Author Topic: Race from 100 to 250k  (Read 1327950 times)


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Re: Race from 100 to 250k
« Reply #1450 on: January 31, 2018, 06:18:26 AM »
4/28/17 $82,123.14 start of competition
5/31/17 $83,416.85 an increase of $1,293.71
6/30/17 $88,646.63 an increase of $5,229.78
7/31/17 $97,939.57 an increase of $9,292.94
8/31/17 $98,975.02 an increase of $1,034.45
9/29/17 $101,431.60 an increase of $2,456.58
10/31/17 $106,262.40 an increase of $4,830.80
11/30/17 $103,638.95 a decrease of -$2,623.45
12/29/17 $107,889.26 a 4% increase of $4,250.31
01/31/18 $112,888.72 a 4.6% increase of $4,999.46

Obviously the market did most the work this month.  I worked some overtime so my paychecks were a little bigger than usual.  I did pay a $1,000 medical bill and sold a motorcycle for $700 more than what I though it was worth.  I have one larger medical bill looming plus wedding expenses.


  • Bristles
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Re: Race from 100 to 250k
« Reply #1451 on: January 31, 2018, 06:29:54 AM »
Marketable securities: 

12/15 ~    $81,000
12/16 ~  $109,000
01/17 ~  $116,000
02/17 ~  $122,000
03/17 ~  $125,000
04/17 ~  $130,000
05/17 ~  $130,000
06/17 ~  $134,000
07/17 ~  $138,000
08/17 ~  $142,000
09/17 ~  $148,000
10/17 ~  $151,000
11/17 ~  $158,000
12/17 ~  $164,000      Year end TNW estimate ~ $445,000
01/17 ~  $174,000


  • Bristles
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Re: Race from 100 to 250k
« Reply #1452 on: January 31, 2018, 06:49:24 AM »

01/2017:  $42,000
02/2017:  $51,000
03/2017:  $57,500
04/2017:  $62,500
05/2017:  $71,546
06/2017:  $80,500
07/2017:  $88,597
08/2017:  $97,618
09/2017:  $106,055
10/2017:  $111,242
11/2017:  $120,141
12/2017:  $131,419
01/2018:  $143,602
02/2018:  $151,025

Pretty decent month despite paying over $7k in quarterly estimated taxes. Recently got a raise and directed most of it to increased 457 contribution!


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Re: Race from 100 to 250k
« Reply #1453 on: January 31, 2018, 08:46:37 AM »
I am joining this race from the $10k-$100k race!  Hopefully not too early.

I don't count true NW but thought it would be nice to look back and see it, so I added it!  What I am really tracking is the "Invested Total" column.  I also don't count different savings accounts if they have a specific purpose (maternity leave, self-employment taxes, etc).

What is happening in 2018:  Baby #2 is due in late March!  I accepted a job offer last week that includes a 30+% raise. I will not be able to contribute to the new company 401k until I have been there for 30 days, very close to when I take unpaid maternity leave, and we are holding off on putting anything into the IRA until after maternity leave so our Invested Total should follow the market increases/dips for the next several months with very little contributions added.  We also plan to finish off student loans in 2018 (finally).  If DH's business continues growing as it has for the last few months I would love to max his IRA and then will need to make decisions of paying down debt vs investing in another rental vs increasing my 401k vs opening an IRA for me vs increasing contributions to 529 Plans.

I was hesitant to join this group before the end of the month but it looks like I made a safe bet, I am here to stay (until the next graduation)!

Code: [Select]
        401K        IRA Invested Total Home Value Rental Value Debt         Total NW
Dec-13 $43,660 $0         $43,660 $120,000 $120,000 $232,000 $51,660
Dec-14 $52,943 $0         $52,943 $125,000 $125,000 $227,000 $75,943
Dec-15 $55,622 $0         $55,622 $130,000 $130,000 $227,000 $88,622
Dec-16 $68,870 $700 $69,570 $200,000 $130,000 $281,000 $118,570
Dec-17 $96,294 $1,167 $97,461 $240,000 $135,000 $317,727 $154,724
Jan-18 $101,379 $1,212 $102,591 $240,000 $135,000 $316,332 $161,258


  • Stubble
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Re: Race from 100 to 250k
« Reply #1454 on: January 31, 2018, 09:40:48 AM »
Updating for Feb a day early because I'm traveling tomorrow and won't be in front of a computer. Broke 150k!

