Author Topic: Epic FU money stories  (Read 2832377 times)


  • Magnum Stache
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Re: Epic FU money stories
« Reply #3600 on: January 14, 2021, 09:02:17 PM »
I'm losing all interest in work and I'm almost to one year away from my RE planned date (was a stretch goal, but it's becoming clear that unless there's a major correction, I can do it quite comfortably). 
So I'm looking at moving my RE date earlier, but I'm hesitating and starting to think of all kinds of scenarios to walk away.  Most of them are to not say anything other than "need to focus on family". 

But today I started thinking that I'd like to tell the Security Officer (holds my clearance) that I plan to start consuming pot. 

That's it.  Just see what they do with the info.  HAHAHA  If I travel, I have to give them notice.  I really wonder what they would do if I called and said "I plan to start getting high on mm-dd-yyyy."  I wonder if they even have any procedure in place or if they would just be like "okay, thanks for letting us know"

Folks above me are probably rightly encouraging you not to do this, but I am saddened that none of them pointed out that this is freakin' hilarious. Thanks for giving me a big laugh as I start my day.

Thank you!  I found it hilarious mostly because I truly do not think they would do anything. I’m done. I’m not going back. I don’t care about burning bridges (although I don’t think it’s really burning bridges). Also, I’ve been so worried about what to tell them why I’m leaving (there will be questions and I don’t intend to tell them the truth) this oils be an easy way out. It’s not illegal so they can’t hold it against me and if I tell them in advance they must either act or accept.
I’m talking myself into it the more I think on it.

I’ve already told many people I work with that I intend to become a total stoner once I retire. I don’t think anyone actually believes me because I’m incredibly square.
I had applied for a DC job at one point that included a pretty intensive background check. There was a fun moment where I was on a polygraph with a crew-cut wearing DOD operator asking me to describe exactly how much pot I had smoked while in college in Santa Cruz, just for the record. We agreed on a rough estimate based on number of days as an acceptable answer.

A friend of mine who worked for decades at DoD said that the key word to use was "experimental". Which, of course, led to a discussion of just how long/how many times could be considered an experiment. ("I wanted to get a statistically significant result!")


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Re: Epic FU money stories
« Reply #3601 on: January 15, 2021, 04:04:45 AM »
Those are both epic stories, @Alternatepriorities, but, at the same time, I'm kind of scandalized that someone who doesn't have the cognitive capacity to sell her house can still be foreclosed on. In your case, you and your brother were clearly acting in the best interest of your relatives, but it's easy to imagine a similar scenario in which the sons buy the mother's foreclosed house, evict her, and flip it for a quick profit

Well she hadn’t been paying the mortgage in months by that point and didn’t have any money to pay it with. I can’t really fault the bank for moving to foreclose.
I can see that. In a situation where the bank didn't know you and your brother and your mother, hopefully there would have been some mechanism to appoint someone independent to act on behalf of your mother.

Though even at 25 I knew enough to tell her to pay the mortgage rather than any other debts she had. She wouldn’t listen though and it probably would have backfired anyway. Even without a mortgage she was in bankruptcy when she passed. The part I found most scandalous was the number of new credit applications she was receiving while in bankruptcy. A dozen or more arrived in the two weeks between her death and when we cancelled her mail. The bankruptcy was dismissed (not sure of the legal term) after i showed her public aid that she had less that $500 in assets when she died. I never did find out her total debt. Very thankful to live in a time and place where debts are not passed on the children.
Scandalous indeed.  I hope it was predators like that who got stuck with your mother's debt.
Reading that again I had a new thought: What if the mother had gotten the credits a few weeks before she dies.
I don't know how it is in the US, but in Germany you can gift/endowment (whats the English legal term?) up to 400K/decade for a child without paying taxes (talk about "You can't give poor/unemployed free money or they will stop working/search for new work!!!" never again please).
Your mothers gifts you that sum and dies.
You refuse the inheritance (and such the debt).
You have the money, the predators the middle finger. Sounds good if you ask me!

There was a fun moment where I was on a polygraph
Fortunately such unworking toothsayer's equipment is illegal here.
It's hard to find a red flag for a working place that's bigger than that. Except you want a job writing horoscopes maybe.


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Re: Epic FU money stories
« Reply #3602 on: January 15, 2021, 06:23:23 AM »
@LennStar in NL all gifts made in the 180 days before death are considered to be part of the inheritance, exactly to avoid the scenario where people give away all their assets and keep the debts.

Lots of people start to give away money to their children starting when they are about retirement age. That way the assets will be mostly gone by the time a person dies.


  • Bristles
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Re: Epic FU money stories
« Reply #3603 on: January 15, 2021, 07:54:26 PM »
This started off innocently enough with an email to my supervisor:

"Just a reminder I’m off on Monday 1/18." (Recall this is MLK Jr. Day - a federally recognized holiday.)

