Author Topic: Race from 10 to 100k!!  (Read 1327941 times)


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #1700 on: May 01, 2018, 09:19:27 AM »
Hello! I am new to MMM. I'm 28, recently married, and we maintain separate finances. The goal is to be in a strong financial position to maintain flexibility in the future, not necessarily RE. I have a job that I love with amazing benefits, so I am not in a hurry to retire. But as you all know, that could always change.

I have always lived below my means in that I have never held any debt, but I've never really saved. I was a grad student living on a lean stipend in a HCOL city until a year and a half ago. I'm still in the same HCOL city, but now I have a real salary, a defined contribution retirement plan, and access to 403b and 457 accounts.

Current net worth: $48,533.91
Breakdown below...
Cash: $17,747.04
Retirement plan: $18,702.39
403b: $679.16 (Just opened this 1/1/18)
Roth IRA: $11,736.04 (Did not open this until 2016 tax year)
Credit card: -$330.72 (Use this for normal expenses, pay off in full every month)

I was over $50k a week ago, but of course the stock market is going down at the moment. Shares on sale!

3/18: $48,533.91
4/18: $53,215.13
5/18: $55,433.65


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #1701 on: May 02, 2018, 03:41:11 AM »
Feb 1: $10,935
Mar 1: $12,472
Apr 1: $13,644
May 1: $15,199

Might be going backwards soon because of hospital bills. When I called the insurance company they said they would cover the surgeon, hospital, and anesthesia for a tubal ligation with no deductible as long as everything was in network. I log in yesterday with my claim processed and it looks like I have to pay the deductible + 20%. Due to the ACA, it should be 100% covered as preventative, but apparently it's a grey area for the hospital and anesthesia. Because...those are apparently optional when getting a tubal ligation!? Sigh. Still cheaper than a kid I guess.


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #1702 on: May 02, 2018, 05:09:21 AM »
I'm sorry you're having to deal with that @marielle .  I wonder if -- in my lifetime -- this country will finally get its shit together in terms of health insurance.  Good luck!


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #1703 on: May 02, 2018, 07:45:55 AM »
Our spreadsheet

Added a Year 2018 % Column + Fixed Chart (decriptions)

Please enter data only on the column on the right (you have to scroll) and not in the first column  (will override the formula)
« Last Edit: May 02, 2018, 07:59:38 AM by repman »

Jim Fiction

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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #1704 on: May 03, 2018, 06:44:41 AM »
Hello everyone! It is my first time posting in this thread, I just made by way over from the race to $10k thread which I just surpassed.

Here is a basic breakdown of the numbers as of the end of the day today:

Total Cash/Cash Equivalents: $31,642
Total Liabilities: $20,131

Net Worth: $11,511

Virtually all of my liabilities are student loans. I also have some minor balances on my credit cards, which I pay off monthly. I've been aggressively attacking the student loans (see my participation in the student loan challenge if curious) and have made steady progress.

As for asset composition,  20% are in checking accounts, 13% is in my HSA and 67% is in my 401k.

I'm looking forward to following everyone's progress. Good luck to us all!

Missed a month, but my net worth as of Nov 30th is $18,617.

As the year comes to a close, my next worth is up to $23,350.

Just updated my spreadsheet to record my paycheck. January ends with my networth up to $27,921.

With February officially in the books my net worth is sitting at $30,289.72. A pretty weak month compared to previous. Market losses along with some medical bills are the primary culprits.

Medical bills made March my least productive month in quite awhile, with only an increase of $1,438, leaving the ending balance at $31,728. My employer's quarterly HSA match came in. which represents almost half of the month's gain. My wife and I are expecting our first child in June, so I anticipate similar performance over the next few months... On a positive note, we've met our insurance deductible for the year, so the upcoming bills will be significantly less than they would have been otherwise.

April ends with my net worth sitting at $32,373.

A slooooow-growth month. The biggest dings were income taxes and a myriad of costs resulting for the early birth of my daughter.

Hoping for May to be more productive. Now that my daughter is here we have settled into a routine. Also, the hospital has been kind enough to provide us with a parking pass for the duration that my daughter will be there (probably until her original due date at the end of June), so that takes care of a fairly significant expense. We won't be eating out much either, as we did a bit the first week or so while we got our legs back underneath us. Not sure when the medical bills will start to hit, though...


