Author Topic: What TV series do you like?  (Read 739108 times)


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Re: What TV series do you like?
« Reply #2850 on: July 18, 2023, 06:48:07 PM »
Jebus fucking Christ.

I tried watching The Crowded Room because of so many people raving about it, but I should have done my due diligence first and read the actual reviews about it before slogging through 4 utterly dreadful episodes.


ETA: lol, here's an excerpt of what Ebert has to say about it and for me, it's spot on.

"At best, these 10 hours of Apple TV’s latest drama will provide some background noise while you fold laundry, but at worst, this is the shallowest dramatic exploration of mental illness in some time."
It's bad and that is the exact quote I sent to my husband while he was watching it and also reading his phone at the same time.


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Re: What TV series do you like?
« Reply #2851 on: July 18, 2023, 07:24:01 PM »
It's bad and that is the exact quote I sent to my husband while he was watching it and also reading his phone at the same time.

It's so so bad.

But people absolutely love it. Which means I'm now completely fascinated by this phenomenon.

What's also interesting is the contrast between reviewers raving about Tom Holland's acting vs those saying it's terrible.

It's fucking fascinating. I'm now kind of glad I watched as much of it as I have, because I've gotten very sucked into the rabbit hole of trying to understand this insane dual reality of perspectives on it.

It's like the TV series version of the white and gold/ blue and black dress.

Wolfpack Mustachian

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Re: What TV series do you like?
« Reply #2852 on: July 18, 2023, 07:32:56 PM »
It's bad and that is the exact quote I sent to my husband while he was watching it and also reading his phone at the same time.

It's so so bad.

But people absolutely love it. Which means I'm now completely fascinated by this phenomenon.

What's also interesting is the contrast between reviewers raving about Tom Holland's acting vs those saying it's terrible.

It's fucking fascinating. I'm now kind of glad I watched as much of it as I have, because I've gotten very sucked into the rabbit hole of trying to understand this insane dual reality of perspectives on it.

It's like the TV series version of the white and gold/ blue and black dress.

Is Holland's acting bad? What's the worst part of it? What makes it a slog?


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Re: What TV series do you like?
« Reply #2853 on: July 18, 2023, 08:34:02 PM »
It feels like the warring groups are Tom Holland fans who are excited he's extending himself out of the Spiderverse vs everyone else.


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Re: What TV series do you like?
« Reply #2854 on: July 19, 2023, 05:18:53 AM »
It's bad and that is the exact quote I sent to my husband while he was watching it and also reading his phone at the same time.

It's so so bad.

But people absolutely love it. Which means I'm now completely fascinated by this phenomenon.

What's also interesting is the contrast between reviewers raving about Tom Holland's acting vs those saying it's terrible.

It's fucking fascinating. I'm now kind of glad I watched as much of it as I have, because I've gotten very sucked into the rabbit hole of trying to understand this insane dual reality of perspectives on it.

It's like the TV series version of the white and gold/ blue and black dress.

Is Holland's acting bad? What's the worst part of it? What makes it a slog?

It's an 8 part series that should be a movie. It takes until episode 6 of 8 for the full stakes of the story to even be understood.

It's an insanely drawn out lead up to a "big reveal" that isn't enough of a payoff, and if you know the "big reveal," which is stupidly easy to figure out, even in the first few minutes, then getting there is just miserable. I couldn't even do it.

Is Tom Holland's acting good or bad? I don't know, I watched a few hours of him looking scared and confused...I guess he's pretty good at looking scared and confused.

Again, I don't want to spoil the "big reveal" but that's really the point where I think he's getting praise for his acting because this particular plot device often leads to actors getting stupid amounts of praise.

After several hours of watching Tom Holland look scared and confused and waiting for something, anything really to be revealed about the central plot, I was just done.

Seriously, if I don't already know what the plot was, I wouldn't be able to tell you anything about what this show is about after several hours. There are only vague, fleeting hints of a main plot, for hours, and most of those are red herrings, and they aren't interesting.

I was cool with the first episode being like that, I was like "wow, what a nice, moody, mysterious set-up" and then the set-up process just never fucking ended.


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Re: What TV series do you like?
« Reply #2855 on: July 19, 2023, 05:29:15 AM »
It feels like the warring groups are Tom Holland fans who are excited he's extending himself out of the Spiderverse vs everyone else.

Is that it? Is it just a rabid fandom of young people who are too young to remember the onslaught of film and TV overusage of this particular plot device?? So for them it's all fresh and shocking, and seems really smart instead of hackneyed??

That would make sense. I remember being 14 in the 90s and being impressed by a certain rather similar young actor who was basically launched into fame playing the exact same role. But in a 2h movie, not a 10 hr series.

So if it's mostly young Holland fandom folks flooding the internet with raves, then that adds up as to why the audience score is so at odds with the critic score.


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Re: What TV series do you like?
« Reply #2856 on: July 19, 2023, 06:29:04 AM »
It feels like the warring groups are Tom Holland fans who are excited he's extending himself out of the Spiderverse vs everyone else.

Is that it? Is it just a rabid fandom of young people who are too young to remember the onslaught of film and TV overusage of this particular plot device?? So for them it's all fresh and shocking, and seems really smart instead of hackneyed??

