Author Topic: Race from 10 to 100k!!  (Read 1318699 times)


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3450 on: March 28, 2021, 02:22:02 PM »
Tracking investing in SPN (which doesn't include roth)

12/28/2020 - $62,783
1/28/2021 - $67,335.21
2/28/2021 - $69,404
3/28/2021 - $71,869


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3451 on: March 31, 2021, 02:07:24 AM »

July 2018: £20,385
October 2018: £24,504
January 2019: £25, 295
April 2019: £33,844
July 2019: £38,667
October 2019: £38,588
January 2020: £43,260
April  2020:  £38,094
July 2020: £49,062.35
August 2020: £50,172 just over halfway! :)
Sept 2020: £55,556
Oct 2020 : £56,42
Nov 2020: £57.565 absolute hammering in the markets this month!!!
Dec 2020 : £62,368
Jan 2021 £64,542
Feb 2021 £66,616 Markets fell out a bit this week and I had a dabble in the Gamestop mania (came out unscathed but slightly up to entry).
March 2021 £67,305 - I was over 70k earlier this month! Markets have completely shit the bed. Look forward to looking back at this in X number of years and it barely even registering as a dip in the market.

April 2021 £71,137  - Some significant changes are underway. I've invested £1.5k into cryptocurrencies (roughly 2% of portfolio), I've got some fairly expensive elective surgery coming up that will put a dent in savings for the next few months AND our first child is on the way, so who knows what that means for my savings plans! :)
« Last Edit: March 31, 2021, 02:12:00 AM by Stubblestache »


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3452 on: March 31, 2021, 06:20:54 AM »
11/30/20 - SEP Balance $ 15524.45 + Roth $ 1770.76 - Student loan balance $ 6897.45 = $ 10,397.76
12/30/20 - SEP Balance $ 16106.09 + Roth $ 1813.94 - Student loan balance $ 6306.71 = $ 11,613.32

01/29/21 - SEP + Roth $ 20,139.02 - Student loan balance $ 5,316.32 = $ 14,822.70
02/28/21 - SEP + Roth $ 21,680.41 - Student loan balance $ 4,000.15 = $ 17,680.26
03/31/21 - SEP + Roth $ 22,823.38 - Student loan balance $ 2,994.55 = $ 19,828.83


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3453 on: March 31, 2021, 08:56:18 AM »
September   $8.2k$22.2k$38.6k$63.2k
December$11.1k   $22.4k   $44.6k   $75.0k   

I rearranged my table to take up less space. Who was going to tell me I had been reporting two September 2020s in a row?

More than I ever expected to have at this point. Congrats @catorbe on your similar progress. :)

Ze Stash

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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3454 on: March 31, 2021, 11:53:19 AM »
Net worth:
01/01/2019: -    109,47 €
01/02/2019:      269,41 € (+   378,88 €)
01/03/2019:      890,47 € (+   621,06 €)
01/04/2019:   1.767,70 € (+   877,23 €)
01/05/2019:   3.755,46 € (+1.987,76 €)
01/06/2019:   4.814,83 € (+1.059,37 €)
01/07/2019:   5.959,50 € (+1.144,67 €)
01/08/2019:   7.116,94 € (+1.157,44 €)
01/09/2019:   9.855,39 € (+2.738,45 €)
01/10/2019:   9.718,18 € (-    137,21 €)
01/11/2019: 10.726,98 € (+1.008,80 €)
01/12/2019: 11.773,70 € (+1.046,72 €)
01/01/2020: 12.979,27 € (+1.205,57 €)
01/02/2020: 14.363,54 € (+1.384,27 €)
01/03/2020: 15.039,09 € (+   675,56 €)
01/04/2020: 15.456,74 € (+   417,65 €)
01/05/2020: 16.903,74 € (+1.447,00 €)
01/06/2020: 17.847,51 € (+   943,77 €)
01/07/2020: 19.991,35 € (+2.143,84 €)
01/08/2020: 23.859,77 € (+3.868,42 €)
01/09/2020: 27.705,58 € (+3.845,81 €)
01/10/2020: 28.348,92 € (+   643,34 €)
01/11/2020: 29.975,77 € (+1.626,85 €)
01/12/2020: 32.157,81 € (+2.182,04 €)
01/01/2021: 37.536,36 € (+5.378,55 €)
01/02/2021: 39.128,65 € (+1.592,29 €)
01/03/2021: 43.488,25 € (+4.359,60 €)

01/04/2021: 50.227,75 € (+6.739,50 €)

Savings were roughly 1,1k. Didn't think I'd hit 50k until much later this year, but the crypto position keeps going up. Savings should be going up the next few months.


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3455 on: March 31, 2021, 01:16:47 PM »
September   $8.2k$22.2k$38.6k$63.2k
December$11.1k   $22.4k   $44.6k   $75.0k   

I rearranged my table to take up less space. Who was going to tell me I had been reporting two September 2020s in a row?

More than I ever expected to have at this point. Congrats @catorbe on your similar progress. :)

Thanks Tass! Now the race is really on! My goal was $100k by the end of the year but let's see who can beat their original goal by the most!


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3456 on: March 31, 2021, 04:02:20 PM »
March 2020 - $32,466
April 2020 - $36,157
May 2020 - $38,540
June 2020 - $39,514
July 2020 - $42,207
August 2020 - $44,045
September 2020 - $44,514
October 2020 - $45,564
November 2020 - $50,152
December 2020 - $52,356
January 2021 - $53,423
February 2021 - $54,304

March 2021 - $58,321

My 401K made a big rebound.  Woo hoo!  It's weird to start to see that have more of an affect on my net worth.  Back when I didn't have as much in there, it was just a tiny blip. 