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #1705 on: May 03, 2018, 07:25:36 AM »
Congrats on the birth of your daughter @Jim Fiction !  Though it sounds like it was a bit bumpy, here's hoping that everything turns out ok. 

Jim Fiction

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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #1706 on: May 03, 2018, 01:38:38 PM »
Congrats on the birth of your daughter @Jim Fiction !  Though it sounds like it was a bit bumpy, here's hoping that everything turns out ok.

Thanks Trifele! So far so good. Baby is growing and making progress daily. There is still a long road ahead, but everyone on her medical team is very happy with how well she is doing.


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #1707 on: May 04, 2018, 08:04:40 AM »
1/1= 14,705
2/1/18= 18,264
3/1/18= 21,225
4/1/18= 22,741
5/1/18= 26,020


  • Handlebar Stache
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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #1708 on: May 04, 2018, 08:47:50 AM »
Congrats on the birth of your daughter @Jim Fiction !  Though it sounds like it was a bit bumpy, here's hoping that everything turns out ok.

Thanks Trifele! So far so good. Baby is growing and making progress daily. There is still a long road ahead, but everyone on her medical team is very happy with how well she is doing.

Awesome news @Jim Fiction-- All the best with your little lady moving ahead!


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #1709 on: May 04, 2018, 09:35:50 AM »
This is just my retirement investments and doesn't include emergency funds. Nor does this include my husbands savings. :)

November 17- 41195
December 17- 42526
January 18- 47966
February 18-47104
May 18 - 48521

I am a bank teller so my salary is pretty small. But I'm pretty impressed that I added 7000 dollars worth of investments in the last 7 months. It's a win for me!


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #1710 on: May 04, 2018, 10:18:04 AM »
This is just my retirement investments and doesn't include emergency funds. Nor does this include my husbands savings. :)

November 17- 41195
December 17- 42526
January 18- 47966
February 18-47104
May 18 - 48521

I am a bank teller so my salary is pretty small. But I'm pretty impressed that I added 7000 dollars worth of investments in the last 7 months. It's a win for me!

Great job @arob54600


  • Bristles
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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #1711 on: May 04, 2018, 12:31:41 PM »
1/2017   - 34,633
2/2017   - 40,740
3/2017   - 41,346
5/2017   - 41,840
6/2017   - 45,227
7/2017   - 45,862
8/2017   - 47,377
9/2017   - 47,669
10/2017 - 50,397
11/2017 - 52,228
12/2017 - Missed this month. I blame our newborn!
1/2018   - 56,928
2/2018   - 56,241
3/2018   - 57,176
4/2018   - 60,386
5/2018   - 66,682


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #1712 on: May 04, 2018, 04:14:46 PM »
1/2017   - 34,633
2/2017   - 40,740
3/2017   - 41,346
5/2017   - 41,840
6/2017   - 45,227
7/2017   - 45,862
8/2017   - 47,377
9/2017   - 47,669
10/2017 - 50,397
11/2017 - 52,228
12/2017 - Missed this month. I blame our newborn!
1/2018   - 56,928
2/2018   - 56,241
3/2018   - 57,176
4/2018   - 60,386
5/2018   - 66,682

Great steady progress @lampstache !   Keep rockin' on!
« Last Edit: May 14, 2018, 07:11:00 PM by Trifele »


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #1713 on: May 05, 2018, 04:38:53 AM »
Hi All!

Just graduated from the race to 10K thread and so setting my sights on the next level.

07.2017 - (£2,877)
08.2017 - (£1,852) = + £1,025
09.2017 - (£650) = + £1,202
10.2017 - £1,238 = + £1,888
11.2017 - £3,066 = + £1,178
12.2017 - £4,360 = + £1,294
01.2018 - £6,895 = + £2,535
02.2018 - £7,943 = + £1,048
03.2018 - £8,754 = + £811
04.2018 - £10,331 = + £1,577
05.2018 - £31,777 = + £21,446

I received an inheritance this month which has boosted my savings significantly.

Assets = £44,149
Student loans = (£12,372)

My goal for reaching £100K is August 2020.


