I have an ACA BCBS plan and am covered across the country. ACA plan coverage just depends on what's offered in your home area.
I can't think of a time, though, when I've wanted non-emergency care away from home.
Yes we can't get BCBS plans here.. But our HD plan says we are covered for emergency services out of network. Of course what this really means is the plan will simply pay the OON providers the same as what they pay the in network providers.. As this won't be close to what the provider will charge, they will simply balance bill you for the rest of it.
Its close to having almost no coverage at all really.
This - exactly as I mentioned above. I do contract work all over the country. I’ve lived in about 15-20 cities and around 8 states over the last 9 years. In the last 14 months I’ve lived 2 months Phoenix, 4 months SC, 3 months Ohio, 3 months Louisiana, and spent 2 months on an 8000 mile road trip from SC to Canada and everywhere throughout the Rockies.
My shithole HMO plan in TX literally only covers emergencies. Like everyone else, I rarely see a doctor. I haven’t had a sick day from work in 8 years. That being said, in the black hills on vacation I became insanely sick and saw a doctor and got a script for about 4 prescriptions. Fortunately I was still on my employers PPO at the time (right before I got my HMO plan). The HMO plans also don’t cover prescriptions outside of network.
I am speaking all of this from vast personal experience for the several times I’ve purchased ACA garbage plans.
The plans are great for poor people/low income. I don’t knowoif a single working middle class person that has benefited this and countless people got screwed (I’m sure they exist, just don’t personally know them). Yes - we needed help for pre existing conditions. However for every 1 person that got helped there’s probably 100 people paying for it. Not to mention everyone else that’s supporting all the obese, non-exercising, non-healthy eating, smokers, etc. that are raising the rates. Not sure how rates can change for smokers though not the obese, as it’s the leading cause of preventable death in this country. Granted, it’s genetics and should probably be classified as a Pre existing condition with the direction our country is heading, with our complete lack of accountability.