"What comes after the ACA?"
Well, here's a start:
http://fortune.com/2017/03/10/genetic-testing-workplace-wellness-bill/A new GOP bill working its way thru the house will allow employers to require employees to take a genetic test and give them the results of that test. They will be allowed to charge a huge penalty on the premiums (like 30%!!) if you don't comply.
Of course, once that genetic data exists, it only takes one law change or one data breach for that info to get out. Your genetic makeup would no longer be private.
I find it Ironic that the GOP is having employers gather genetic data. Ironic as in the slogan "Arbeitet macht Frei", "Work will make you free", which was the slogan on the gate into Dachau. (A Nazi death camp.)

That makes me fighting mad.
If I were Jewish or "not white" I would find it wise to be fighting mad over such a bill.
And, since my family and I may not be as lily white as we think we are ('cause there's no telling what those ancestors were up to), it's in our own self interest to be fighting mad, anyway. Even if we didn't have a conscience, soul or heart.
And - just a personal observation - the 2nd Amendment doesn't exist just to protect conservatives from tyranny.