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3457 on: March 31, 2021, 07:29:37 PM »
I do not include my savings to buy expensive "fun items" like new cellphone, electronics etc. as it is not very big. My checking account is also not included as it has money I will likely spend this month. Goal for 2021 is to make it to $100K. - Aiming for June

Net worth:
Sep2018: $23,645
Oct2018: $23,658
Nov2018: $23,948 (+$290)
Dec2018: $23,960 (+12)
Jan2019: $27,100 (+3140)
Feb2019: $29,443 (+2343)
Mar2019: $31,603 (+2160)
Apr2019: $33,959 (+2356)
May2019: $33,933 (-$26)
Jun2019: $37,928 (+3995)
Jul2019: $39,736 (+1808)
Aug2019: $39,918 (+182)
Sep2019: $34,179 (-5739)
Oct2019: $38,091 (+3912)
Nov2019: $39,867 (+1776)
Dec2019: $43836 (+$3968)
Jan2020:$45,839 (+$2003)
Feb2020:$43,345 (-$2494)
Mar2020:$39,081 (-$4264)
Apr2020:$47,551 (+$9470)
May2020:$51,613 (+$4,061)
Jun2020:$56,760 (+$5147)
Jul2020:$61,567 (+$4,807)
Aug2020:$68,102 (+$6,535)
Oct2020:$68,976 (+$763)
Nov2020:$76,790 (+$7,814)
Dec2020:$82,778 (+$5,987)
Jan2021:$89,090 (+$6,321)
Feb2021:$86,608 (-$2482)
Mar2021:$98,860.10 (+$12,259.90) Quite a few good things happening here, I got a larger bonus than I was expecting that I used to pay off debt (that was counting against net worth) and the stock market made some nice gains! With a little luck, I should make it to 100k next month! We will see how it goes, going to keep on keeping on.


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3458 on: April 01, 2021, 02:48:05 AM »
April 2019: €10094.35
May 2019: €11629.87
June 2019: €12728.63
July 2019: €13021,33
August 2019: €10363,95
September 2019: €10338.28
October 2019: €11128.59
November 2019: €11227,46
December 2019: €11991,27
January 2020: €12576,72
February 2020: €11904,39
March 2020: €10425,32
April 2020: €11830,70
May 2020: €12154,67
June 2020: €14634,19
July 2020: €15345,09
August 2020: €16444,46
September 2020: €17108,60
October 2020: €16687,93
November 2020: €17762,62
December 2020: €19386,94
January 2021: €20649.69
February 2021: €22021,64
March 2021: €22763,55

Goals for 2021:
Savings: €10.000
Investments: €25.000

@Rosy you have been such an inspiration to others too! You have already won the game, as far as I understand, so I totally get that you want to start spending a little bit more on things that make you happy. And any money left over can still go into the market.

I have been spending a bit more this month as well. I hardly ever buy clothes and certainly not new but I bought two new dresses this month - expensive dresses because they are made in Europe from sustainable fabrics. Over the past year I've probably spent about €750 on clothes, which is probably more than I've spent the last 5 years together. But all were necessary purchases (a winter coat to replace my 15-year old coat, winter shoes, a winter dress, a spring dress and a summer dress) and I just don't feel comfortable in thrift shops right now. I'll go back to buying used as soon as I get my vaccine. I still need new shoes for summer, then I'm good for the next couple of years.

I also spent quite a bit on shipping handmade Easter care packages to friends worldwide and I bought some stuff to cheer up my Easter table, although we won't have visitors: some vintage tableware. I have a small collection from inheritances/thrift shops but the new-to-me items are bought from a small, independent online shop. I paid more than the usual €1 in the thrift shop, but €25 including shipping for a whole box is still fairly acceptable. And I'm supporting a small business. Just trying to justify my Covid spending spree ;-) It's stupid but I just know my cute vintage butterdish will spark lots of joy for me.

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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3459 on: April 01, 2021, 03:00:27 AM »
Tracking investments, emergency fund and additional pension investments (all to be used to retire together with SO!)
(not tracking company pension investments, house value and current accounts / special project savings)

15 May 2020: EUR 17,034 (started tracking)
15 December 2020: EUR 23,325

31 January 2021: EUR 24,040
28 February 2021: EUR 25,103
31 March 2021: EUR 26,263
(2021 goal: EUR 35K)

And again a steady increase. It's beginning to look a bit boring (like life in COVID times).......


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3460 on: April 01, 2021, 07:27:26 AM »

2018                             2019                              2020                            2021
1/31: (5949.05)              1/31: 13,493.35              1/31: 44,514                 1/31: 85,576
2/28: (5288.30)              2/28: 15,766.50              2/29: 48,891                 2/28:  86,616
3/31: (4273.93)              3/31: 19,286                   3/31: 46,104
4/30: (2592.07)              4/30: 19,283                   4/30: 52,720
5/31: (629.70)                5/31: 18,676                   5/31: 55,177
6/30: 1,206.77                6/30: 22,362                   6/30: 59,720
7/31: 2,703.97                7/31: 24,646                   7/31: 65,792
8/31: 5,651.70                8/30: 27,199                   8/31: 71,970
9/31: 8,039.01                9/31: 30,664                   9/30: 72,466
10/31: 7,803.49              10/31: 33,343                 10/31: 72,288
11/30: 9,531.28              11/30: 35,249                 11/30: 80,093
12/31: 9,296.79              12/31: 39,079                 12/31: 84,002

3/31/2021: $94,099

Big jump this month but that was to be expected with stimulus payment. Will have more bills for the new how coming out here next month to most likely wont see much change next month but only time will tell on that.

Spread sheet is updated and ready to be filled in:
« Last Edit: April 12, 2021, 08:39:50 AM by bcbaseballman »


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3461 on: April 01, 2021, 07:50:32 AM »
                       2018                2019                2020                2021                2022               

Bit of a bump. I should hit 50K next month!