  • Bristles
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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #1714 on: May 05, 2018, 05:28:39 AM »

Aug 15: 5327 (found MMM)
Jan 16: 12700
Jan 17: 31444
Jan 18: 73227
Feb 18: 74628
Mar 18: 75981
Apr 18: 75766
May 18: 77414

The list was getting pretty long, so I've deleted everything but the current year's updates and the beginning of the previous years.


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #1715 on: May 05, 2018, 09:43:06 AM »
EOY 2014: €0
EOY 2015: €16,728
EOY 2016: €41,467
EOY 2017: €64,929
Jan 2018: €67,989
Feb 2018: €69,128
Mar 2018: €66,962
Apr 2018: €72,421

Been a few month since last update.


  • Bristles
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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #1716 on: May 06, 2018, 10:35:57 AM »
I'm crashing two threads and this will be my joint account. I like my personal one since it's easier to motivate myself then my wife, but it still nice seeing the change in combined NW/Investments which is what matters.

Combined 120k income
Midwest City

09/01/2017: $65k Investments/$59k Net Worth
10/01/2017: $68.3k Investments/$65.6k Net Worth
10/27/2017: $72k Investments/$70.5k Net Worth
12/4/2017: $76.5k Investments/$81.9k Net Worth
12/29/2017: $79.1k Investments/$84.8k Net Worth
1/26/2018: $87.k Investments/$84.1k Net Worth (Down due to property taxes and change in Zillow for house
2/23/2018: $87.5k Investments/$88.3k NW
Original Goal: graduate this thread by March with NW.
4/2/2018: $87.5k Investments/$95.3k Net Worth (Up due to Tax return)
5/6/2018: $92.1k Investments/$101.1k NW


  • Bristles
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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #1717 on: May 06, 2018, 11:13:53 AM »

Age: 29
"Switched" Careers at 25.
Started taking personal finances 'seriously' around 27 (aka actually saving money, 401k, etc).
Started taking personal finances seriously around 29
Salary gradually up to 65k, 68k as of End of 2017, 75k at beginning of CY18
Married but don't include house (equity/mortgage) or joint savings in these calculations since she's the boss, it gets messy with house equity/sweat equity ($40k total on a $170k house in May 17), and it will just be cherry on the top.
-Paid off car but not adding value of that in the calculation since its not worth more than a few Gs and requires maintenance
-4.5 years left of student loan payments I'm aggressively paying off/refinanced in January '17
-15 year mortgage in May '17
-Not including 529 accounts-Only a few hundred now, but it will be going to Godchildren/my future children so not my money in my eyes.

January 2016-
($45k) Student Debt
($2k) Personal CC Debt
$8k 401k
NW: ($38k)

NW April 2016: ($34K)
July 2016: ($28.4k)
October 2016: ($22.6k)
January 2017: ($20.8k) (Refinanced loan and intransit payments not reflected)
April 2017: ($10.9k)
July 2017: ($5.7k)
August 2017: ($2.5k)
September 2017:(~$1.7k)
October 2017: $1.8k - $32k
November 2017: $4.5K - Investments ~$33.8k.
December 2017: $7.9K - Investments ~$37.8k.
January 2017: $11.4K - Investments ~$39.6k.
February 2018: $14.3K - Investments ~$43.9k.
March 2018: $16k - Investments ~$44.2k
Goal: 50k at end of year.
Hoping to increase 401k/IRA when the Sloans are paid off and hopefully some more salary. Realistic goal is to retire by 55 unless I really climb the corporate ladder.
  Beginning  April 2018: $17.1K - Investments ~$45.2k.
Beginning May 2018: $19.8k - Investments ~$47k


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #1718 on: May 12, 2018, 08:15:38 AM »
Missed the April end of month update. It wasn't a great month. Additional expenses will have lingering affects on asset growth for May.

10/31/17: $7,686
11/30/17: $18,654
12/31/17: $24,407
1/31/18: $35,314
2/28/18: $42,150
3/30/18: $45,528
4/30/18: $48,294

Jim Fiction

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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #1719 on: May 14, 2018, 05:55:50 PM »
Congrats on the birth of your daughter @Jim Fiction !  Though it sounds like it was a bit bumpy, here's hoping that everything turns out ok.

Thanks Trifele! So far so good. Baby is growing and making progress daily. There is still a long road ahead, but everyone on her medical team is very happy with how well she is doing.