Nov: 131,132
Dec: 136,176
Jan: 144,773
Feb: 154,787


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Re: Race from 100 to 250k
« Reply #1455 on: January 31, 2018, 09:52:03 AM »

01/2017:  $42,000

02/2018:  $151,025

Wow.  An impressive 13 months.  Congrats!


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Race from 100 to 250k
« Reply #1456 on: January 31, 2018, 10:32:24 AM »
05/31/15:  -59,130 - Started tracking
12/31/15:  -48,294
06/30/16:  -31,079
12/31/16:  -12,948
06/30/17:   16,864
7/31/17:     28,092.96
08/31/17:   11,927.63
09/30/17:   10,855.00
10/31/17:  115,192.30
11/30/17:  114,447.76
12/31/17:  115,566.39
01/31/18:  129,358.02 (+13,791.63)

Up $13,791 for January, market returns and a higher than average income.  We have a maternity leave coming up so will see NW losses in the 1st half of the year.

We have some pretty close numbers for this race and we have a maternity leave coming up too.  We don't count the savings that was specifically set aside for that so I am hoping it won't have a NW loss but we also will not be adding anything to savings from the middle of Feb until probably the middle of June. 


  • Bristles
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Re: Race from 100 to 250k
« Reply #1457 on: January 31, 2018, 12:15:01 PM »

01/2017:  $42,000

02/2018:  $151,025

Wow.  An impressive 13 months.  Congrats!

Thanks! 01/2017 is the month I found MMM (or, more precisely, the month I started putting MMM into action!).


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Race from 100 to 250k
« Reply #1458 on: January 31, 2018, 12:42:39 PM »
03/2017 - $130,500
04/2017 - $133,780 (+3280 - Saved $2500, Market Gains $780, Savings Ratio 48.2%)
05/2017 - $138,157 (+4377 - Saved $2835, Market Gains $1542, Savings Ratio 54.4%)
06/2017 - $144,144 (+5987 - Saved $3265, Market Gains $2731, Savings Ratio 61.9%)
07/2017 - $147,452 (+3308 - Saved $2039, Market Gains $1269, Savings Ratio 39.1%)
08/2017 - $152,993 (+5541 - Saved $2961, Market Gains $2580, Savings Ratio 54.3%)
09/2017 - $155,863 (+2870 - Saved $2838, Market Gains $32, Savings Ratio 52%)
10/2017 - $162,673 (+6810 - Saved $2999, Market Gains $3811, Savings Ratio 54.9%)
11/2017 - $168,673 (+6000 - Saved $2775, Market Gains $3225, Savings Ratio 50.8%)
12/2017 - $175,755 (+7082 - Saved $2730, Market Gains $4352, Savings Ratio 50%)
01/2018 - $193,174 (+17419 - Saved $3452, Market Gains $13967, Savings Ratio 63.3%)
02/2018 - $207,459 (+14285 - Saved $3693, Market Gains $10592, Savings Ratio 67.7%)

Good month, even with eating out too much.
« Last Edit: January 31, 2018, 02:45:26 PM by Cornel_Westside »


  • Bristles
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Re: Race from 100 to 250k
« Reply #1459 on: January 31, 2018, 01:00:54 PM »
05/31/15:  -59,130 - Started tracking
01/31/18:  129,358.02 (+13,791.63)

Up $13,791 for January, market returns and a higher than average income.  We have a maternity leave coming up so will see NW losses in the 1st half of the year.

We have some pretty close numbers for this race and we have a maternity leave coming up too.  We don't count the savings that was specifically set aside for that so I am hoping it won't have a NW loss but we also will not be adding anything to savings from the middle of Feb until probably the middle of June.

We do have rather close numbers!!!