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3462 on: April 01, 2021, 11:13:37 AM »
MonthInvested TNW
Aug 2020$7,009$44,174
Sep 2020$11,792$44,287
Oct 2020$31,493$64,283
Nov 2020$41,577$73,480
Dec 2020$50,881$81,261
Jan 2021$57,339$89,777
Feb 2021$64,587$97,514
Mar 2021$72,121$107,895

Exceeded $100k in TNW this month! Meeting that goal in investments seems closer and closer. We are upping our emergency fund as we have a cross country move. Tomorrow I invest about $4.5k (if I recall correctly) in our taxable. Also having a lot of fun in Google Sheets (see attached) charting the growth and seeing the (at this point, limited but still visible) impacts of compound interest. Wooh!

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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3463 on: April 02, 2021, 08:53:04 AM »
10/02/2020- $14835.83
11/13/2020- $16110.56
12/11/2020- $16675.72
01/08/2021- $19310.15
01/22/2021- $20533.24
02/05/2021- $21534.62
03/08/2021- $23372.12
04/02/2021- $26218.04

Good progress over the past month thanks to the stimulus, and an extra paycheck from my side job.


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3464 on: April 02, 2021, 10:49:36 AM »
7/1/2020: $46,295
8/1/2020: $49,461 (+3,166)
9/1/2020: $51,488 (+2,027)
10/1/2020: $52,753 (+1,265)
11/1/2020: $53,942 (+1,189)
12/1/2020: $56,152 (+2,210)
1/8/2021: $63,512 (+7,360)
2/5/2021: $67,571 (+4,059)
3/3/2021: $70,618 (+3,047)
4/2/2021: $74,861 (+4,243)

Second highest gains this month since I've been tracking. woohoo! almost exactly 3/4 of the way there. I love posting here because i can see progress, it can feel so slow, but im an impatient person by nature lol. Love reading everyones progress.


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3465 on: April 04, 2021, 12:26:55 AM »
(Start of)
Oct 2020 — $4,757
Nov 2020 — $7,823
Dec 2020 — $10,385 (Started MMM 100k challenge)
Jan 2021 — $14,012
Feb 2021 — $16,462
Mar 2021 — $19,162
Apr 2021 — $21,955

Slow and steady! So glad I joined this challenge, reading everyone's progress helps to keep me on track.


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3466 on: April 04, 2021, 01:08:28 PM »

Student Loan Debt:

01/12/19: $43,762
05/04/20: $21,456
11/09/20: $21,456
12/05/20: $21,456
01/02/21: $21,456
02/03/21: $21,456
03/01/21: $21,456
04/02/21: $21,456

Net Worth:

03/04/19: -$30,065
05/04/20: $10,739
06/05/20: $18,006 ($7,267)
07/05/20: $8,594 (-$9,412)
08/05/20: $9,084 ($490)
09/01/20: $13,497 ($4,413)
10/01/20: $12,283 (-$1,214)
11/01/20: $15,692 ($3,409)
12/05/20: $19,528 ($3,836)
01/01/21: $21,735 ($2,207)
02/03/21: $21,870 ($135)
03/01/21: $23,417 ($1,547)
04/02/21: $33,080 ($9,663)

Low spending this past month and my tax return was deposited, should see steady progress over the next few months.


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3467 on: April 07, 2021, 11:46:56 AM »
Jan 01, 2020: $74,276
Jan 04, 2021: $83,207
Feb 05, 2021: $82,000 (-1.45%, -$1,207)
March 04, 2021: $81,655 (-0.42%, -$345)
April 01, 2021: $83,034 (+1.69, +$1,379)

I had a below-average 56% SR in March, owing to lots of book purchases (even if I bought them with a huge discount), a huge bill at the grocery store, and gifts for my family. In addition, my nerd side made me buy a Commodore VIC-20 and a Commodore C64C (both working great) with disk drive, Music Maker keys, a memory card reader, cartridges, etc. I really like them, but my total spending was about $300... Anyway, my nerd side is satisfied now, so my MMM side can now hope in a less spendy-pants future :)

On the bright side, I got my referral payment ($800), had 3 domain sales in March and 2 in April (total: $1300 + $2100 net, out of which $2100 payment is still pending), and I'll get my yearly bonus ($1700) with my next salary. My investments performed crappily again, but at least I could buy cheap ETFs again.
« Last Edit: May 06, 2021, 07:48:01 AM by kaposzta »


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3468 on: April 10, 2021, 04:22:34 PM »
Oct 2019- $1000
Nov 2019- $2340
Dec 2019- $2779
Jan 2020- $5658
Feb 2020- $5539
Mar 2020- $5024
Apr 2020- $5444
May 2020- $8302  (wherein I finally got some of unemployment)
June 2020- $20864 (wherein I got more unemployment plus the EIDL)
mid July 2020- $31724 (got the rest of the backpay, woohoo!)
7/31/20- $33340
9/2/20- $36366
9/17/20 - $42978
10/2/20- $43800
10/31/20- $47854
11/11/20- $53709
12/23/20- $64158
1/8/21- $69542
3/23/21- $81890
4/10/21- $88405

Hustling along...not looking forward in one way to upcoming wedding expenses, but we will have help, and earn bonus points on my credit cards (including a big ol $750 cash bonus on one of them).  Really shouldn't be much of a ding at all. 

I checked an old account and saw the BTC in it had grown few times to $577, fun find.