Awesome news @Jim Fiction-- All the best with your little lady moving ahead!

Thanks Seredip! Baby continues to exceed expections and is doing fantastic. we're hoping she may be able to come home early, in mid-June.


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #1720 on: May 15, 2018, 04:33:34 AM »
Hi All!

Just graduated from the race to 10K thread and so setting my sights on the next level.

07.2017 - (£2,877)
08.2017 - (£1,852) = + £1,025
09.2017 - (£650) = + £1,202
10.2017 - £1,238 = + £1,888
11.2017 - £3,066 = + £1,178
12.2017 - £4,360 = + £1,294
01.2018 - £6,895 = + £2,535
02.2018 - £7,943 = + £1,048
03.2018 - £8,754 = + £811
04.2018 - £10,331 = + £1,577
05.2018 - £31,777 = + £21,446

I received an inheritance this month which has boosted my savings significantly.

Assets = £44,149
Student loans = (£12,372)

My goal for reaching £100K is August 2020.

Welcome Slanhirn!! 


  • Magnum Stache
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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #1721 on: May 15, 2018, 05:48:29 AM »
Hi everyone! First post in this thread and I’m kind of amazed I’m even here. 100k seems so daunting. I have no idea what my goal timeline should look like to reach 100k NW. My NW seems to be climbing at about 2.5k per month on a 70k salary. At that rate, I’m looking at 40 months (3.34 years) but I feel like compounding should help significantly with that once I start to get some momentum going. So I’ll aim for 100k in 24 months as a stretch goal!

[removed NW graph for quoting]

3/15/2018: $12,926.94
3/31/2018: $12,989.49
4/13/2018: $16,254.32
4/30/2018: $17,831.70
5/15/2018: $18,911.08 - I think I might hit 20K by the end of this month! Super exciting! I made an extra $1K student loan payment this morning to celebrate. :-)


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #1722 on: May 15, 2018, 02:18:54 PM »
Congrats! You are making amazing progress lexde! I can't believe in 7 months my NW has gone up by 20k. People at work are starting to ask questions about how I bicycle to work every single day. This frugal nature may be rubbing off on some of my peers.


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #1723 on: May 17, 2018, 03:24:02 PM »
LOL, saving.

New tires and an out of pocket surgery took its toll. Creating some savings buckets to deal with this stuff so I have a little more safety there, and concentrating on saving for the next few months.

1/18/18 - 18,350.00
3/15/18 - 20,267.70
5/17/18 - 19,930.00

Old Ball Coach

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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #1724 on: May 18, 2018, 08:31:48 PM »
Hello all!

I've been using the 100k to 250k thread for a while, but it didn't feel right with the way I was calculating my net worth. I was including my home value  in it and that's not something that I would consider selling without having to replace with another big expense, so I've removed that but kept the mortgage in my net worth since I still have to pay that cost. Below are my new numbers.

April 2018 - $52,917.42


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #1725 on: May 20, 2018, 02:44:45 AM »
March 14 2018 - NW £41703.38
(Includes cash, S&S ISA, LISA, Pension)

May 19 2018 - NW £46049.16
(Includes cash, S&S ISA, LISA, Pension)

Not bad on a £26k pa job, in my opinion! :)
« Last Edit: May 20, 2018, 02:46:31 AM by aoedae »


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #1726 on: May 20, 2018, 08:08:41 AM »
I think most of the financial damage from our move is done and I think we are worth $64,000, up from $50,000 at the very start of the year. It's hard to say what our monthly expenses are because we bought a bunch of things on our normal shopping trips that should not recur quickly (e.g., spices, new kitchen equipment, a trash can, a vacuum...) but I don't know if there is enough year left to get to $100k. We shall see.


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #1727 on: May 25, 2018, 06:00:14 AM »
Just got my salary and hit 20k for the first time today! Extra big jump this month as May means I get vacation money and I got a refund from my landlord.

Oct 2017 EUR 13400,-
Nov 2017 EUR 13900,- (+500)
Dec 2017 EUR 14300,- (+400)
Jan 2018 EUR 16000,- (+1700)
Feb 2018 EUR 17050,- (+1050)
Mar 2018 EUR 17300,- (+250)
Apr 2018 EUR 18600,- (+1300)
May 2018 EUR 21200,- (+2600)


  • Handlebar Stache
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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #1728 on: May 29, 2018, 12:38:42 PM »
Goals! heading towards 40,000 this summer.
 I am self-employed and my income varies greatly month to month but would love to reach that number by the end of August as well as saving up for a trip in September.

