I always find the healthcare debate fascinating. First, I think we all have the responsibility to take care of ourselves. Exercise, eating healthy, etc. In fact, I think we should start, instead of with arguing over the price of pharmaceuticals, with health and nutrition education in schools. It really should be one of the most important subjects in the public curriculum. Not one of the proposals I've seen allocates increased spending to health education; so, instead, most get their health education from Mountain Dew and Doritos commercials.
Further, it's not like the Earth is hurting for people. In fact, we are pretty much wreaking havoc on the planet and really shouldn't aspire to increase our populations. I've also seen somewhere that we spend around 50% of our healthcare dollars on "end of life care" and maybe this is something we should consider. I'm thinking we get people educated on how to be healthy, we unhook terminal patients from machines and pills and give them palliative care, and sprinkle in some market based competition and we would see significant improvements. Unfortunately, this is not a debate about what's best for the people, the country, the environment; but, one between the pharmas, insurance companies, politicians, hospitals, etc..in essence $$$..I'm off the eat a salad and do some push-ups!