Also have my first music gig in a while next week, $250 for a less than one hour bar mitzvah which promises to be super awkward (they are this cultish sect and probably having a woman play trumpet is going to cause problems, but like, they didn't ask?...also we are going with the Too Many Zooz instrumentation we've dubbed "Too Many Jooz").  I have a new housecall patient and also owed some backpay from a job that got sketch (quit it and increasing hours elsewhere)
« Last Edit: April 10, 2021, 04:24:27 PM by dizzy »


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3469 on: April 11, 2021, 08:33:57 AM »
I crossed the €15k post-tax invested threshold today! It's amazing how fast this is going. It's 8 months since I crossed 10k and 17 months since I first crossed 7.5k. From 0 to 7.5 took nearly 4 years. I have increased my monthly contributions a little bit but most of this has been market gains. I have almost 50% unrealized gains right now and I started from 0 on January 1st, 2016, after having sold my off my old portfolio in summer 2015 to help pay for our house. We poured every last penny we had into the house because it was such a great deal, it just needed some TLC but the size and location were perfect. We took the risk even though everyone advised us against it, because we had nothing to lose. Well, that house is now also up 50% in value.

We were both hit very hard by the 2008 recession, we lost jobs, my parents lost their house, we lived in great uncertainty on a low income for years. We worked so hard to make sure we'd be financially stable by the time the next recession would hit. Well, we're 13 months into the pandemic, on a personal level Covid hit us hard, we lost people, but we're still employed and every month we just get richer and richer. Money doesn't bring happiness, they say, but it's only partially true. We've been able to process this whole situation without also having to worry about money.  It would have been a million times harder if our jobs had been insecure and we wouldn't know how to pay the rent. Instead I was able to take some PTO to grieve, and it cost me nothing, and then when I was able to pull myself together, I found a better paid job right in the middle of the pandemic, because I knew my employer was suffering. When they called me in to tell me they'd have to let me to I was able to tell them I'd already found a new job. Mr Imma is furloughed from a job he loves, and he's not looking elsewhere, because he can afford to wait this out. We are far from FI, but we do have a year's worth of expenses in the bank and good job opportunities.


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3470 on: April 12, 2021, 08:20:42 AM »
@Imma it has been awesome to watch your progress for the last few years. I'm totally impressed by you and so glad that the losses you've faced over the last year haven't been compounded by concerns about money.


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3471 on: April 20, 2021, 11:19:09 AM »
Well, la - dee - duh:) - Challenge completed - funny, how even at this level every dollar still counts.
An unexpected $600 medical insurance reimbursement, a $115 tax return, a $234 credit card reward, a $300 bonus added to my monthly savings
just put me over the top.
GOAL - $100K by Dec 2021 - goal reached April 20, 2021

$  4,588 June 2017
$ 10,117 Dec 2017

$ 10,715 Jan 2018
$ 31,034 Dec 2018
$ 31,094 Jan 2019
$ 50,000 Dec 2019

$ 53,000 Jan 2020
$ 85,000 Dec 2020

$ 86,863 Jan 2021
$ 92,800 Feb 2021
$ 95,200 Mar 2021

$100,724 April 20, 2021


@Imma - Congrats!
It was the same for me, the first three years to $50K were the hardest and seemed more like ten years of hard labor and emotional distress.
It is amazing how far you have come in a relatively short time.

Good luck everyone - it is satisfying and encouraging to see so many RL success stories.
We can do this!


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3472 on: April 20, 2021, 11:51:44 AM »
Congrats @Rosy!!  Well done!


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3473 on: April 22, 2021, 03:30:42 PM »
Congrats @Rosy ---such a great accomplishment!!

Here's my update.
I ended up doing much better than anticipated.  I squirrelled away money for taxes but then didn't owe as much (since I earned less this year)

Dec '17    18,146
Jan '18     23,607
Dec '18    48,380
Dec '19    60,746
Jan '20     63,186
May '20    62,300
June '20   63,000
July '20    58,562
Oct '20     60,900

Dec '20    62,900
Jan '21    65,400
Feb '21    67,600
Mar '21    68,750
Apr '21    72,858
« Last Edit: April 24, 2021, 06:37:53 PM by Serendip »


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3474 on: April 26, 2021, 02:17:21 PM »
So nice to see you all making good progress. Congrats!

End of month balance: 62,299€ - 14,200€ cash and metals

We want to buy a house in 2022 so I am starting to deleverage now.
Cash and metals goal for the end of the year is >25,000€, by selling a few individual stocks when convenient and setting all extra cash aside. Also might sell the derivatives that act like gold but are not a coin :-D Letting the ETF saving plans run their course regardless.

« Last Edit: April 26, 2021, 02:25:18 PM by BobTheBuilder »


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3475 on: April 26, 2021, 07:37:26 PM »
Due to this crazy market and being 98% stocks, I made it past net $100K!

My rent and living expenses doubled since my roommate moved out and I wanted to give living alone a try... So rent went from $265 to $500 a month, utilities around $175 a month with internet. So overall a shift of around +$320/mo in living expenses or nearly 20% of my target yearly budget (20K/yr). Still able to target around $50K/yr in savings pre gains counting employer match.

Hard to say if it was worth it compared to looking for a rando roommate, but overall given that I live in a LCOL it's not the end of the world if I choose to do it for now. We'll see how long it lasts, I'll enjoy the privacy for now :)

On the plus side, I switched to total wireless and only paying $10/mo for cell phone (2GB data) instead of $40 with ATT.

As for my investment choice, 100% stocks seems like an ok choice at my current stage, I feel like bonds aren't necessarily safer right now.

Date                  Bank        Brokerage   401k    roth         student loans   Net
4/26/2020         4,778        32,625      68,576      20,372      -20,000       106,351
12/29/2020   2,389         19,835   52,506   16,500   -20,000       71,230
7/4/2020         4,169         9,746   30,107   11,721   -20,000       35,743
12/1/2019          11,013   0          16,159   1,054        -26,500        1,726

Hi all,

New to the forum, but been working on FIRE for the past 2 years. I graduated from college in december 2018, and started an engineering job end of january 2019, I am 25 now. I started off with pretty much no savings (< $5K), around $10K in credit card debt and ~30K in student loans, and moved to a new town to start my job. Luckily I have a killer deal for rent ($265/mo + $80-100 in utilities, due to splitting with 1 roommate), paid cash for a $3.5K car in december 2018 that's been pretty reliable (on the MMM list :)). Bought a car because I live 5-10 miles from work, work is a chemical plant so I hope I get excused for not wanting to live right next to it lol, no properties for rent nearby anyways.