It quickly escalated with his reply:


This is getting ridiculous, when do you intend to put in 40 hours a week?
You had off yesterday Sick and now Monday off."

It is true - I did take a sick day yesterday.  But what does it matter that I have a sick day and then take a regularly scheduled vacation (which I'm probably now going to use sick time for instead just to poke the wound) the next week?  So I jumped the shark with my reply:


If you are unhappy with my performance as an employee of (firm's long formal name - like when your mom yells at you using your middle name you know it's serious) I suggest you bring the matter to the attention of HR so as to draft a separation agreement which protects the interests of (acronym for firm)and myself.  In that agreement I would expect:

(list of 17 items firm and/or I would do as part of agreement - mostly stolen from a former co-worker's agreement which I had obtained a copy of)

I’d propose the “end of employment” date be between 2/19 and 3/5, which should provide for adequate time to transfer projects over.  This also would allow me a reasonable time to begin (and maybe finish) a search for a new job and possibly altogether avoid needing to apply for unemployment.

If you so choose to end this professional relationship I’d like to thank you for the time we’ve spent working together.  Either way I’ll check back with you on Tuesday."

Part of that is a bald-faced lie - I'm not going to seriously look for another job and I'm just trying to string-out employment as long as I can to cram my 401(k) as full as I can for the year; because of that I'm not going to file an unemployment claim - but my firm doesn't need to know that.  Besides if they think I'm headed to a competitor they're more likely to pay me to go away quietly and keep my mouth shut afterwards. 


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Re: Epic FU money stories
« Reply #3604 on: January 15, 2021, 08:26:36 PM »
I'd like to know what the 17 items are.


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Epic FU money stories
« Reply #3605 on: January 15, 2021, 08:35:49 PM »
@ScreamingHeadGuy, I think this is my favorite FU story so far.  LOVE it!


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Re: Epic FU money stories
« Reply #3606 on: January 15, 2021, 09:44:10 PM »
I'd like to know what the 17 items are.
Hear, Hear, President Wilson only had 14 points to reorganize all of Europe.


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Re: Epic FU money stories
« Reply #3607 on: January 16, 2021, 03:53:24 AM »
@ScreamingHeadGuy Now we really need to know what happened after you sent this epic email!


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Epic FU money stories
« Reply #3608 on: January 16, 2021, 05:06:40 AM »
@ScreamingHeadGuy Now we really need to know what happened after you sent this epic email!

Love it.  Me too.

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Re: Epic FU money stories
« Reply #3609 on: January 16, 2021, 05:26:13 AM »
@ScreamingHeadGuy Now we really need to know what happened after you sent this epic email!

Love it.  Me too.
I hope we'll find out on Tuesday, but it's possible ScreamingHeadGuy will be too busy to post.  I'm sure it will be good when he does.


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Re: Epic FU money stories
« Reply #3610 on: January 19, 2021, 08:28:22 AM »
@ScreamingHeadGuy Now we really need to know what happened after you sent this epic email!

Love it.  Me too.
I hope we'll find out on Tuesday, but it's possible ScreamingHeadGuy will be too busy to post.  I'm sure it will be good when he does.

I've been hanging out in this thread just waiting for an update.


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Re: Epic FU money stories
« Reply #3611 on: January 20, 2021, 07:13:38 PM »
I'd like to know what the 17 items are.

Nothing out of the ordinary - it's pretty much standard stuff (from what I've seen of other agreements). 

Firm would: pay me 8 weeks' salary as severance, continue to award PTO until my end of employment, payout all accumulated PTO at end of employment, extend health insurance coverage to last day of month my employment ends, immediately provide letter with date of end of health insurance coverage.

I would: waive any claims against firm, waive any bonus firm issues, return any office equipment firm wants, agree not to disparage firm, not share confidential information, not share trade secrets. 

Note: I specifically did leave out "not contact firm's clients" because I want to use that as leverage if they think I'm looking to poach clients when I move to a competitor.

As of yet my supervisor has only sent one email with the gist of "I'll get back to you after I talk to HR."  Given the pace of our not-in-house HR department this could mean I'm cut loose tomorrow or in six weeks from Friday.  Either way is fine with me, as long as they pay up. 


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Re: Epic FU money stories
« Reply #3612 on: January 21, 2021, 09:13:30 AM »
I'd like to know what the 17 items are.

Nothing out of the ordinary - it's pretty much standard stuff (from what I've seen of other agreements). 

Firm would: pay me 8 weeks' salary as severance, continue to award PTO until my end of employment, payout all accumulated PTO at end of employment, extend health insurance coverage to last day of month my employment ends, immediately provide letter with date of end of health insurance coverage.

I would: waive any claims against firm, waive any bonus firm issues, return any office equipment firm wants, agree not to disparage firm, not share confidential information, not share trade secrets. 