Dec 18/17    18,146
Jan 19/18     23,607
Feb 20/18     27,000
Mar 31/18     29,008
Apr 19/18     30,100
May 29/18    35,030


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #1729 on: May 30, 2018, 03:21:46 AM »
Thanks for the shout-out @Trifele ! :)

Here are the numbers for this month:

07.2017 - (£2,877)
08.2017 - (£1,852) = + £1,025
09.2017 - (£650) = + £1,202
10.2017 - £1,238 = + £1,888
11.2017 - £3,066 = + £1,178
12.2017 - £4,360 = + £1,294
01.2018 - £6,895 = + £2,535
02.2018 - £7,943 = + £1,048
03.2018 - £8,754 = + £811
04.2018 - £10,331 = + £1,577
05.2018 - £31,777 = + £21,446 (received an inheritance)
06.2018 - £33,386 = + £1,609

Assets = £45,367
Student loans = (£11,981)


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #1730 on: May 30, 2018, 07:59:57 PM »
Count us in!

Haven't been tracking monthly - but will start now. Hit 0$ NW in Nov. 2017. Year end goal is 100k (with help from DW)! Good luck all!!
May 2018: $55,766
June 1 2018 - $60,028


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #1731 on: May 30, 2018, 10:57:57 PM »
About to close out May by hitting the 70k mark.  Not bad, I'm up more than 25k from this time last year.  Plan was to attempt to get to 100k by the end of 2018, but that's not looking likely, should get pretty close though unless the market tanks. 


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #1732 on: May 31, 2018, 07:31:17 AM »
6/1/2017   $44,119
7/1/2017   $46,553
8/1/2017   $48,477
9/1/2017   $51,618
10/1/2017 $55,740
11/1/2017  $60,079 (will slow down through EOY as 401K is now maxed)
12/1/2017 $62,686.85
1/1/2018 $67,210.81 (excited to start 401K contributions back up)
2/1/2018 $76,267.84
3/1/2018 $83,679.47 (stretch goal of June for graduation - fingers crossed)
4/1/2018 $84,367.47 (market hurt me this month - June is probably not going to happen now, oh well)
5/1/2018 $95,369.27 (profit-share 401k contribution finally hit - brought me back on target for june graduation)
5/31/2018 $100,519.07 (in IRA/401K/Taxable accounts....see you all on the other side)


  • Magnum Stache
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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #1733 on: May 31, 2018, 07:33:34 AM »
Hi everyone! First post in this thread and I’m kind of amazed I’m even here. 100k seems so daunting. I have no idea what my goal timeline should look like to reach 100k NW. My NW seems to be climbing at about 2.5k per month on a 70k salary. At that rate, I’m looking at 40 months (3.34 years) but I feel like compounding should help significantly with that once I start to get some momentum going. So I’ll aim for 100k in 24 months as a stretch goal!

[removed NW graph for quoting]

3/15/2018: $12,926.94
3/31/2018: $12,989.49
4/13/2018: $16,254.32
4/30/2018: $17,831.70
5/15/2018: $18,911.08
5/31/2018: $21,674.06 — hit $20k milestone!


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #1734 on: May 31, 2018, 09:39:02 AM »
End of May update

10/31/17: $7,686
11/30/17: $18,654
12/31/17: $24,407
1/31/18: $35,314
2/28/18: $42,150
3/30/18: $45,528
4/30/18: $48,294
5/31/18: $51,805


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #1735 on: May 31, 2018, 10:06:56 AM »
November 2017 - $10,267
December 2017 - $11,208
January 2018 - $10,713
February 2018 - $11,869
March 2018 - $14,175
April 2018 - $14,330

May 2018 - $14,592

Another small increase, but hey, I'll take it.  I paid a big dental bill this month, moved, paid extra rent, and still managed to improve the ol' net worth.  Back to normal saving next month!  I'm ready for these big expenses to be done for the year.  (Uhhhh, knock on wood.)