Since a year before graduating I knew FIRE was one of my top goals, prior to that I did not save as much as I could have in college. Even though I went to community college I kinda spent all the extra money on weed and going out, and then once I transferred I lived in a studio for 2 years instead of having roommates. But hey at least I found this path before getting a job.

I'm making good money ($75K starting, now at $82.5K + bonus ($5K this year)), and saving a lot of it. Employer matches 5% of salary plus $5K/yr on 401K. Really started buckling down this year, maxing 401K and roth IRA in addition to investing what's left over. I'd say I earn the money, technically on call 24/7 and can be a stressful job, but average <50 hr/week. Managed to invest a lot of cash right around the COVID dip, and also refinanced my 401K to be 100% VTI equivalent right around then... Sitting at around 12% ROI for the year, all stocks.

Date                  Bank        Brokerage   401k    roth         student loans   Net
12/29/2020   2389           19835   52506   16500   -20000   71230
7/4/2020         4169            9746   30107   11721   -20000   35743
12/1/2019          11013   0          16159   1054           -26500   1726

Target NW is $500K, goal is to live off <$20K/yr. Also planning on helping mom  for her retirement (~$500/mo). Not sure what my savings rate is right now since I don't follow a budget, but I'm mostly optimized relative to my income. Based on my calculations I should reach that NW around age 30-31, but I guess a lot of things can change by then. Also goal isn't to necessary RE at that age - I'd honestly be happy doing something like baristaFIRE for a few years.

Comments on a few spending categories
- cell phone (on ATT plan,pay $40/month, in theory can cut to $20 with mint given my usage and looking at doing that soon - edit: phone isn't compatbile with mint, will probably wait for mine to be dead prior to switching)
- car use (can WFH 50% of the time, don't bike as often as I could since 5-10 miles each way is above comfort range + midwest winter). Somewhat clown, but I bike for errands ~2-3x/week in non-winter months.
-utilities: internet is $50/month for the cheapest fiber option, and then the $150 is just for electricity which is high (split between 2). It's a smallish apartment, not sure what we can do to improve significantly, but plan on doing more investigating this year. - edit: realized my electric bill is around $75/mo, remaining $75 is water, sewage and taxes.
- food: I eat a vegetarian diet which is cheap, don't eat out too frequently (~1-2x/month) since there aren't that many worthwhile options, and when I do it's fast food. My 'splurging' on food would consist of grocery store bought processed food and liquids but I've been getting better about cutting those off
- mindless consumption: I am prone to buying dumb things I don't need or will use. Getting better, and will hopefully continue being considerate for my wallet and the planet. This is where my biggest opportunity is I think (1-3K/yr), I'm going to start budgeting to better understand it.
-travel: I am sort of over travel even pre covid. I still have to travel 1-2x/yr to see family, and outside of that would probably do a vacation somewhere 1-2x/yr with my SO, but nothing expensive.
- student loans: are at 4.5%, I'd refinance but doesn't make sense with the interest/payment moratorium and political climate. As soon as those are lifted I'll probably pay off $10K and refi the remaining 10 (getting ~2.7% fixed rate refi offer on credible/MMM link), unless student loan forgiveness is picking up steam...

Pretty proud of this year, hope I can keep it up :)
« Last Edit: April 26, 2021, 08:12:14 PM by 0tp »


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3476 on: April 27, 2021, 07:47:58 AM »
11/30/20 - SEP Balance $ 15524.45 + Roth $ 1770.76 - Student loan balance $ 6897.45 = $ 10,397.76
12/30/20 - SEP Balance $ 16106.09 + Roth $ 1813.94 - Student loan balance $ 6306.71 = $ 11,613.32

01/29/21 - SEP + Roth $ 20,139.02 - Student loan balance $ 5,316.32 = $ 14,822.70
02/28/21 - SEP + Roth $ 21,680.41 - Student loan balance $ 4,000.15 = $ 17,680.26
03/31/21 - SEP + Roth $ 22,823.38 - Student loan balance $ 2,994.55 = $ 19,828.83
04/27/21 - SEP + Roth $ 24,365.29 - Student loan balance $ 1,699.29 = $ 22,666.00

Getting closer to having that student loan paid off. Hoping for next month, but in June for sure. Then onto just making money for myself! Already plan on taking that $1000 I am putting on student loans and putting into my Roth to get that built up. Have never maxed my Roth before, hoping 2021 will be the first.


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3477 on: April 28, 2021, 12:04:25 PM »
Tracking investing in SPN (which doesn't include roth)

12/28/2020 - $62,783
1/28/2021 - $67,335.21
2/28/2021 - $69,404
3/28/2021 - $71,869
4/28/2021 - $77,861


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3478 on: April 30, 2021, 02:25:48 AM »
July 2018: £20,385
October 2018: £24,504
January 2019: £25, 295
April 2019: £33,844
July 2019: £38,667
October 2019: £38,588
January 2020: £43,260
April  2020:  £38,094
July 2020: £49,062.35
August 2020: £50,172 just over halfway! :)
Sept 2020: £55,556
Oct 2020 : £56,42
Nov 2020: £57.565 absolute hammering in the markets this month!!!
Dec 2020 : £62,368
Jan 2021 £64,542
Feb 2021 £66,616 Markets fell out a bit this week and I had a dabble in the Gamestop mania (came out unscathed but slightly up to entry).
March 2021 £67,305 - I was over 70k earlier this month! Markets have completely shit the bed. Look forward to looking back at this in X number of years and it barely even registering as a dip in the market.
April 2021 £71,137  - Some significant changes are underway. I've invested £1.5k into cryptocurrencies (roughly 2% of portfolio), I've got some fairly expensive elective surgery coming up that will put a dent in savings for the next few months AND our first child is on the way, so who knows what that means for my savings plans! :)