We had planed on selling our home, which would have netted us >10,000 in hand, but our buyer fell through (read was super shady) and then the seller on the house we were under contract for won't release our $3,000 deposit.  So currently we're about $13,000 down from expected cash in our checking/savings account.  We're currently pursing the $3,000 in small claims court....
Now it's too close to the baby being born to try and sell, so we're staying.  Which is annoying but fine.
I'm hoping to be able to cash flow all of maternity without dipping into "savings" but I do count all cash assets in my NW calculation.

My work is changing drastically when I go back from maternity leave.  I hope much to the better but we will see how I feel comfortable calculating it.  I think I'll be keeping my LLC money separate and then paying myself quarterly after I pay qaurtlery taxes.... so we might not see gains in NW until 3rd quarter this year....  I haven't decided how exactly to do the accounting though.


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Re: Race from 100 to 250k
« Reply #1460 on: January 31, 2018, 01:28:06 PM »
   Jul 1, 2016      -$19,048    
   Jan 1, 2017      -$25,189     <---Discovered MMM
   Dec 29, 2017       $110,473    
   Feb 1, 2017       $116,237    

I only count investment accounts minus outsanding debts, ignoring condo equity / mortgage and depreciating assets.


  • Bristles
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Re: Race from 100 to 250k
« Reply #1461 on: January 31, 2018, 02:15:35 PM »

6/1/2017 - $115,738
6/30/2017 $117,232 ~ +1.29%
7/31/2017 $119,087 ~ +1.58%
8/31/2017 $123,218 ~ +3.47%
9/30/2017 $123,886 ~ +0.54%
10/31/2017 $125,468.75 +1.28%
11/30/2017 $124,036.64 ~-1.14%   - Almost a new leap day  ;)
12/31/2017 $130,952.23 ~5.58%   - Side note: previous month didn't have tax liens so this % is a little skewed

1/31/2018  $135,011.70 ~ 3.10%

Numbers based on Mint and does not include:
 A small crypto currency investment speculation < $1000

Not much to say.  If I actually had put away what I planned it would be a few thousand higher!  Oh well, at least January's over spending will be paid for by work so, go me?


  • Bristles
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Re: Race from 100 to 250k
« Reply #1462 on: January 31, 2018, 06:31:38 PM »

            Net Worth      investment and cash assets
Mar 2016     $28,361       $74,408
Jun 2016     $40,970       $81,270
Sep 2016     $57,895       $92,035
Dec 2016     $80,499      $100,376
Jan 2017     $87,257      $104,880
Feb 2017     $93,080      $110,760
Mar 2017     $99,766      $116,593
Apr 2017     $97,334       $89,230  Bought a house
May 2017     $100,755      $93,943
Jun 2017     $102,562      $96,048
Jul 2017     $107,420     $101,106
Aug 2017     $107,530     $102,450
Sep 2017     $112,554     $106,887
Oct 2017     $116,826     $110,677
Nov 2017     $122,380     $115,275
Dec 2017     $128,724     $121,976
Jan 2018     $136,288     $127,999

This month we paid for our vacation that we will take in September.  Its been a spendy month.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2018, 08:26:12 PM by BeautifulDay »


  • Bristles
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Re: Race from 100 to 250k
« Reply #1463 on: January 31, 2018, 06:41:20 PM »
31-Oct-16: $121,639
30-Nov-16: $128,335
31-Dec-16: $134,179
31-Jan-17: $140,623
28-Feb-17: $148,087
31-Mar-17: $153,745
30-Jun-17: $171,538
31-Jul-17: $179,124
31-Aug-17: $180,682
30-Sep-17: $192,217
31-Oct-17: $199,128
30-Nov-17: $207,436
30-Dec-17: $222,019
31-Jan-18: $236,834

Wow was it a good month. Last fall I had hoped to graduate this tread by July, now I'm thinking March or April barring the market going down. Investments only as always.