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #1736 on: May 31, 2018, 01:31:14 PM »
Nov 2017     65.000€
Dez 2017     69.000€  a frugal month and a christmas paycheck !
Jan  2018     73100€
Feb  2018     74100€
Mar  2018     57300€  some expanses and bad investment decisions
Apr 2018      58800€
May 2018      62285€
June 2018     65500€

Don't forget to enter data into the column on the right side of the speadsheet!

Old Ball Coach

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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #1737 on: May 31, 2018, 03:32:35 PM »
This includes all our retirement and personal accounts for assets. It includes our credit cards, student loan, and mortgage for liabilities. It DOES NOT include our home value.

April 2018 - $52,917.42
May 2018  - $58,400.19 Nice month in the market and paying down credit cards.


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #1738 on: May 31, 2018, 08:50:08 PM »
Jul 17$6.2k
Aug 17$6.8k
Sept 17$8.2k
Oct 17$9.0k
Nov 17$9.9k
Dec 17$11.1k
Jan 18$12.1k
Feb 18$13.6k
Mar 18$15.1k
Apr 18$16.6k

May 18: $17.7k

Slowing back down without tax returns and third paychecks to dump straight into investments, but I'm still pleased with this progress. I had to spend $370 on a summer class that will be reimbursed to me only after I pass, but even including that spending my savings rate was 43%.

As of this month, I have funded 10 days of not working every year forever (when calculating as generously as possible). 355 to go.


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #1739 on: May 31, 2018, 08:51:47 PM »
6/1/2017   $44,119
7/1/2017   $46,553
8/1/2017   $48,477
9/1/2017   $51,618
10/1/2017 $55,740
11/1/2017  $60,079 (will slow down through EOY as 401K is now maxed)
12/1/2017 $62,686.85
1/1/2018 $67,210.81 (excited to start 401K contributions back up)
2/1/2018 $76,267.84
3/1/2018 $83,679.47 (stretch goal of June for graduation - fingers crossed)
4/1/2018 $84,367.47 (market hurt me this month - June is probably not going to happen now, oh well)
5/1/2018 $95,369.27 (profit-share 401k contribution finally hit - brought me back on target for june graduation)
5/31/2018 $100,519.07 (in IRA/401K/Taxable accounts....see you all on the other side)

A month earlier than your stretch goal! Congratulations!


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #1740 on: June 01, 2018, 06:26:02 AM »
I am in! The goal is to get to 100k net worth by the end of 2018. Currently at ~21k. I have been pretty good at my goals so far. Starting out after college in Dec. 2013, I believe I had about a negative net worth of 65k. My first financial goal was to get a net worth of zero by the time I received my tax refund this year and I hit it at the end of January. My second goal was to have my private student loan (6.6%) paid off by the end of July. I made it at the end of June. Next I am hoping to have the car paid off by the end of the year. Currently have a 10k balance left on that loan.

My soft goal for the end of 2017 is 35k in net worth, only because I think I'll need it to be close to that to meet the 100k goal at the end of 2018. I have not done any hard calcs at this point, but in the mean time, I should be getting annual raises of approx. 5k beginning 11/1 for 2017 and 2018. I will also be maxing out my 401k in 2018 and hopefully the ROTH IRA as well.

So I am currently at ~30,900 net worth. I've been averaging about a 2k increase per month and I've got an extra paycheck coming in for December as there will be 3 pay periods. I should be between 37-38k net worth by the end of the year. I've got a raise coming effective 11/1, but I have not been communicated the amount yet.

I've cut almost 3k in annual expenses in the past few months. Moved to a nicer, more convenient, and cheaper apartment (farther away from city center, which I don't need anymore) that will save me $87 a month. In moving there and an acquisition by my firm, I will be driving approximately 10 miles round trip a day rather than 60. Rough estimates have that at about $100 a month in gas savings. My firm is also adding a HDHP plan, which I do not know the exact details yet, but I'm guessing this will be about 1/2 the cost of the low deductible plan (estimated savings of 50/month).

