Looks like the Republicans' next target may be the employer mandate:
I think this would actually be a good thing because it likely would generate new business for the exchanges and help diversify the risk pool.
Of course the people who would get screwed by this move are more of the same people who are currently getting screwed: upper middle class workers who make too much to qualify for ACA tax credits.
You guys are already on the chopping block. Forgetabout the 1%, it is now the top tier of upper-middles who are in line to receive societal wrath.
The book
Dream Hoarders: How the American Upper Middle Class is leaving Everyone Else in the Dust, Why that is a Problem, and What to Do About it lays out the case as to why “income inequality” is killing America.
By the way, this author defines his target group at a household income of $112,000.
I am so happy to be out of the line of fire now that we are FIRED. Our income is $30,000 annually and there aint no way the social justice warriors will be coming after us, based on this income, while I am still alive.
I read only the first chapter of this book and may soon abandon it. It makes me laugh. The author earnestly explained how I as a former target group member (before I retired doncha know) deliberately kept birth control out of the hands of those who need it.
I cant even make this stuff up.
He also commits sins of the Eastern Seaboard Elite where he dwells on the problems of rich people guarding coveted positions in exclusive schools, holding them hostage to those of their class. Others cannot break into that world! Tragic!
Dude, Come join me in flyover country where State U is fine for us, we dont GAF about getting into The Right Schools. And imagine this, we manage to earn enough with our paltry State U degrees to break the Upper Middle Class barrier. Of course, we will never participate in other societal norms that also Eastern Seaboard Elites consider de rigour such as fencing lessons and summer houses on the Cape.
This crap makes me crazy. I do forgive the author somewhat, he was raised in
England. Class distinction is part of his upbringing and he is comfortable in a world where it exists regardless of his claim otherwise.