  • Stubble
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Re: Race from 100 to 250k
« Reply #1464 on: January 31, 2018, 08:40:01 PM »

Dec 2016 - $129.04 k
Jan 2017 - $133.53 k
Feb 2017 - $139.23 k
Mar 2017 - $145.40 k
Apr 2017 - $149.59 k
May 2017 - $155.36 k
Jun 2017 -  $160.27 k
July 2017 - $167.24 k
Aug 2017 - $171.00 k
Sep 2017 - $178.27 k (5 paychecks instead of 4)
Oct 2017 - $184.61 k
Nov 2017 - $190.83 k
Dec 2017 - $196.66 k

Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk
Jan 2018 - $210.26 k

Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk


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Re: Race from 100 to 250k
« Reply #1465 on: February 01, 2018, 05:52:38 AM »
Now that I’m back to work and hammering closer to 250k, time to really get focused.

Feb 1, 2016 - $90k
Jan 1, 2017 - $177k
Jan 1, 2018 - $196k
Feb 1, 2018 - $214,462

Up $18k in January. I’m alternating 72/82 hr work weeks (every other Sunday off)  at the moment, so I should be saving right around $12k-$13k per month off my income. The rest is market gains. February I should be getting a good tax return. This job will likely end early summer then I’ll have to find another. I’m hoping it’ll stretch through at least June as that’ll be a 3 paycheck month. If I can make it (and keep these hours up) through July I should hit $300k.

Plans have a tendency to change, but that’s the current goal, aside from joining the 250k-500k club by my 30th birthday in April.


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Re: Race from 100 to 250k
« Reply #1466 on: February 01, 2018, 06:04:38 AM »
05/31/2017: $101,116
06/30/2017: $105,800
07/31/2017: $108,102
08/31/2017: $109,173
09/30/2017: $112,641
10/31/2017: $114,947
11/30/2017: $120,950
12/31/2017: $130,109
01/31/2018: $135,205


  • Stubble
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Re: Race from 100 to 250k
« Reply #1467 on: February 01, 2018, 06:21:19 AM »
1/17 - $71,425.20
2/17 - $81,629.90
3/17 - $90,185.83
4/17 - $106,744.63
5/17 - $112,212.95
6/17 - $119,459.82
7/17 - $123,788.19
8/17 - $130,553.30
9/17 - $137,292.06
10/17 - $141,917.56
11/17 - $149,045.19
12/17 - $153,537.92
1/18 - $160,703.16


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Re: Race from 100 to 250k
« Reply #1468 on: February 01, 2018, 06:27:21 AM »
Investments and liquid assets, not including condo equity:

April 15, 2017 -           164,900
May 1, 2017 -             ? (Lost info)
June 1, 2017 -            ? (Lost info)
July 1, 2017 -             180,808
August 10, 2017 -       189,280
September 1, 2017 -   193,727
October 1, 2017 -        209,968
November 1, 2017 -     220,602
December 1, 2017 -     225,918
January 1, 2018 -        232,213
February 1, 2018 -       245,447

It is a good feeling to look at my total and know that it is more than what I have left on my mortgage.  I'm also much further along this year than I thought and that was with a bunch of extra spending this month.  Along with many others I have to wonder how long this increase will continue, but I'm willing to try to swim upstream and buy stocks at a discount!


  • Bristles
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Re: Race from 100 to 250k
« Reply #1469 on: February 01, 2018, 07:27:16 AM »
1/31/16 - $101,376.00
3/1/2016 - $102,990.00
4/1/2016 - $116,749.00
5/1/2016 - $119,487.00
6/1/2016 - $126,469.00
7/1/2016 - $130,494.00
8/1/2016 - $137,029.00
9/1/2016 - $137,784.00
10/1/2016 - $138,994.00
11/1/2016 - $142,793.00
12/1/2016 - $145,877.00
1/1/2016 - $153,860.00
2/1/2017 - $160,572.00
3/1/2017 - $166,884.00
4/1/2017 - $178,162.00
5/1/2017 - $181,246.00
6/1/2017 - $185,933.00
7/1/2017 - $188,383.00
8/1/2017 - $194,921.00
9/1/2017 - $198,680.00
10/1/2017 - $200,900.00
11/1/2017 - $205,957.00
12/1/2017 - $210,663.00
1/1/2018 - $218,174.00

2/1/2018 - $224,331.00


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Race from 100 to 250k
« Reply #1470 on: February 01, 2018, 07:27:33 AM »
Investments only:

2/1/18  -  $198,264.59

*For married folks, do you combine both of your assets, or just list them here individually?
« Last Edit: February 01, 2018, 07:29:53 AM by dcozad999 »


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Re: Race from 100 to 250k
« Reply #1471 on: February 01, 2018, 07:29:36 AM »
NW // Inv. Assets

5/1/17 - $115,775  //  $92,843
6/1/17 - $132,067  //  $96,095
7/1/17 - $134,078  //  $96,404
8/1/17 - $142,711  //  $100,068
9/1/17 - $144,009 // $102,800
10/1/17 - $146,185 // $106,104
11/1/17 - $151,793 // $111,791
12/1/17 - $155,245 // $116,204
1/1/18 - $157,542 // $115,616 - Had some unexpected medical bills hit this month (hence the drop in HSA funds) and decided to pull the trigger and prepay property taxes late in December as well.

2/1/18 - $165,472.41 // $123,774.69

Gain buoyed by a great month in the market and we really reigned in the spending the last two months.  If the market continues the next 12 months like the last 12 months I'll threaten to graduate ($250K) by year end, which I doubt will happen.
« Last Edit: February 01, 2018, 07:46:54 AM by DarkandStormy »


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Re: Race from 100 to 250k
« Reply #1472 on: February 01, 2018, 07:47:59 AM »
Joining the race! Counting investment accounts and rental property, not including E fund or primary residence.  Goal is to graduate the challenge by Dec 2020.

1/31/18   $100,248


« Last Edit: February 01, 2018, 02:09:54 PM by blahblahblah »

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Re: Race from 100 to 250k
« Reply #1473 on: February 01, 2018, 08:21:09 AM »
Oct/16 77000
Nov/16 82700
Dec/16 93200
Jan/17  103,720
Feb/17 119,800
Mar/17 127,400
Apr/17 140,376
May/17 148,000
Nov/17 174,000
Dec/17 184,000
JAN/17 189,000
Feb/17  195,000

I don't understand how the numbers keep increasing so fast, NW is going up by more than my after tax salary every month.


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Re: Race from 100 to 250k
« Reply #1474 on: February 01, 2018, 08:37:50 AM »
I don't understand how the numbers keep increasing so fast, NW is going up by more than my after tax salary every month.

The market is very hot right now. While that lasts, keep expecting lots of growth!


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Re: Race from 100 to 250k
« Reply #1475 on: February 01, 2018, 08:58:44 AM »
$43,153 - Jan 2016
$67,328 - Jan 2017
$119,626 - Jan 2018

$123,301 - Feb 2018

Bit of a bump from the market, not doing too bad.

Uncle Scrooge

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Re: Race from 100 to 250k
« Reply #1476 on: February 01, 2018, 09:02:19 AM »
We just crossed 250k! Hopefully the market doesn't go south and knock us back under. See you all in the next race!

Jan 1,2015- $111,500
July 1,2015- $112,000
Jan 1,2016- $131,900
July 1,2016- $156,400
Jan 1,2017-$174,700
July 1,2017-206,400
Jan 1, 2018-$242,000

Feb 1,2018-$251,700


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Re: Race from 100 to 250k
« Reply #1477 on: February 01, 2018, 09:44:28 AM »
Well done Uncle Scrooge.


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Re: Race from 100 to 250k
« Reply #1478 on: February 01, 2018, 09:46:13 AM »
Goodness, look at those numbers. Well done ladies and gentlemen!

SpareChange also had a good month, up $11,186.90 to $236,171.69. Eyeballing March or April for graduation. 


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Re: Race from 100 to 250k
« Reply #1479 on: February 01, 2018, 09:58:47 AM »

8/8/16: $101,750
2/24/17: $110,773
3/31/17: $115,783
4/30/17: $116,557
5/31/17: $117,749
6/30/17: $121,780
8/17: $124,670
9/17: $126,816
10/17: $126,387 (Commission check hit month after)
11/17: $137,646
12/17: $146,267
1/18: $150,863

This month was a roller coaster... I decided it was a good idea to start investing in options and futures. My networth was above 170,000 at one point, then we had that dip a few days ago and was sub 145,000. Today, I am closing most of my positions, and still hit my goal for the month.

