encouraging is that, in response to this potential budget-busting news, I am finding myself tightening the budget in other areas and reducing aspirations for the retirement dwelling (current house is too large, too expensive - so we know we have to make a change there). This, versus the alternative of saying, "Ok, I'll just work X more year(s)."
Of course, I'm not the spring chicken that many others on this thread are (I'm 54 with a target age of 56), but I am nevertheless encouraged by my response to this change. It makes me realize that, despite having a "number" attained or having a spreadsheet that says the money should last until age 88.36752914, at some point you will just have to take a leap of faith and realize that, if you were smart enough to get into this cohort, you're probably going to be smart enough to get early headlights to any "situations" on the horizon and make adjustments accordingly (on either the expense side or the income side).
Does this mean that I won't fall victim to OMY? Hard to say for sure, but I'm hopeful that I won't. Life is too short and I've already delayed this thing long enough with some personal & financial setbacks along the way.
My 2 cents this morning (takes a sip of coffee), wishing everyone all the best in your journeys!
PS> I read others saying they just need to "coast" for X more years, and I don't know what to think. I don't believe I am capable of "coasting" whatever that means. Which is one of my challenges in this journey. I'm either all in or I'm out and I'm generally not happy with myself when I'm just doing the minimum to get by. Maybe I'm missing a chip.