Unless someone has already started something like this.
Oh, do me a favor and please don’t quote my entire list as I tend to delete things often.
I’ll go first, will edit with more as it comes to me.
—Hiked Colorado Trail, supported and inspired by the amazing
@NinetyFour —Faced fear of camping/hiking alone
—Incredibly positive teamwork and enjoyment with spouse for 100 miles of Colorado Trail
—First major sleeper car train trip with spouse, paid for by points
—So many weeks of camping I lost count
—Acquired cool camping/through hiking gear
—Vast improvement in skills
—Fairly consistent practice of skills
—Got down to lowest weight of adult life (of course I regained from there as it was from through-hiking), peak physical condition, no injuries
—Achieved highest VO2 max of life (also down from that now)
—Lost 15 lbs through body recomposition
—Learned a ton of new actionable information about body recomposition and weight loss
—Managed massive medical bills and useless lawyers due to catastrophe (it’s all over now, except the bills)
—Saw one kid move out and another graduate HS
—Gave my animals a lot of attention and they are in optimum health
—Trained dogs to do new tricks
—New social circles, continued enjoyment of existing social circles
—Attended classes nearby and made tremendous progress in skills/knowlege (however I won’t be doing that this Spring as I become obsessed with them and don’t complete my important projects outside of class work)
—Bought Celestron binoculars and saw all kinds of amazing stuff in the stars including possible B-2 bomber passing through unlit at night (that or it was a mothership)
—Successfully hiked Continental Divide trail where it intersects with Colorado Trail while not being visited by aliens as I was not in the mood
—Holidays with no blow-ups in family, unlike previous year
—Walking 20k steps a day for the month of December, which also reduced screen time and took me out of family doom loop for holiday visits (too busy walking to be pulled into arguments)
—Amazing relationships with adult kids
—Seeing some family that we ignored previously and enjoying how supportive and fun they are
—Detached from parent’s drama and maintained boundaries while enjoying seeing them happy and taking better care of themselves as a result
—Enjoyed parent’s new partner while also maintaining boundaries in terms of not knowing/caring about their problematic family
—Tapped for and collaboratively completed community project
—Completed third year of FIRE with more money than when first left job
How about you?