Slow and steady is the way to go, way less stressful!


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Re: Race from 100 to 250k
« Reply #1480 on: February 01, 2018, 09:58:58 AM »
Investments only:

2/1/18  -  $198,264.59

*For married folks, do you combine both of your assets, or just list them here individually?

I work a lot so my wife doesn’t work (aside from teaching some spin classes). Aka. My investments are our investments. Well - aside from her years of maxing out the Roth IRA with money I gave her lol.


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Re: Race from 100 to 250k
« Reply #1481 on: February 01, 2018, 10:24:32 AM »
Month   Investments   Netwoth   Change $
12/31/2016   $64,692   $115,586   
1/31/2017   $66,070   $119,286   $3,700
2/28/2017   $67,186   $124,750   $5,464
3/31/2017   $67,472   $129,384   $4,634
4/30/2017   $67,858   $125,701   -$3,683
5/31/2017   $70,822   $134,613   $8,912
6/30/2017   $82,983   $140,581   $5,968
7/31/2017   $92,589   $153,631   $13,050
8/31/2017   $96,256   $158,942   $5,311
9/30/2017   $100,416   $168,020   $9,078
10/31/2017   $106,552   $180,965   $12,945
11/30/2017   $111,570   $192,790   $11,825
12/31/2017   $123,158   $209,752   $16,962
1/31/2018   $140,791   $226,088   $16,336

What a month! A very frugal January combined with some market run ups is eye opening! Frugality is the name of the game for 2018


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Re: Race from 100 to 250k
« Reply #1482 on: February 01, 2018, 10:26:15 AM »
Dates   Net
Feb 2017   $7,713
Mar 2017   $12,001
Apr 2017   $23,711
May 2017   $28,278
Jun 2017   $41,666
Jul 2017   $65,434
Aug 2017   $88,637
Sep 2017   $116,511
Oct 2017   $134,174
Nov 2017 $132,600
Dec 2017 $141,929
Jan 2018 $177,833
« Last Edit: February 01, 2018, 02:36:51 PM by pharmmm »


  • Stubble
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Re: Race from 100 to 250k
« Reply #1483 on: February 01, 2018, 11:25:02 AM »
Jan. 1, 2017 - 103,000
Feb. 1, 2017 - 106,500
Mar. 1 2017  - 102,500
Apr. 1  2017 -  110,000
May 1  2017 -  112,500
June 1 2017 -  113,500
July  1 2017 -  120,500
Aug. 1 2017 -  131,000
Sept. 1 2017-  131,000
Oct.  1  2017-  131,500
Nov. 1  2017 - 135,000
Dec. 1  2017 - 140,000
Jan. 1   2018 - 160,000
Feb. 1   2018-  168,000

Yuge gains like everyone else invested this month, but this is also with me going over budget on an expensive trip that kept me from going over $170,000.  I know the party won't go on forever, but it would be nice to have a flat to steady rest of 2018 to get my feet underneath me on post-house purchase replenishment. 


  • Bristles
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Re: Race from 100 to 250k
« Reply #1484 on: February 01, 2018, 12:36:41 PM »

Investments only:

2/1/18  -  $198,264.59

*For married folks, do you combine both of your assets, or just list them here individually?

What I list is combined with DH. My spreadsheet has our various contributions across various investment accounts split out, but all I really care about is the total, so that's what I list here.


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Re: Race from 100 to 250k
« Reply #1485 on: February 01, 2018, 01:57:21 PM »
Jun 2017 $112k
Jul 2017 $115k
Aug 2017 $111k [sold house and paid off student loans]
Sep 2017 $117k
Oct 2017 $121k
Nov 2017 $125k
Dec 2017 $126k [buying a house, lots of associated expenses]
Jan 2018 $132k [stellar market]


  • Stubble
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Re: Race from 100 to 250k
« Reply #1486 on: February 01, 2018, 05:01:09 PM »
First post for $100k-$250k!  Back in the summer of 2015, my NW was -$12,000.  It was a pretty smooth trip from there to $100k thanks to a ridiculously positive bull market.  I anticipate more ups and downs from here, but here's to hoping on average I can keep plugging away and never waiver through whatever comes next in the coming years.