I have not ran the hard numbers yet as exact figures aren't determined, but my goal of 100k NW by the end of 2018 is going to come really close. I'd guess I'm looking at being more towards 10-15k short without any gains/raise coming next year/potential promotion. Here is a question for my fellow cohorts - I have about a 5k vested pension at my previous employer. I'm going to check to see if there is any way I can roll that over into a 401k/IRA this coming week. Either way, would you include that in your net worth calc? I'm younger so pensions are not a familiar topic for me. I've read being vested means that its guaranteed to me no matter what, but I've heard of plenty of people losing their pensions (albeit not knowing specific circumstances).

Now that year end is basically here I took some time to run my numbers.

Current NW: 46,289.93
Student loan payments decreasing principal: 1,933.56
ROTH IRA Contribution on 1/1 (with 7% return estimated: 5,885
401k Contributions (with estimated DCA of 3.5% return): 19,147.50
Deferred 2017 401k employer match: 458
401k employer match (with estimated DCA of 3.5% return): 2,000
2017 tax refund estimate (with 1% Ally interest): 2,020
Addition to savings (for house downpayment):18,379.42
Estimated previous employer retirement plan increase: 500
Estimated increase in paychecks due to lower w/h from tax reform: 1,500.
Estimated increase to 2017 YE 401k balance (assuming 7%): 1273.09
Estimated increase to 2017 YE Roth balance (assuming 7%): 424.41

12/31 2018 NW estimate: $99,780.91. So it's going to be VERY close. There will certainly be some unexpected costs that creep up such as smaller medical/dental costs, registrations, licenses, car maintenance/repairs, etc. Getting there is going to heavily count on the stock market getting at least average returns. I'm working hard towards a promotion that would go into effect 11/1/18, which would hopefully net me about another 1k before 2018 YE. I also have multiple ways to get bonuses at work, albeit normally in smaller increments. I believe I already have close to 1k gross coming my way. Let's get it!
One month into 2018 and the new NW is 51,349 (with some help from the market) with an end of year projection now of $101,092. Woo hoo! I would still like to come up with another few thousand to play it safe as there will certainly be expenses come up that I don't really budget for such as medical/dental, car maintenance, registration renewals, etc.
End of month NW: 56,190.70
End of year projection: 98,691.13

Had quite a few things going on this month...ended a relationship of 3 years, girlfriend moved out. Rent went up $350 a month as a result.
Bought some furniture off of ex that she owned.
Had to purchase some necessities for the apartment to make up for what ex took.
Stock market...bleh.
Bogus Uber charge of $234 that I'm still fighting.

I'm still feeling good about meeting my goal as I should have at least ~4k of extra income coming my way from various sources. Also going to concentrate on being more frugal than normal this month to help catch up. Shouldn't be too hard as I'm going to be spending  a lot of time at work anyways (tax season).
End of March NW: 60,017.55
End of 2018 projection: 98,683.37

The good - decided to take some of my house down payment savings and use it for some bank account churning (+650). Got project sale bonuses approved (+ approx 1500). Kept discretionary everyday spending down by about $300 from average.
The bad - realized I didn't remove my tax refund from my projection last month, so it was overstated by approx. 2,400. Then of course the stock market didn't really cooperate this month either. I believe I basically contributed 1,400 to 401k this month and the end of month balance is basically only 700 higher than the beg. of month balance.

End of April NW: 65,600
End of 2018 projection: 99,880 ( close!)

I spent more then normal this month, but a lot of it was worth it in my mind. Planning vacation, reconnecting with old friends, dating, etc. Made good progress with extra income this month - $1,900 side income and $1,600 work bonus. Also saved $17/month on internet and more than doubled my speed at the same time. Gotta keep hustling..and it would be nice if the stock market would help some.
End of May NW: $73,816.57
End 2018 Projection: $103,127.81

Once again some above and beyond helping me this month: $700 from side income, $100 visa gift card for switching to AT&T, churning $200 from Discover Savings, prior employer retirement plan balance came in at $500 more than expected, and my employer deferred 401k match finally hit my account. June should be another nice rise as well as I don't have much in the way of extra curricular going on and it will be a 3 paycheck month.


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #1741 on: June 01, 2018, 06:56:28 AM »
1/1/2018: $38,800
2/1/2018: $49,800
3/1/2018: $55,707
4/1/2018: $64,352
5/1/2018: $68,097
6/1/2018: $72,976

This was a very spendy month.  The only saving grace was that we got our security deposit back from our previous house, and so we were still able to make progress. 