Note: I specifically did leave out "not contact firm's clients" because I want to use that as leverage if they think I'm looking to poach clients when I move to a competitor.

As of yet my supervisor has only sent one email with the gist of "I'll get back to you after I talk to HR."  Given the pace of our not-in-house HR department this could mean I'm cut loose tomorrow or in six weeks from Friday.  Either way is fine with me, as long as they pay up.

Cool. I'm going to work some of these into future contracts. And good luck with your transition!


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Re: Epic FU money stories
« Reply #3613 on: January 22, 2021, 02:52:28 PM »
I'd like to know what the 17 items are.

Nothing out of the ordinary - it's pretty much standard stuff (from what I've seen of other agreements). 

Firm would: pay me 8 weeks' salary as severance, continue to award PTO until my end of employment, payout all accumulated PTO at end of employment, extend health insurance coverage to last day of month my employment ends, immediately provide letter with date of end of health insurance coverage.

I would: waive any claims against firm, waive any bonus firm issues, return any office equipment firm wants, agree not to disparage firm, not share confidential information, not share trade secrets. 

Note: I specifically did leave out "not contact firm's clients" because I want to use that as leverage if they think I'm looking to poach clients when I move to a competitor.

As of yet my supervisor has only sent one email with the gist of "I'll get back to you after I talk to HR."  Given the pace of our not-in-house HR department this could mean I'm cut loose tomorrow or in six weeks from Friday.  Either way is fine with me, as long as they pay up.

I saw on another thread that you were done. So did you get anything you asked for?


  • Bristles
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Re: Epic FU money stories
« Reply #3614 on: January 22, 2021, 02:55:10 PM »
I'd like to know what the 17 items are.

Nothing out of the ordinary - it's pretty much standard stuff (from what I've seen of other agreements). 

Firm would: pay me 8 weeks' salary as severance, continue to award PTO until my end of employment, payout all accumulated PTO at end of employment, extend health insurance coverage to last day of month my employment ends, immediately provide letter with date of end of health insurance coverage.

I would: waive any claims against firm, waive any bonus firm issues, return any office equipment firm wants, agree not to disparage firm, not share confidential information, not share trade secrets. 

Note: I specifically did leave out "not contact firm's clients" because I want to use that as leverage if they think I'm looking to poach clients when I move to a competitor.

As of yet my supervisor has only sent one email with the gist of "I'll get back to you after I talk to HR."  Given the pace of our not-in-house HR department this could mean I'm cut loose tomorrow or in six weeks from Friday.  Either way is fine with me, as long as they pay up.

I saw on another thread that you were done. So did you get anything you asked for?

I might be contractually obligated to not discuss whether or not I have agreed to a separation package.  Maybe sorry for that. 


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Re: Epic FU money stories
« Reply #3615 on: January 22, 2021, 02:57:08 PM »
I might be contractually obligated to not discuss whether or not I have agreed to a separation package.  Maybe sorry for that. 

Cool! Sounds good to me :)


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Re: Epic FU money stories
« Reply #3616 on: January 22, 2021, 03:29:30 PM »
I'd like to know what the 17 items are.

Nothing out of the ordinary - it's pretty much standard stuff (from what I've seen of other agreements). 

Firm would: pay me 8 weeks' salary as severance, continue to award PTO until my end of employment, payout all accumulated PTO at end of employment, extend health insurance coverage to last day of month my employment ends, immediately provide letter with date of end of health insurance coverage.

I would: waive any claims against firm, waive any bonus firm issues, return any office equipment firm wants, agree not to disparage firm, not share confidential information, not share trade secrets. 

Note: I specifically did leave out "not contact firm's clients" because I want to use that as leverage if they think I'm looking to poach clients when I move to a competitor.

As of yet my supervisor has only sent one email with the gist of "I'll get back to you after I talk to HR."  Given the pace of our not-in-house HR department this could mean I'm cut loose tomorrow or in six weeks from Friday.  Either way is fine with me, as long as they pay up.

I saw on another thread that you were done. So did you get anything you asked for?

I might be contractually obligated to not discuss whether or not I have agreed to a separation package.  Maybe sorry for that.
For how long?

Chris Pascale

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Re: Epic FU money stories
« Reply #3617 on: January 22, 2021, 06:44:44 PM »
I might be contractually obligated to not discuss whether or not I have agreed to a separation package.  Maybe sorry for that. 

Cool! Sounds good to me :)

Wow, so your name really is Screaming Head Guy.


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Re: Epic FU money stories
« Reply #3618 on: January 27, 2021, 11:26:07 AM »
His parents gave him "Head" for the middle name because of family tradition.

Otherwise, could have been Screaming James Guy.