2/1/18 - $103,481

Mustachio Bashio

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Re: Race from 100 to 250k
« Reply #1487 on: February 01, 2018, 09:33:35 PM »
Feb 1st - 167,752
Mar 1st - 177,448
Apr 1st - 183,917
May 1st - 189,025
June 1st - 195,189
July 1st - 202,048
Aug 1st - 211,263
Sept 1st - 215,880
Oct 1st - 222,924
Nov 1st - 230,962
Dec 1st - 238,389
Jan 1st - 247,829
Feb 1st - 263,000

The market has been pretty crazy.  The last few days have been not the best in terms of the market and crypto, so I was at +20k for the month a few days ago, but I really can't complain with these crazy gains.  Good luck everyone and see you in the next thread!


  • Stubble
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Re: Race from 100 to 250k
« Reply #1488 on: February 02, 2018, 08:22:24 AM »
Feb 1st - 167,752
Mar 1st - 177,448
Apr 1st - 183,917
May 1st - 189,025
June 1st - 195,189
July 1st - 202,048
Aug 1st - 211,263
Sept 1st - 215,880
Oct 1st - 222,924
Nov 1st - 230,962
Dec 1st - 238,389
Jan 1st - 247,829
Feb 1st - 263,000

The market has been pretty crazy.  The last few days have been not the best in terms of the market and crypto, so I was at +20k for the month a few days ago, but I really can't complain with these crazy gains.  Good luck everyone and see you in the next thread!

Sent from my SM-N920V using Tapatalk


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Race from 100 to 250k
« Reply #1489 on: February 02, 2018, 09:14:55 AM »
Feb 1st - 263,000

The market has been pretty crazy.  The last few days have been not the best in terms of the market and crypto, so I was at +20k for the month a few days ago, but I really can't complain with these crazy gains.  Good luck everyone and see you in the next thread!

Congrats!! You too Scrooge!


  • Bristles
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Re: Race from 100 to 250k
« Reply #1490 on: February 02, 2018, 06:49:02 PM »
Figured I would join in the games.  Starting point:

Feb. 1st 2018$146,541


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Re: Race from 100 to 250k
« Reply #1491 on: February 03, 2018, 09:20:08 AM »
We just graduated from 10k to 100k race and very excited to be in this race.

Good luck everyone.

Our progress since April 2014.

April, 2014               : -$9,000
October, 2014          : $1500
December, 2015       : $20,000
December, 2016       : $48,000
September 1, 2017   : $82,000
October 1, 2017       : $87,996
November 1, 2017    : $90,085
December 1, 2017    : $94,182
January 1, 2018        : $97,318
February 2, 2018  : $104,695


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Re: Race from 100 to 250k
« Reply #1492 on: February 03, 2018, 10:44:02 AM »
Including IRAs, 401(k), HSA, and Investment Account.
Jan 1, 2016 - $81,396
Aug 1, 2016 - $120,039
Oct 1, 2016 - $122,943
Jan 1, 2017 - $128,893
Mar 1, 2017 - $151,772
May 1, 2017 - $156,756
Aug 1, 2017 - $170,072
Sep 1, 2017 - $174,170
Oct 1, 2017 - $189,054  - moved $8K into Investment Account from Emergency Savings. While overall NW did not increase much, moving money around into respective accounts pushes the needle dramatically.

Nov 1, 2017 - $196,010 - yippee!! so close to $200K!

Dec 1, 2017 - $201,106 - nice! Crossed over to the $200k line. Let's hope I can stay for awhile. Still projecting Jan 2019 to hit $250k.

Congrats to all the graduates this month!

