December: €19386,94
January: €20649.69
Goals for 2021:
Savings: €10.000
Investments: €25.000
Crossed the 20k mark! I used to have a small business on the side and I had one outstanding invoice, I decided to forgive that one. The business is struggling and it's a 3-figure amount that I won't even notice.
@Rosy you're doing fantastic!
@Imma - actually I benefitted from unexpected circumstances due to covid which helped me get ahead.
I do plan on spending a bit once I hit this $100K and stop saving for a month or two, to puff up my slush fund to live it up a little.
Then it is on to a new investing/savings strategy with slightly lower contributions, 10-15% less.
I was seriously considering buying a small bungalow in the neighborhood last October.
The owner passed away and some guy bought it for $100K and flipped it. I'm guessing he put $35K max into the renovation.
Sold for $210K three months later.
Crossed the 20k mark!
It is always a high for me to hit another $10K - sometimes it seems like forever and other times I'm surprised I reached the next level.
@Serendip I totally get that, sometimes you need to take a step back and appreciate all your accomplishments and you certainly have tons of them:).
Now that I am getting closer to that coveted $100K I am chomping at the bit to be done with it already:).
I am neither patient nor pragmatic and certainly not at all stoic.
My one saving grace in that dept is Mr. R. - he is Mr. Pragmatic himself. A conversation with him always soothes my frantic nerves and calms my financial fears. I tend to go into destructive overdrive when things don't progress in my favor.
I can see the sense in pragmatism at times, but stoicism remains a foreign, mystic conception that is way too far from who I am at my core.
I crave control.
In fact, stoicism brings out the rebel in me:), I can endure temporarily if I know there is an end to it but accepting stoicism is too much to ask of me.
Sure, a challenge or an obstacle 'might' build character but they can break you too. I am speaking from experience...
It can slow your progress to a skidding halt at a time when it is crucial that you meet your goals or reach a certain plateau.
Sometimes it takes decades to recover and we all have only one life to live.
Sure, overcoming challenges shapes your character, but sometimes it is a bitter victory or too high a price to pay.
Sometimes it is better to erupt and rebel and move heaven and earth than to practice stoic acceptance.
There is only a fine line between giving up and acceptance as in stoicism. That is a scary proposition.
To me being stoic is almost like shutting down all your other emotions, perhaps even the oomph you need to triumph over difficult circumstances.
Of course, I might be totally missing the point:).
To me pragmatism is more helpful because whether we like it or not things do not always go our way so the better solution is to make the best out of any situation and remember to change yourself, a change in perspective, a change in plan or an AHA moment is way better than stoic acceptance.