May 2021 £75,325


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3479 on: April 30, 2021, 05:32:35 AM »
Jan 1, 2020- ($106,695.56)
Dec 1, 2020- $16,441.11   
Jan 1, 2021-  $26,005.07   
Feb 1, 2021-  $38,479.28
Mar 1, 2021-  $50,563.25
Apr 1, 2021- $78,703.27
May 1, 2021- $97,225.14

Almost there!

mountain mustache

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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3480 on: April 30, 2021, 07:32:25 AM »
10/02/2020- $14835.83
11/13/2020- $16110.56
12/11/2020- $16675.72
01/08/2021- $19310.15
01/22/2021- $20533.24
02/05/2021- $21534.62
03/08/2021- $23372.12
04/02/2021- $26218.04
05/01/2021- $29057.55

Really happy with my April savings. It was a 3 paycheck month, and I got a small bonus so I was able to save extra

Ze Stash

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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3481 on: April 30, 2021, 09:31:37 AM »
Net worth:
01/01/2019: -    109,47 €
01/02/2019:      269,41 € (+   378,88 €)
01/03/2019:      890,47 € (+   621,06 €)
01/04/2019:   1.767,70 € (+   877,23 €)
01/05/2019:   3.755,46 € (+1.987,76 €)
01/06/2019:   4.814,83 € (+1.059,37 €)
01/07/2019:   5.959,50 € (+1.144,67 €)
01/08/2019:   7.116,94 € (+1.157,44 €)
01/09/2019:   9.855,39 € (+2.738,45 €)
01/10/2019:   9.718,18 € (-    137,21 €)
01/11/2019: 10.726,98 € (+1.008,80 €)
01/12/2019: 11.773,70 € (+1.046,72 €)
01/01/2020: 12.979,27 € (+1.205,57 €)
01/02/2020: 14.363,54 € (+1.384,27 €)
01/03/2020: 15.039,09 € (+   675,56 €)
01/04/2020: 15.456,74 € (+   417,65 €)
01/05/2020: 16.903,74 € (+1.447,00 €)
01/06/2020: 17.847,51 € (+   943,77 €)
01/07/2020: 19.991,35 € (+2.143,84 €)
01/08/2020: 23.859,77 € (+3.868,42 €)
01/09/2020: 27.705,58 € (+3.845,81 €)
01/10/2020: 28.348,92 € (+   643,34 €)
01/11/2020: 29.975,77 € (+1.626,85 €)
01/12/2020: 32.157,81 € (+2.182,04 €)
01/01/2021: 37.536,36 € (+5.378,55 €)
01/02/2021: 39.128,65 € (+1.592,29 €)
01/03/2021: 43.488,25 € (+4.359,60 €)
01/04/2021: 50.227,75 € (+6.739,50 €)

01/05/2021: 50.942,27 € (+ 714,52 €)

Much smaller increase than in the last months, but this was largely due to BTC being lower today than last month. Savings were roughly 1,6k € compared to 1,1k € last month, so I'm very happy with how things are going.


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3482 on: April 30, 2021, 10:35:29 AM »
September   $8.2k$22.2k$38.6k$63.2k
December$11.1k   $22.4k   $44.6k   $75.0k   

@catorbe, I don't mind claiming that we're racing, but I have to acknowledge that the market is doing all the work here and I'm just along for the ride!

I'm currently projecting $99k at the end of the year. We'll see what the next eight months hold.


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3483 on: April 30, 2021, 02:05:48 PM »
April 2020 - $36,157
May 2020 - $38,540
June 2020 - $39,514
July 2020 - $42,207
August 2020 - $44,045
September 2020 - $44,514
October 2020 - $45,564
November 2020 - $50,152
December 2020 - $52,356
January 2021 - $53,423
February 2021 - $54,304
March 2021 - $58,321

April 2021 - $61,745

Goodbye 50s, I hardly knew ye.  This is crazy.  I know someday I'll be doing this with much bigger numbers, but it still feels really weird/good right now. 


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3484 on: April 30, 2021, 07:07:46 PM »

I do not include my savings to buy expensive "fun items" like new cellphone, electronics etc. as it is not very big. My checking account is also not included as it has money I will likely spend this month. Goal for 2021 is to make it to $100K. - Aiming for June

Net worth:
2017:                          2019                                 2020
Dec2017:$7800                      Jan2019: $27,100 (+3140)           Jan2020:$45,839 (+$2003)
2018                            Feb2019: $29,443 (+2343)          Feb2020:$43,345 (-$2494)
Apr2018:$13,200                    Mar2019: $31,603 (+2160)          Mar2020:$39,081 (-$4264)
Aug2018:$22,800                   Apr2019: $33,959 (+2356)           Apr2020:$47,551 (+$9470)
Sep2018: $23,645                  May2019: $33,933 (-$26)             May2020:$51,613 (+$4,061)
Oct2018: $23,658                   Jun2019: $37,928 (+3995)           Jun2020:$56,760 (+$5147)
Nov2018: $23,948 (+$290)     Jul2019: $39,736 (+1808)            Jul2020:$61,567 (+$4,807)
Dec2018: $23,960 (+12)         Aug2019: $39,918 (+182)            Aug2020:$68,102 (+$6,535)
                                             Sep2019: $34,179 (-5739)            Sep2020:$68,212(+$109)
                                             Oct2019: $38,091 (+3912)           Oct2020:$68,976 (+$763)
                                             Nov2019: $39,867 (+1776)           Nov2020:$76,790 (+$7,814)
                                             Dec2019: $43836 (+$3968)          Dec2020:$82,778 (+$5,987)

Jan2021:$89,090 (+$6,321)
Feb2021:$86,608 (-$2482)
Mar2021:$98,860.10 (+$12,259)
Apr2021: $106,604.06 (+$7428.22): Yahoo! I made it to 100k! It took me about 5 years to get here.  Most of this is due to ridiculous gains in the stock market. I am hopeful this is my final post in this form. Its so weird that stock market gains for year to date have been far greater than my take home pay. Thanks for all the encouragement on the way, and congratulations to everyone else who will graduate this month.