Jan 1, 2018 - $205,595.91

Feb 1, 2018 - $216,842.97


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Re: Race from 100 to 250k
« Reply #1493 on: February 04, 2018, 02:23:23 PM »
Joining this thread as we recently breached 110K in nw. Single earner family with a not-so-crazy salary, but here goes:

17th-Jan-2018: 110K
04th-Feb-2018: 112K


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Re: Race from 100 to 250k
« Reply #1494 on: February 05, 2018, 09:57:13 AM »

Sep2014: - 4087 <--- started following MMM. 401k - student loans and car loan

Nov2017: 173,868
Dec2017: 184,268
Jan2018: 191,980
Feb2018: 204,625

wow... market gains


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Re: Race from 100 to 250k
« Reply #1495 on: February 05, 2018, 04:25:39 PM »

DATE                    |      NW          |       CHG          |              COMMENT                                                                                                                                |
2017-10-31                 115,301             +25,438            YE bonus graduated me to this thread.   
2017-11-30                 115,827             +     526            Too spendy this month, but at least positive
2017-12-31                 116,736             +     909            Another slow month, but reinvigorated for a frugal January

2018-01-31                 117,528             +     792            Actual saved decently, but an O&G ETF tanked hard, offsetting savings. Never should have bought that.


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Re: Race from 100 to 250k
« Reply #1496 on: February 05, 2018, 05:58:20 PM »
01/2017 $88,615
02/2017 $88,660
03/2017 $99,298
04/2017 $103,578
05/2017 $107,174
06/2017 $113,684
07/2017 $114,171
08/2017 $117,825
09/2017 $120,714  <-- bought a house, didn't affect rate of increase in net worth
10/2017 $123,290
11/2017 $129,261 < -- started a company, transferred a bunch of personal money to company, still saw a huge increase in networth
12/2017 $125,716 < -- bought a car to replace the one that was totaled
01/2018 $132,155
02/2018 $138,015

Also updated the group spreadsheet:


  • Stubble
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Re: Race from 100 to 250k
« Reply #1497 on: February 06, 2018, 04:25:43 PM »
Retirement only, does not include real estate or emergency savings:

January 2015: $98,619

January 2016: $101,235
December 2016: $140,779 (total NW $269,089)

January 2017: $151,307 (total NW $276,052)
December 2017: $193,677 (total NW $364,276)

January 2018: $203,876

Goal is to hit $250k by the end of 2018!

I know the total NW is over $250k but I'm focused on retirement only for this challenge. A good chunk of the NW is real estate equity.


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Race from 100 to 250k
« Reply #1498 on: February 07, 2018, 10:28:22 AM »
Goal of $200,000 by June of 2018.

Jan 1/16 - $105,809.20
Feb 1/16 - $102,834.20
Mar 1/16 - $105,602.70
Apr 1/16 - $108,749.60
May 1/16 - $111,301.30
Jun 1/16 - $115,863.40
Jul 1/16 - $117,155.44
Aug 1/16 - $121,029.58
Sept 1/16 - $115,764.20
Oct 1/16 - $118,878.00
Nov 1/16 - $121,182.02
Dec 1/16 - $122,740.03
Jan 1/17 - $126,041.95
Feb 1/17 - $126,222.84
Mar 1/17 - $131,614.25
Apr 1/17 - $138,777.41
May 1/17 - $143,059.30
Jun 1/17 (Goal of $150,000) - $145,507.49
Jul 1/17 - $144,570.34
Aug 1/17 - $144,686.48
Sept 1/17 - $147,458.04
Oct 1/17 - $152,266.77
Nov 1/17 - $158,846.78
Dec 1/17 - $162,149.53
Jan 1/18 - $164,613.88
Feb 1/18 - $165,721.03 - The market drop the last couple of days has hurt a little... but I'm still up.


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Re: Race from 100 to 250k
« Reply #1499 on: February 13, 2018, 08:31:54 PM »
Jan 2016      $80,165.78
Mar 2016     $101,768.81
May 2016     $106,529.21
July 2016     $115,035.02
Sept 2016    $126,076.92
Nov 2016     $135,152.36
Jan 2017      $147,729.69
Mar 2017     $140,835.79 (moving expenses set us back)
May 2017     $149,690.19
July 2017     $157,768.24
Sept 2017    $167,359.52
Nov 2017     $175,059.46
Jan 2018     $190,018.18
Feb 2018   $198,506.91

Market drops ate up our Feb contributions, and we paid for much of our upcoming summer cruise, but tax return helped out. Should go over $200K next month!