I love how some people continue to claim that the current system is working, despite all evidence to the contrary.
I'm one of those people! The ACA is working!
Yes, some insurers have pulled out of some markets, but that has always happened and can't be blamed on the ACA. If anything, the ACA slows down this process by expanding the customer pool in rural areas, incentivizing insurers to offer coverage in sparsely populated counties that otherwise would have only one outrageous plan.
Under the ACA, tens of millions of new people have affordable healthcare. This is a good thing. In some markets, insurers have had to literally refund money for being too profitable. Costs of care have come down by moving more people into Medicaid's pay structure. And all of it done without increasing the deficit, 100% paid for with new taxes and reductions in fraud and waste.
Even republicans like most of what the ACA does, though they don't admit it. Their plan keeps most of the ACA intact (pre-existing conditions, lifetime caps, age 26, insurance subsidies, penalties for not buying insurance, basic plan minimum requirements, etc.)
So yes, I will continue to say the ACA is working. It could certainly be improved, but it is a far cry from failing.