Please don't change your argument and please stop saying that Blue states want Red states to pay for their insurance. That simply isn't true. And most Blue states do have care for the elderly and poor that Red states do no.
If Blue states do not have universal healthcare/insurance, why is this? Is it too expensive without federal money? If so, then they are by definition taking money from other states to fund their own programs.
If it is not because it is too expensive, then it must be because Democrats don't want it as badly as they claim. Looking at the national politics, it would seem this is the case.
The Dems did not have the votes. They were short by one. Franken was mired in a recount. Then Kennedy died. Lieberman refused to support the public option, the end.
Ahh - so now we can agree Democrats are not perhaps as united on this front as some of their supporters claim, and we can stop with the "Democrats wanted single payer, but republicans wouldn't give it to them" nonsense. If they don't have enough support even in their own ranks for single payer, it's hardly fair to blame the other guys, and makes both parties particularly useless in this particular issue.
Are you dense? Blue states pay more to the feds than they get back and it goes to ... Red states. Maybe if Blue states only had to pay for themselves they'd offer universal health care. And some Blue states do have some form of health care even though they are subsidizing Red states. California and Mass. are examples.
Metric Mouse - Please try and follow. The Democrats were ONE VOTE short of being able to do a single payer plan. Please stop obfuscating the point. And by the way - had Kennedy not died - we would have a single payer plan today. Period.
You made the statement that Blue states wanted Red states to pay for their insurance. When I prove to you that it is just your opinion - and your opinion is WRONG - you don't honorably admit that and let it go - NO - you pivot the argument to another one of your OPINIONS that if Blue states wanted to they could provide universal health care to their citizens. You never acknowledge that anything you say is wrong - maybe even an outright lie - like when you say that I don't want people to have life-saving care - and you move on to your next unsupportable claim. You are a lot like somebody else in that regard. And you are no longer credible at all.
And as far as state wide politics are concerned - I've already proven to you that Blue states are forced to give way more money to the feds than they get from the feds to support the Red states. If they could have that money for themselves - they could have universal coverage for their citizens. However - they cannot because they are being forced to SUPPORT THE RED STATES. So why are you continuing down this road?
The polls show that more people support the ACA than don't.( There may be some people that ended up with what they consider worse options. But for over 20 million people - it was the only way that they could get insurance. AS FOR ME - I'D RATHER PAY MORE TAXES TO HELP THOSE AMONG US THAT NEED A HELPING HAND TO GET ALL THE HEALTHCARE THEY NEED FOR A NORMAL LIFE. TrumpCare will put the old and poor out on the street again. And while they may be able to go to the emergency room if they need imminent life saving care - they cannot go for care that would allow them to live normal lives or get ongoing life care like insulin for diabetes.
I might remind you that you will not be young forever. And - you cannot know for sure what your future holds. How much 'stache do you need just pay your health insurance between the ages of 50 and when you will qualify for medicare if it still exists? If that number is $20K per year - you'll need at least another $300K saved to retire - just for health insurance.
If TrumpCare passes and/or they do away with the capital gains medicare tax - I will benefit greatly. But I'd rather that did not happen. I'd rather the poor and elderly get health care. So until and unless the GOP can come up with a plan that gets the old and poor healthcare - not just "access" then the ACA is the best thing we have. Because "access" at a cost of $20K a year means that must won't be able to afford that "access."