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3485 on: April 30, 2021, 09:13:56 PM »
                       2018                2019                2020                2021                2022               

$52,533!!! Half way mark! TNW is $105K. These increases are well beyond what I expected to see a year ago. Definitely not complaining!


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3486 on: May 01, 2021, 02:50:42 AM »
April 2019: €10094.35
May 2019: €11629.87
June 2019: €12728.63
July 2019: €13021,33
August 2019: €10363,95
September 2019: €10338.28
October 2019: €11128.59
November 2019: €11227,46
December 2019: €11991,27
January 2020: €12576,72
February 2020: €11904,39
March 2020: €10425,32
April 2020: €11830,70
May 2020: €12154,67
June 2020: €14634,19
July 2020: €15345,09
August 2020: €16444,46
September 2020: €17108,60
October 2020: €16687,93
November 2020: €17762,62
December 2020: €19386,94
January 2021: €20649.69
February 2021: €22021,64
March 2021: €22763,55
April 2021: €23866,70

Goals for 2021:
Savings: €10.000
Investments: €25.000

The market is still doing the heavy lifting for me but this month has been really frugal. I spent around €950 while my average is €1100 and high-spend months are €1500. Although to be fair, a lot of my spending is not discretionary. Buying something simple like a new coat or new shoes, or not buying anything in particular like last month, really impact my total spending. Thanks @Rosy and @mckaylabaloney , participating in this thread is really motivating. I love seeing all the regulars from the 10k thread doing well now, @Tass, @LittleWanderer , probably more that I'm forgetting now.

I just ran some numbers this morning and well, the conclusion is, we'll have to retire early or we're going to end up with way too much money in old age!! If I keep earning this wage until conventional retirement age (unlikely, I get a nice raise every year) and keep saving and investing the same amount of money as I do now (also unlikely, because once I reach my target amount in savings, I'm going to invest everything) I'll end up with a million in my post-tax account as well as a full workplace pension at 70% of my average wage, €100k in my savings account and a paid-off home. And Mr. Imma's workplace pension + savings + investments that I didn't even factor in because I don't know the exact figures. We have no kids or nieces and nephews. We could leave it to a charity but I'd rather retire early and donate my time volunteering for a charity.


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3487 on: May 01, 2021, 03:55:25 AM »
I just ran some numbers this morning and well, the conclusion is, we'll have to retire early or we're going to end up with way too much money in old age!!

Best problem to have . . . EVER.  Congrats @Imma !


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3488 on: May 01, 2021, 09:57:52 AM »
MonthInvested TNW
Aug 2020$7,009$44,174
Sep 2020$11,792$44,287
Oct 2020$31,493$64,283
Nov 2020$41,577$73,480
Dec 2020$50,881$81,261
Jan 2021$57,339$89,777
Feb 2021$64,587$97,514
Mar 2021$72,121$107,895
Mar 2021$81,536$118,113

Moving along nicely. The markets are certainly helping, even though there was a little dip on the last day of the month. Hoping to reach $100k by end of the summer. Big variable -- my finding a job (or being able to negotiate cross-country remote) when my wife and I move to CA. Enjoying the ride :)


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3489 on: May 01, 2021, 10:01:23 AM »
I just ran some numbers this morning and well, the conclusion is, we'll have to retire early or we're going to end up with way too much money in old age!! If I keep earning this wage until conventional retirement age (unlikely, I get a nice raise every year) and keep saving and investing the same amount of money as I do now (also unlikely, because once I reach my target amount in savings, I'm going to invest everything) I'll end up with a million in my post-tax account as well as a full workplace pension at 70% of my average wage, €100k in my savings account and a paid-off home. And Mr. Imma's workplace pension + savings + investments that I didn't even factor in because I don't know the exact figures. We have no kids or nieces and nephews. We could leave it to a charity but I'd rather retire early and donate my time volunteering for a charity.

I think these realizations and decisions about what to do are what is so motivating about FIRE. Thinking about things like this helps me realize the real sense of freedom that FI brings.


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3490 on: May 01, 2021, 12:01:47 PM »
I just ran some numbers this morning and well, the conclusion is, we'll have to retire early or we're going to end up with way too much money in old age!! If I keep earning this wage until conventional retirement age (unlikely, I get a nice raise every year) and keep saving and investing the same amount of money as I do now (also unlikely, because once I reach my target amount in savings, I'm going to invest everything) I'll end up with a million in my post-tax account as well as a full workplace pension at 70% of my average wage, €100k in my savings account and a paid-off home. And Mr. Imma's workplace pension + savings + investments that I didn't even factor in because I don't know the exact figures. We have no kids or nieces and nephews. We could leave it to a charity but I'd rather retire early and donate my time volunteering for a charity.

I think these realizations and decisions about what to do are what is so motivating about FIRE. Thinking about things like this helps me realize the real sense of freedom that FI brings.

The biggest realization for me is the calculator that shows the chances you'll be broke or dead with your stache. I'm hoping this will stop me from second guessing myself and enable me to take the leap once I reach my fire number.

More chances than not, you'll been gone before you're money.


