I only really track my 401k balance and only for the last couple years.
In my 20s I put something like 10% in and thought I was doing great (better than average), we also tackled 1 student loan, 2 car loans, credit card debt, and bought our 1st home (now a rental). For the last several years I have only been putting 6% (plus a company match) into the 401k, while we saved for a wedding, down payment on a house, started a family, went to 1 steady income and 1 self employed income, and are continuing the last student loan. We are still working on paying off my last student loan and building the self employed income but I am really hoping to hit $100k in the 401k sometime in 2018, if the self employed income starts taking off and we can contribute more to an IRA I will add that into the calculations too.
I did do a quick back of the envelope net worth calculation that included debt, primary and rental home value, and vehicle value and that put net worth around $150k, but since I don't regularly track that stuff I don't want to join the next group until the retirement accounts are above $100k.
401K IRA Total
Dec 2013: $43,660 $0 $43,660
Dec 2014: $52,943 $0 $52,943
Dec 2015: $55,622 $0 $55,622
Dec 2016: $68,870 $700 $69,570
Feb 2017: $74,784 $700 $75,484
4/11/17: $76,834 $1002 $77,836
Apr 2017: $78,946 $1026 $79,972
5/24/17: $80,007 $1040 $81,047
6/05/17: $82,048 $1057 $83,105
7/21/17: $84,508 $1075 $85,583
8/02/17: $85,737 $1075 $86,812
9/01/17: $86,830 $1079 $87,909
Still trying to decide if we are going to divert anything from 401k to savings for medical/maternity leave yet (or to add a some extra to finish off my last SL). The IRA isn't grow very much but that is because we leave the SE money sitting in an savings account until tax time and we determine how much we owe. Maybe that is a bad plan and we should store it in the IRA?