1/2017 - 34,633
1/2018 - 56,928 (+22,295)
1/2019 - 98,248 (+41,320)
1/2020 - 176,153 (+77,905)
2/2020 - 182,362 (+6,209)
3/2020 - 171,868 (-10,494)
4/2020 - 178,606 (+6,738)
5/2020 - 255,004 (+76,398) - sold house, dumped money in market
6/2020 - 287,981 (+32,977) - put more money in market from house sale
8/2020 - 326,686 (+38,705)
9/2020 - 336,875 (+10,189)
10/2020 - 338,532 (+1,657)
11/2020 - 332,899 (-5,633)
12/2020 - 396,311 (+63,412) - huge increase due to market run up post election (like everyone else)
1/2021 - 419,499 (+23,188) - Investments up $243,346 for the year. Not normal for us, crazy.