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Re: Epic FU money stories
« Reply #3619 on: February 26, 2021, 10:49:35 AM »
I posted over in Bad Assity but someone suggested I post over here as well.  Yesterday I quit my incredibly toxic job.  It's been pretty bad for 3 years (since my hiring manager left and the CEO put his BFF who got fired from another org in place).  But, the last 4 months have been horrific, it's really affecting my mental health.  As an example of the kind of guy he is- he is the Chief HR Officer and this summer said "We should have a fried chicken food truck and a bunch of watermelon this week for our (mostly black) employee population because 'those people like that kind of thing'.  Seriously, you can't make this shit up.

In November was 'offered' a promotion- in reality I was  told I would be in a new role that was recently vacated.  Not only was I told that I would be in this VP role, but would also keep my old job so now I have 2 50 hour/ week jobs.  And they didn't want to pay me more.  Rather, I would be 'on a path' to more comp.  No.  Fucking.  Way.  So, I negotiated 20k more $ and actually got it b/c I appealed to HR regarding internal comp equity.  Then they dumped a client on me that is both verbally and emotionally abusive.  I don't mean 'difficult'.  I've dealt with that for a long time but this is actually abusive.  I reported her behaviors several times and the org refused to investigate (counter to federal law).  On top of that my boss kept saying 'What did I give you an extra 20k for if you can't handle a tough client?!"  Well, fuck them.  I don't need that.  Nothing is worth my mental health.

So in my mind I set an April 1 leave date.  We're nearly FI so I have a good runway.  I then reached out to someone who approached me for a contract role a few months ago.  They were still looking so I signed and quit.  I'll start with them on March 15th and the contract will take me all the way to my FIRE date in Feb 2022.  Leadership was totally floored when I resigned and started panicking over an upcoming big important meeting with the shit client. They wanted me to still attend.  I said nopey nope nope.  If they want to cut my notice short, fine with me.

I'm excited about the new job.  I get to approach it as mostly fun and temporary.


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Re: Epic FU money stories
« Reply #3620 on: February 26, 2021, 11:53:13 AM »
Good for you @asauer! Enjoy what comes next.


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Re: Epic FU money stories
« Reply #3621 on: February 26, 2021, 12:03:00 PM »
If they want to cut my notice short, fine with me.
The last threat/ultimatum of desperate management, "we're going to make you miss these last 2 weeks of pay!" is really just a relieved "oh god, thank you so much!" when you quit for FU reasons

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Re: Epic FU money stories
« Reply #3622 on: February 26, 2021, 12:05:37 PM »
I posted over in Bad Assity but someone suggested I post over here as well.  Yesterday I quit my incredibly toxic job.  It's been pretty bad for 3 years (since my hiring manager left and the CEO put his BFF who got fired from another org in place).  But, the last 4 months have been horrific, it's really affecting my mental health.  As an example of the kind of guy he is- he is the Chief HR Officer and this summer said "We should have a fried chicken food truck and a bunch of watermelon this week for our (mostly black) employee population because 'those people like that kind of thing'.  Seriously, you can't make this shit up.

In November was 'offered' a promotion- in reality I was  told I would be in a new role that was recently vacated.  Not only was I told that I would be in this VP role, but would also keep my old job so now I have 2 50 hour/ week jobs.  And they didn't want to pay me more.  Rather, I would be 'on a path' to more comp.  No.  Fucking.  Way.  So, I negotiated 20k more $ and actually got it b/c I appealed to HR regarding internal comp equity.  Then they dumped a client on me that is both verbally and emotionally abusive.  I don't mean 'difficult'.  I've dealt with that for a long time but this is actually abusive.  I reported her behaviors several times and the org refused to investigate (counter to federal law).  On top of that my boss kept saying 'What did I give you an extra 20k for if you can't handle a tough client?!"  Well, fuck them.  I don't need that.  Nothing is worth my mental health.

So in my mind I set an April 1 leave date.  We're nearly FI so I have a good runway.  I then reached out to someone who approached me for a contract role a few months ago.  They were still looking so I signed and quit.  I'll start with them on March 15th and the contract will take me all the way to my FIRE date in Feb 2022.  Leadership was totally floored when I resigned and started panicking over an upcoming big important meeting with the shit client. They wanted me to still attend.  I said nopey nope nope.  If they want to cut my notice short, fine with me.

I'm excited about the new job.  I get to approach it as mostly fun and temporary.

Good for you, there is no way someone even just halfway to FI should deal with that for more than a month before just moving on. 

"nearly FI", or someone who plans to just work one more year, is practically speaking the same as FI unless there is some golden handcuff situation (a pension starting or something), so you can ditch this new job as well if its not interesting and healthy (i.e. there's no way you can really count on being in better shape to RE in a year than right now, given the market can certainly correct faster than you can earn money at this point, so you're already day to day IMO).  Congrats.


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Re: Epic FU money stories
« Reply #3623 on: February 26, 2021, 12:06:49 PM »
Good for you @asauer! Enjoy what comes next.
Definitely meets the EPIC FU money story criteria!   Sometimes I wish I had a good story, but tales like yours are a good reason to only experience FU Money vicariously.
Awesome move!

