I don't know what comes after the ACA, but this needs to be fixed.
A family of 4 in Merklenberg NC zipcode 28105, consisting of
Male 62, female 57. Female 25 and male 23. The family earns
$100,000 and their MAGI is $68,000. (Subsidy is based on MAGI)
Please put these numbers in the ACA website here,
https://www.healthcare.gov/see-plans/ and verify what I wrote.
I did skip the low, medium, high usage area and went straight to plans.
You are welcome to experiment there.
There are 10 ACA policies available.
This family will get a subsidy of $33,069.12 to pay their ACA policy.
The ACA has 2 policies that cost less than $33,069.12, for those
the family pays $0 for the their health insurance. The lowest cost
policy costs the taxpayers $32,466.08 family $0. The third policy
costs the family $420 a year, taxpayers, $33,069.
The highest cost ACA policy available for this family is $49,733.88. WTF!
How can it be realistic for the cheapest policy to cost $32,466.08.
(I contend, because government got involved.)
That is the cheapest ACA policy available to that family and then
for the taxpayers to subsidize that full amount is wrong.
Meanwhile, my older non group, non ACA policy costs *$11,220 a year,
and it is every bit as good if not a little better than the ACA policies.
* it would be cheaper if not for some ACA mandates.
Like lifetime unlimited benefits, I was satisfied with $5,000,000.
At that point I'm to much burden to society.
Edit to change there to their, because it confused an MMM reader enough that
it was pointed out to me. :-)