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3491 on: May 02, 2021, 05:01:17 AM »
Oct 2019- $1000
Nov 2019- $2340
Dec 2019- $2779
Jan 2020- $5658
Feb 2020- $5539
Mar 2020- $5024
Apr 2020- $5444
May 2020- $8302  (wherein I finally got some of unemployment)
June 2020- $20864 (wherein I got more unemployment plus the EIDL)
mid July 2020- $31724 (got the rest of the backpay, woohoo!)
7/31/20- $33340
9/2/20- $36366
9/17/20 - $42978
10/2/20- $43800
10/31/20- $47854
11/11/20- $53709
12/23/20- $64158
1/8/21- $69542
3/23/21- $81890
4/10/21- $88405
5/2/21- $94414

A big boost since I received $5k from my family for our wedding.  I'm using it in various bank bonuses to grow it- our plan was to pay for the wedding ourselves anyway.  My fiance received $8k as well that we hope to do the same with.  I'm not including his $8k here.

We do need to pay for some wedding stuff but that shouldn't really affect things too much- it's around $6k in total we are thinking now.  Also have some v good bank bonuses paying out soon and then the rest spread out over months will be nbd.

Really hard to believe I'm almost graduated from this group in just a year and a half- it seemed so far-fetched to me when I started.


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3492 on: May 02, 2021, 08:26:14 AM »
I love seeing all the regulars from the 10k thread doing well now, @Tass, @LittleWanderer , probably more that I'm forgetting now.

I keep an eye on you the same way! Love to see forward progress. :)


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3493 on: May 02, 2021, 10:02:31 AM »
I just ran some numbers this morning and well, the conclusion is, we'll have to retire early or we're going to end up with way too much money in old age!!

Best problem to have . . . EVER.  Congrats @Imma !

Yes, congratulations! This indeed is a great problem to have. Good work @Imma :)


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3494 on: May 02, 2021, 11:00:09 AM »
April 2021 Update
3/31/2017 (52,848.85) - Found MMM
3/31/2018 $(14,916.69) - 1 year in
3/31/2019 $9,917.20 - 2 years in
3/31/2020 $22,896.16 - 3 years in
4/30/2020 $32,841.74
5/31/2020 $41,382.08
6/30/2020 $49,125.78
7/31/2020 $54,499.66
8/31/2020 $61,881.00
9/30/2020 $60,837.47
10/31/2020 $60,621.36
11/30/2020 $69,864.27
12/31/2020 $78,754.14
1/31/2021 $84,269.08
2/28/2021 $88,584.72
3/31/2021 $92,842.32
4/30/2021 $100,212.15 <--- Woohoo!!!

It's ben a couple months since my last update but I have made it over the finish line for this race.


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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3495 on: May 02, 2021, 11:51:45 AM »
March 19 10450 (At beginning of the month)
Apr 19     12500
May 19    14800
June 19   17031
July 19    20100
Aug 19    23300
Sept 19   26300
Oct 19     29300
Nov 19    30500
Dec 19    33800
Jan 20     37100
Feb 20     37100
March 20 38413
Apr 20     32000
May 20     37000
June 20    42500
July 20     46300
Aug 20     50200
Sept 20     53400
Oct 20       55700
Nov 20      62000
Dec 20      66300
Jan 21       71500
Feb 21       77000
March 21   80500
Apr 21   83500
May 21   88000

Market's helped a lot last month .


  • Stubble
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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3496 on: May 02, 2021, 12:25:19 PM »
April 2021 Update
3/31/2017 (52,848.85) - Found MMM
3/31/2018 $(14,916.69) - 1 year in
3/31/2019 $9,917.20 - 2 years in
3/31/2020 $22,896.16 - 3 years in
4/30/2020 $32,841.74
5/31/2020 $41,382.08
6/30/2020 $49,125.78
7/31/2020 $54,499.66
8/31/2020 $61,881.00
9/30/2020 $60,837.47
10/31/2020 $60,621.36
11/30/2020 $69,864.27
12/31/2020 $78,754.14
1/31/2021 $84,269.08
2/28/2021 $88,584.72
3/31/2021 $92,842.32
4/30/2021 $100,212.15 <--- Woohoo!!!

It's ben a couple months since my last update but I have made it over the finish line for this race.



  • Walrus Stache
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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3497 on: May 02, 2021, 04:25:52 PM »
It's been a couple months since my last update but I have made it over the finish line for this race.

Woohoo @haypug16!!  Huge congrats!  :)


  • Handlebar Stache
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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3498 on: May 02, 2021, 07:29:52 PM »
It's been a couple months since my last update but I have made it over the finish line for this race.

Woohoo @haypug16!!  Huge congrats!  :)

Thanks It feels awesome to hit 6 figures :)

Dutch Comfort

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Re: Race from 10 to 100k!!
« Reply #3499 on: May 03, 2021, 04:41:34 AM »
Tracking investments, emergency fund and additional pension investments (all to be used to retire together with SO!)
(not tracking company pension investments, house value and current accounts / special project savings)

15 May 2020: EUR 17,034 (started tracking)
15 December 2020: EUR 23,325

31 January 2021: EUR 24,040
28 February 2021: EUR 25,103
31 March 2021: EUR 26,263
30 April 2021: EUR 27,109
(2021 goal: EUR 35K)

Again nice and steady (and boring.....). Just happy that our small holiday did not do anything on the savings side. We had lots of nice (almost free) outings and enjoyed our time together as a family. Summer holiday will be the same (stay in country and go camping), so I do not expect this to have an impact on our savings as well. May will have a nice increase (hopefully) due to holiday pay, tax refund and insurance refund. Still deliberating whether we will put this against our mortgage or put it to savings. I just love to have our monthly expenses as low as possible, so an additional mortgage payment will result in lower expenses (not much, but all small amounts add up).

I see a lot of graduates! Congratulations!!!!!