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Re: Epic FU money stories
« Reply #3624 on: February 26, 2021, 12:06:57 PM »
If they want to cut my notice short, fine with me.
The last threat/ultimatum of desperate management, "we're going to make you miss these last 2 weeks of pay!" is really just a relieved "oh god, thank you so much!" when you quit for FU reasons
yeah, there's absolutely no way I'd give them the two weeks anyway, you've got another job starting soon, take the time off instead.


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Re: Epic FU money stories
« Reply #3625 on: February 26, 2021, 12:07:52 PM »
So in my mind I set an April 1 leave date.  We're nearly FI so I have a good runway.  I then reached out to someone who approached me for a contract role a few months ago.  They were still looking so I signed and quit.  I'll start with them on March 15th and the contract will take me all the way to my FIRE date in Feb 2022.  Leadership was totally floored when I resigned and started panicking over an upcoming big important meeting with the shit client. They wanted me to still attend.  I said nopey nope nope.  If they want to cut my notice short, fine with me.

I'm excited about the new job.  I get to approach it as mostly fun and temporary.

Excellent! Definitely belongs in the hall of fame among these stories!


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Re: Epic FU money stories
« Reply #3626 on: February 26, 2021, 12:55:08 PM »
Congratulations! What a terrible situation. This is another reminder of the power and importance of FU money. If the situation is good, you don't need it. But if the situation is bad, you have the freedom to walk away and they can't abuse or manipulate you into it anymore.

I get so much enjoyment when people are blown away that someone doesn't need a job. "Yes, I have enough money to live for a very long time without a job, thank you very much. I don't need to cower before you..."


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Re: Epic FU money stories
« Reply #3627 on: February 26, 2021, 01:41:54 PM »
Every time I hear one of these truly badass quitting stories, this quote comes to mind...

Seriously, congratulations! I can't imagine being in that position at work, FU money or no.


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Re: Epic FU money stories
« Reply #3628 on: February 26, 2021, 03:43:30 PM »
Fuck yes @asauer !


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Re: Epic FU money stories
« Reply #3629 on: February 26, 2021, 07:18:11 PM »
I said nopey nope nope. 

I feel like that should be your motto!  Congrats @asauer


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Re: Epic FU money stories
« Reply #3630 on: February 28, 2021, 04:47:20 AM »
I said nopey nope nope. 

I feel like that should be your motto!  Congrats @asauer
You better believe it! 😆


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Re: Epic FU money stories
« Reply #3631 on: February 28, 2021, 04:53:05 AM »
If they want to cut my notice short, fine with me.
The last threat/ultimatum of desperate management, "we're going to make you miss these last 2 weeks of pay!" is really just a relieved "oh god, thank you so much!" when you quit for FU reasons

Exactly.  FI means never having to grovel.


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Re: Epic FU money stories
« Reply #3632 on: March 01, 2021, 07:23:06 AM »
I don't think I ever followed up to provide all the gory details of my epic FU money story. 

I did give notice, I'm 5 days away from my last day, and although I've had hundreds of daydreams over the past decade about how it would actually happen, the most epic thing about it (to me) was that it wasn't epic at all.  Funny enough, once I ended up being secure enough in my finances, I didn't need any outrageous exit strategy.  Even now, as I'm thinking "oh, you know what someone should really do in that department"?  I write half an email to start it, then I delete it and say "fuck it...why should I care".  To me, that's the most epic thing of all.  Not letting them have any space in my head any more.  I still have people that call me on weekends (WEEKENDS) to vent about work problems.  I know it will eventually taper off, but should I just cut it off cold turkey?  These aren't "friends".  These are people who have and could directly affect my past and future earnings. 

Sorry it's not entertaining at all, but it actually feels better to me than anything with drama. 

oh, and to follow up with the previous pot-smoking thing.  Yes, I've told a few people who have asked "what are you gonna do on day1?"  that I'm gonna get high, but they don't believe it (and neither do I).  They just laugh.


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Re: Epic FU money stories
« Reply #3633 on: March 01, 2021, 07:33:50 AM »
didn't need any outrageous exit strategy.  Even now, as I'm thinking "oh, you know what someone should really do in that department"?  I write half an email to start it, then I delete it and say "fuck it...why should I care".  To me, that's the most epic thing of all.  Not letting them have any space in my head any more.  I still have people that call me on weekends (WEEKENDS) to vent about work problems.  I know it will eventually taper off, but

Hah - its more than 18 months since I quit from a megacorp and, occasionally, there are still times when I start composing emails in my mind about everything that was broken :-)

Getting the company out of your head is a slow process.