@grantmeaname: Sounds like we are in a pretty similar situation.  I hope the financial damage from my move is mostly done as well.

Current projections have me around $98.5k at the end of the year, with a flat stock market.  So we'll see.   

Congrats to @ingrownstudentloans!


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #1742 on: June 01, 2018, 09:01:23 AM »
01/2018: $40796.81
02/2018: $41337.51
03/2018: $42682.42
04/2018: $46138.41
05/2018: $48761.77
06/2018: $51084.06

I know that a lot of people in this thread are gaining NW faster than I am, but I'm feeling pleased with my progress! I've been digging out of a hole and it feels good to be doing so.


  • Magnum Stache
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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #1743 on: June 01, 2018, 09:25:00 AM »
01/2018: $40796.81
02/2018: $41337.51
03/2018: $42682.42
04/2018: $46138.41
05/2018: $48761.77
06/2018: $51084.06

I know that a lot of people in this thread are gaining NW faster than I am, but I'm feeling pleased with my progress! I've been digging out of a hole and it feels good to be doing so.
Comparison is the thief of joy. :-)

Congrats on breaking 50k!! That’s super exciting!


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #1744 on: June 01, 2018, 10:53:42 AM »
December 2017     65,258.51
January    2018     67,602.61   (+2344.1)
February  2018     72,789.82    (+5187.21)
March      2018     75,413.54    (+2623.72)
June        2018      77,260.29   (+1846.75)

I missed posting for a few months, but jumping back in now!


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #1745 on: June 01, 2018, 11:07:44 AM »
1/1= 14,705
2/1/18= 18,264
3/1/18= 21,225
4/1/18= 22,741
5/1/18= 26,020
6/1/18= 28,987
All investment values


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #1746 on: June 01, 2018, 11:47:43 AM »
Hello! I am new to MMM. I'm 28, recently married, and we maintain separate finances. The goal is to be in a strong financial position to maintain flexibility in the future, not necessarily RE. I have a job that I love with amazing benefits, so I am not in a hurry to retire. But as you all know, that could always change.

I have always lived below my means in that I have never held any debt, but I've never really saved. I was a grad student living on a lean stipend in a HCOL city until a year and a half ago. I'm still in the same HCOL city, but now I have a real salary, a defined contribution retirement plan, and access to 403b and 457 accounts.

Current net worth: $48,533.91
Breakdown below...
Cash: $17,747.04
Retirement plan: $18,702.39
403b: $679.16 (Just opened this 1/1/18)
Roth IRA: $11,736.04 (Did not open this until 2016 tax year)
Credit card: -$330.72 (Use this for normal expenses, pay off in full every month)

I was over $50k a week ago, but of course the stock market is going down at the moment. Shares on sale!

3/18: $48,533.91
4/18: $53,215.13 (+4,681.22 - extra paycheck)
5/18: $55,433.65 (+2,218.52)
6/18: $57,041.95 (+1,572.27)

Not as much progress I would like this month. I booked some flights and rental cars for this summer, and various life crap had me eating out more than last month.

Oh well, onwards and upwards.


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #1747 on: June 01, 2018, 03:36:06 PM »
Dec 17: 37,449
Jan 18: 40,439
Feb 18: 42,796
Mar 18: 44,219
Apr 18: 42,188
May 18: 46,097
June 18: 49,516


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #1748 on: June 01, 2018, 04:26:41 PM »
01/2018: $40796.81
02/2018: $41337.51
03/2018: $42682.42
04/2018: $46138.41
05/2018: $48761.77
06/2018: $51084.06

I know that a lot of people in this thread are gaining NW faster than I am, but I'm feeling pleased with my progress! I've been digging out of a hole and it feels good to be doing so.
Comparison is the thief of joy. :-)

Congrats on breaking 50k!! That’s super exciting!

Thanks lexde! Good luck on your financial journey too :)


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #1749 on: June 02, 2018, 12:18:12 AM »
EOY 2014: €0
EOY 2015: €16,728
EOY 2016: €41,467
EOY 2017: €64,929
Jan 2018: €67,989
Feb 2018: €69,128
Mar 2018: €66,962
Apr 2018: €72,421
May 2018: €75,002

Have had a few large purchases this month. Also putting away money for a trip later this year.