2017Date Assets Debts Net Worth
October 2017 $370,483.90 -$120,007.15 $250,476.80
December 2017 $382,100.79 -$121,838.12 $260,262.67
2018Date Assets Debts Net Worth
January 2018 $390,088.91 -$119,841.70 $270,247.21
February 2018 $393,016.96 -$118,184.89 $274,832.08
March 2018 $388,528.30 -$117,901.07 $270,627.23
April 2018 $396,987.40 -$118,619.04 $278,368.36
May 2018 $399,896.79 -$125,537.47 $274,359.32
June 2018 $393,835.05 -$119,226.10 $274,608.95
July 2018 $405,587.66 -$124.894.90 $280,692.80
Aug 15th 2018 $289,351.24 $0.00 $289,351.24
Aug 2018 $296,066.75 -$1,507.49 $294,559.30
Sept 2018 $297,258.10 -$2,513.24 $294,744.86
Oct 2018 $270,846.50 -$2,179.98 $268,666.52
Nov 2018 $283,924.79 -$3,588.97 $280,335.80
Dec 2018 $263,008.28 -$2,510.11 $260,498.17
2019Date Assets Debts Net Worth
January 2019 $286,398.03 -$3,720.22 $282,677.81
February 2019 $303,524.32 -$65.88 $303,458.40
March 2019 $303,218.72 $0.00 $303,218.72
April 2019 $319,854.21 -$2,685.70 $317,168.50
May 2019 $307,507.31 -$2,240.87 $305,266.40
June 2019 $731,745.00 -$426,815.80 $304,929.20
July 2019 $736,673.88 -$431,083.30 $305,590.60
August 2019 $735,255.93 -$429,153.68 $306,102.25
I have spent an ungodly amount of money lately - one of my cats went in for many dollars in testing and then had to be put down, which was really sad (and expensive). I have a ~$9k loan at 0% for 10 years that's not factored into the numbers above (state-incentivized loan for improving home insulation efficiency) that I should add in once I figure out how to check the balance. It's a tiny payment (about $116/mo) so I am not terribly concerned about tracking it.
It's going to be confusing trying to track my net worth going forward, because now that I have a house again I will end up with a decent amount of loans offsetting an asset of relatively unknown value, i.e. I got a $3k rebate towards insulation work ($13k of work at about $10k out of pocket for me), but I have no idea if that makes my house worth any more than before. It will reduce my HVAC costs, which is why I did it. I'm also strongly considering solar, which is cash-positive out of the gate (between power generation and NJ SREC incentives), but again I'll end up with a ~$32k loan and no idea of how much value it adds to the house. Cash flow positive overall but a negative hit to the net worth, which is kind of weird.