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Re: Epic FU money stories
« Reply #3634 on: March 01, 2021, 08:22:34 AM »
I still have people that call me on weekends (WEEKENDS) to vent about work problems.  I know it will eventually taper off, but should I just cut it off cold turkey?  These aren't "friends". These are people who have and could directly affect my past and future earnings

If they aren't friends or people you are friendly with, then I think it's fine to cut cold turkey if you feel inclined to. But the "could directly affect my future earnings" statement caught my attention... How? Are you relying on the company to do well to pay you a pension? Or is there some other deferred compensation package you are looking at?

The other aspect to think about here is the entertainment value. It's dark, but sometimes it could give you entertainment/provide even more vindication to hear that the environment still sucks.


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Re: Epic FU money stories
« Reply #3635 on: March 01, 2021, 08:55:20 AM »
didn't need any outrageous exit strategy.  Even now, as I'm thinking "oh, you know what someone should really do in that department"?  I write half an email to start it, then I delete it and say "fuck it...why should I care".  To me, that's the most epic thing of all.  Not letting them have any space in my head any more.  I still have people that call me on weekends (WEEKENDS) to vent about work problems.  I know it will eventually taper off, but

Hah - its more than 18 months since I quit from a megacorp and, occasionally, there are still times when I start composing emails in my mind about everything that was broken :-)

Getting the company out of your head is a slow process.

It gets easier with time.  I am 5+ years out from my last day at old org.   I got a message out of the blue a couple of weeks ago -- the guy they hired in over my head is leaving and they were wondering if I'd come back.  Took me about 3 seconds to nope out of that one.  My Inner Bag Lady did keep whispering in my ear "but the money!" over the next few hours/days, but I have learned to ignore her.


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Re: Epic FU money stories
« Reply #3636 on: March 01, 2021, 09:09:12 AM »

 Not letting them have any space in my head any more. 

This! I think we never realize how much real estate work and work people take up in our brain until we give the eviction notice.


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Re: Epic FU money stories
« Reply #3637 on: March 01, 2021, 11:13:27 AM »
I don't think I ever followed up to provide all the gory details of my epic FU money story. 

I did give notice, I'm 5 days away from my last day, and although I've had hundreds of daydreams over the past decade about how it would actually happen, the most epic thing about it (to me) was that it wasn't epic at all.  Funny enough, once I ended up being secure enough in my finances, I didn't need any outrageous exit strategy.  Even now, as I'm thinking "oh, you know what someone should really do in that department"?  I write half an email to start it, then I delete it and say "fuck it...why should I care".  To me, that's the most epic thing of all.  Not letting them have any space in my head any more.  I still have people that call me on weekends (WEEKENDS) to vent about work problems.  I know it will eventually taper off, but should I just cut it off cold turkey?  These aren't "friends".  These are people who have and could directly affect my past and future earnings. 

Sorry it's not entertaining at all, but it actually feels better to me than anything with drama. 

oh, and to follow up with the previous pot-smoking thing.  Yes, I've told a few people who have asked "what are you gonna do on day1?"  that I'm gonna get high, but they don't believe it (and neither do I).  They just laugh.
Are you, for some reason, not able to get high now? Like, does your employer drug test you? Cannabis is legal is D.C., now, right? Since we FIRED, and especially since Covid started, I've been smoking a lot more weed than I ever did while working, mostly because I've got the free time, and fewer responsibilities. It feels like I'm a teenager again.


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Re: Epic FU money stories
« Reply #3638 on: March 01, 2021, 06:45:22 PM »
totally epic


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Re: Epic FU money stories
« Reply #3639 on: March 02, 2021, 07:59:58 AM »
I don't think I ever followed up to provide all the gory details of my epic FU money story. 

I did give notice, I'm 5 days away from my last day, and although I've had hundreds of daydreams over the past decade about how it would actually happen, the most epic thing about it (to me) was that it wasn't epic at all.  Funny enough, once I ended up being secure enough in my finances, I didn't need any outrageous exit strategy.  Even now, as I'm thinking "oh, you know what someone should really do in that department"?  I write half an email to start it, then I delete it and say "fuck it...why should I care".  To me, that's the most epic thing of all.  Not letting them have any space in my head any more.  I still have people that call me on weekends (WEEKENDS) to vent about work problems.  I know it will eventually taper off, but should I just cut it off cold turkey?  These aren't "friends".  These are people who have and could directly affect my past and future earnings. 

Sorry it's not entertaining at all, but it actually feels better to me than anything with drama. 

oh, and to follow up with the previous pot-smoking thing.  Yes, I've told a few people who have asked "what are you gonna do on day1?"  that I'm gonna get high, but they don't believe it (and neither do I).  They just laugh.
Are you, for some reason, not able to get high now? Like, does your employer drug test you? Cannabis is legal is D.C., now, right? Since we FIRED, and especially since Covid started, I've been smoking a lot more weed than I ever did while working, mostly because I've got the free time, and fewer responsibilities. It feels like I'm a teenager again.

There are other reasons someone may choose to not partake in weed. And those reasons are perfectly valid, acceptable, and should be respected.


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Re: Epic FU money stories
« Reply #3640 on: March 02, 2021, 09:06:26 AM »
I don't think I ever followed up to provide all the gory details of my epic FU money story. 

I did give notice, I'm 5 days away from my last day, and although I've had hundreds of daydreams over the past decade about how it would actually happen, the most epic thing about it (to me) was that it wasn't epic at all.  Funny enough, once I ended up being secure enough in my finances, I didn't need any outrageous exit strategy.  Even now, as I'm thinking "oh, you know what someone should really do in that department"?  I write half an email to start it, then I delete it and say "fuck it...why should I care".  To me, that's the most epic thing of all.  Not letting them have any space in my head any more.  I still have people that call me on weekends (WEEKENDS) to vent about work problems.  I know it will eventually taper off, but should I just cut it off cold turkey?  These aren't "friends".  These are people who have and could directly affect my past and future earnings. 

Sorry it's not entertaining at all, but it actually feels better to me than anything with drama. 

oh, and to follow up with the previous pot-smoking thing.  Yes, I've told a few people who have asked "what are you gonna do on day1?"  that I'm gonna get high, but they don't believe it (and neither do I).  They just laugh.
Are you, for some reason, not able to get high now? Like, does your employer drug test you? Cannabis is legal is D.C., now, right? Since we FIRED, and especially since Covid started, I've been smoking a lot more weed than I ever did while working, mostly because I've got the free time, and fewer responsibilities. It feels like I'm a teenager again.

There are other reasons someone may choose to not partake in weed. And those reasons are perfectly valid, acceptable, and should be respected.

Some of us don't want the smoke in our lungs.  Some of us just aren't interested.  Just like some of us don't smoke/chew tobacco.  Or drink alcohol.  The opportunity to do something doesn't imply everyone will want to do it.


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Re: Epic FU money stories
« Reply #3641 on: March 02, 2021, 10:34:57 AM »
Every time I hear one of these truly badass quitting stories, this quote comes to mind...

Seriously, congratulations! I can't imagine being in that position at work, FU money or no.

I feel this in my soul right now.


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Re: Epic FU money stories
« Reply #3642 on: March 02, 2021, 12:37:36 PM »
I don't think I ever followed up to provide all the gory details of my epic FU money story. 

I did give notice, I'm 5 days away from my last day, and although I've had hundreds of daydreams over the past decade about how it would actually happen, the most epic thing about it (to me) was that it wasn't epic at all.  Funny enough, once I ended up being secure enough in my finances, I didn't need any outrageous exit strategy.  Even now, as I'm thinking "oh, you know what someone should really do in that department"?  I write half an email to start it, then I delete it and say "fuck it...why should I care".  To me, that's the most epic thing of all.  Not letting them have any space in my head any more.  I still have people that call me on weekends (WEEKENDS) to vent about work problems.  I know it will eventually taper off, but should I just cut it off cold turkey?  These aren't "friends".  These are people who have and could directly affect my past and future earnings. 

Sorry it's not entertaining at all, but it actually feels better to me than anything with drama. 

oh, and to follow up with the previous pot-smoking thing.  Yes, I've told a few people who have asked "what are you gonna do on day1?"  that I'm gonna get high, but they don't believe it (and neither do I).  They just laugh.
Are you, for some reason, not able to get high now? Like, does your employer drug test you? Cannabis is legal is D.C., now, right? Since we FIRED, and especially since Covid started, I've been smoking a lot more weed than I ever did while working, mostly because I've got the free time, and fewer responsibilities. It feels like I'm a teenager again.

There are other reasons someone may choose to not partake in weed. And those reasons are perfectly valid, acceptable, and should be respected.

Some of us don't want the smoke in our lungs.  Some of us just aren't interested.  Just like some of us don't smoke/chew tobacco.  Or drink alcohol.  The opportunity to do something doesn't imply everyone will want to do it.
Of course, there are many possible valid reasons people might choose not to consume cannabis, lol. My only reason for asking was because BH sounded like they wanted to get high, but were not, for some reason...


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Re: Epic FU money stories
« Reply #3643 on: March 02, 2021, 12:55:53 PM »
I don't think I ever followed up to provide all the gory details of my epic FU money story. 

I did give notice, I'm 5 days away from my last day, and although I've had hundreds of daydreams over the past decade about how it would actually happen, the most epic thing about it (to me) was that it wasn't epic at all.  Funny enough, once I ended up being secure enough in my finances, I didn't need any outrageous exit strategy.  Even now, as I'm thinking "oh, you know what someone should really do in that department"?  I write half an email to start it, then I delete it and say "fuck it...why should I care".  To me, that's the most epic thing of all.  Not letting them have any space in my head any more.  I still have people that call me on weekends (WEEKENDS) to vent about work problems.  I know it will eventually taper off, but should I just cut it off cold turkey?  These aren't "friends".  These are people who have and could directly affect my past and future earnings. 

Sorry it's not entertaining at all, but it actually feels better to me than anything with drama. 

oh, and to follow up with the previous pot-smoking thing.  Yes, I've told a few people who have asked "what are you gonna do on day1?"  that I'm gonna get high, but they don't believe it (and neither do I).  They just laugh.
Are you, for some reason, not able to get high now? Like, does your employer drug test you? Cannabis is legal is D.C., now, right? Since we FIRED, and especially since Covid started, I've been smoking a lot more weed than I ever did while working, mostly because I've got the free time, and fewer responsibilities. It feels like I'm a teenager again.

There are other reasons someone may choose to not partake in weed. And those reasons are perfectly valid, acceptable, and should be respected.

Some of us don't want the smoke in our lungs.  Some of us just aren't interested.  Just like some of us don't smoke/chew tobacco.  Or drink alcohol.  The opportunity to do something doesn't imply everyone will want to do it.
Of course, there are many possible valid reasons people might choose not to consume cannabis, lol. My only reason for asking was because BH sounded like they wanted to get high, but were not, for some reason...

Good point.  I know there are lots of times after a stressful event, or a hot day in the garden, I have said "I need a drink".  But not really or maybe yes but not with alcohol.  Or sometimes with alcohol. It all depends.  English is full of these not very definite (definitive?) phrases.    ;-)


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Re: Epic FU money stories
« Reply #3644 on: March 02, 2021, 01:58:27 PM »
What a world we live in now where people feel the need to defend their lack of pot use.


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Re: Epic FU money stories
« Reply #3645 on: March 02, 2021, 02:49:57 PM »
I'm not using FU money at the current time, but I am spending some of my hard earned human capital. The second to the top boss is not doing a good job, and it is influencing my opportunity to do mine. So I am currently causing some noise within the organization, both through the top boss, and through the HSA/union. Will be very interesting to see how this turns out. I'm quite hard to fire, so I doubt it has any large consequences. Might influence an upcoming promotion, might get some more backlash in my everyday work. If it gets too bad, I can get a new job in a few days, or take some months off and do nothing.


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Re: Epic FU money stories
« Reply #3646 on: March 02, 2021, 04:12:03 PM »
I posted over in Bad Assity...

So in my mind I set an April 1 leave date.  We're nearly FI so I have a good runway.  I then reached out to someone who approached me for a contract role a few months ago.  They were still looking so I signed and quit.  I'll start with them on March 15th and the contract will take me all the way to my FIRE date in Feb 2022.  Leadership was totally floored when I resigned and started panicking over an upcoming big important meeting with the shit client. They wanted me to still attend.  I said nopey nope nope.  If they want to cut my notice short, fine with me.

I'm excited about the new job.  I get to approach it as mostly fun and temporary.

Reading this post, I thought how awesome it would be to print up t-shirts that read: “Nopey Nope Nope” and start wearing them to work in the week or so before giving notice. Or heck, once you get to FI and just want to mess with people. When someone asked you to do something unreasonable, could just point to the shirt.

Sorry, I am having a shit week at work, so this is making me fantasize about what could be very soon...


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Re: Epic FU money stories
« Reply #3647 on: March 02, 2021, 05:48:55 PM »
I posted over in Bad Assity...

So in my mind I set an April 1 leave date.  We're nearly FI so I have a good runway.  I then reached out to someone who approached me for a contract role a few months ago.  They were still looking so I signed and quit.  I'll start with them on March 15th and the contract will take me all the way to my FIRE date in Feb 2022.  Leadership was totally floored when I resigned and started panicking over an upcoming big important meeting with the shit client. They wanted me to still attend.  I said nopey nope nope.  If they want to cut my notice short, fine with me.

I'm excited about the new job.  I get to approach it as mostly fun and temporary.

Reading this post, I thought how awesome it would be to print up t-shirts that read: “Nopey Nope Nope” and start wearing them to work in the week or so before giving notice. Or heck, once you get to FI and just want to mess with people. When someone asked you to do something unreasonable, could just point to the shirt.

Sorry, I am having a shit week at work, so this is making me fantasize about what could be very soon...

Sorry, another thought. On the back of the T-shirt, it could read “What Part of ‘Nopey Nope Nope’ Don’t You Understand?” People could then ponder that while you are walking away from them.


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Re: Epic FU money stories
« Reply #3648 on: March 02, 2021, 08:25:53 PM »
If I do something like Nopey Nope, it would be to get t-shirts made with this graphic:


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Re: Epic FU money stories
« Reply #3649 on: March 02, 2021, 11:41:18 PM »
heh heh, I keep thinking about the Nope cards in the game Exploding Kittens. My favorite is the Narnope.