That would make sense. I remember being 14 in the 90s and being impressed by a certain rather similar young actor who was basically launched into fame playing the exact same role. But in a 2h movie, not a 10 hr series.

So if it's mostly young Holland fandom folks flooding the internet with raves, then that adds up as to why the audience score is so at odds with the critic score.

I mean, I figured out the plot twist just now from the title of the show + the last 5 comments in this thread, so... I can imagine it's rough getting through 6 episodes where they're teasing it but not actually telling.


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Re: What TV series do you like?
« Reply #2857 on: July 19, 2023, 06:39:55 AM »
It feels like the warring groups are Tom Holland fans who are excited he's extending himself out of the Spiderverse vs everyone else.

Is that it? Is it just a rabid fandom of young people who are too young to remember the onslaught of film and TV overusage of this particular plot device?? So for them it's all fresh and shocking, and seems really smart instead of hackneyed??

That would make sense. I remember being 14 in the 90s and being impressed by a certain rather similar young actor who was basically launched into fame playing the exact same role. But in a 2h movie, not a 10 hr series.

So if it's mostly young Holland fandom folks flooding the internet with raves, then that adds up as to why the audience score is so at odds with the critic score.

I mean, I figured out the plot twist just now from the title of the show + the last 5 comments in this thread, so... I can imagine it's rough getting through 6 episodes where they're teasing it but not actually telling.

They're not really teasing it though, it's much more dull than that and more about really boring red herrings. I paused it, looked at DH who didn't know the premise and said "do you care about anything that's happened so far?" And he was like "no, I don't care to the point that I'm angry."

iris lily

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Re: What TV series do you like?
« Reply #2858 on: July 19, 2023, 08:20:25 AM »
We also watched Jury Duty recently and it was great fun. Easy to binge watch because the episodes are short. I highly recommend that one for every body.

I'm binging Succession and have carefully avoided your spoilers. I didn't think I would be able to watch it after the first episode, but the children are all such perfect portrayals of the various types of children of the ridiculously wealthy that it has grown on me.

Succession has immediately shot to my list of top five television shows ever. I’ve watched the entire series 3 times now. I subscribe to HBO just for succession and then I drop it after I’m done watching.


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Re: What TV series do you like?
« Reply #2859 on: July 19, 2023, 11:46:23 AM »
I'm watching Love & Death on Crave and it's very, very watchable….

…It stars Elizabeth Olsen and Jesse Plemons and they're both just killing it in these roles. Y'know when you can tell that an actor is having fun in a role? Well these are roles where it just oozes from them that they're having a great time embodying these characters…

Elizabeth Olsen is magical. She is luminously  beautiful and a good actress.

Plemons, he just recently registered with me. he was in Fargo, and then Power of the Dog. I’m not yet sure I like him. He’s married to Kirsten Dunst who I find generally blah.

Dunst is great in On Becoming a God in Central Florida. I really wish they had made more seasons of that show.

But yeah, I have typically found her to be one-note for the bulk of her career. Like she nailed it so young in Interview and then just phoned it in for the next two decades. Her Marie Antoinette was brutally boring, IMO, and that's a tough character to make dull.

I loved Drop Dead Gorgeous though, and that's exactly the kind of small-town american weirdo that she particularly excels at playing, which is probably why I liked her in Fargo as well.

Hollywood tried to make her a classic hot blonde leading lady and it just fell flat. She's so much better as a weirdo, because she' probably *is* a total weirdo, which is probably why she did so well as a murderous child vampire to begin with.

Even Bring It On had its best moments when she was being more demented.

Are you living in my head, @Metalcat? I feel the exact same way about Kirsten Dunst. She's quirky, her roles can be hit & miss but she absolutely hit high notes in Drop Dead Gorgeous, Dick, On Being a God in Central Florida It's too bad the latter didn't get more than the one season, there was more of a story to tell.

And I could have continued watching Elizabeth Olsen do her thing with no end in sight. Love and Death was brilliant in every way. A review I read compared the role as a "suburban Emma Bovary" which is about as spot on as it gets.


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Re: What TV series do you like?
« Reply #2860 on: July 19, 2023, 12:45:23 PM »
Are you living in my head, @Metalcat? I feel the exact same way about Kirsten Dunst. She's quirky, her roles can be hit & miss but she absolutely hit high notes in Drop Dead Gorgeous, Dick, On Being a God in Central Florida It's too bad the latter didn't get more than the one season, there was more of a story to tell.

And I could have continued watching Elizabeth Olsen do her thing with no end in sight. Love and Death was brilliant in every way. A review I read compared the role as a "suburban Emma Bovary" which is about as spot on as it gets.

Really? I don't see it.

Madame Bovary is incidentally one of my favourite Mustachian novels, with heavy handed warnings about how consumerism makes you miserable and ruins your life.

I'm not sure I can connect Olsen's character to Emma Bovary though. Emma is a spoiled, extremely self-indulgent, unpleasant, pretty little twit, while Olsen's character is an ultra pragmatic, extremely responsible, rather conscientious and downright likable middle aged mom.

The only similarity I see between them is the powerful desire for romance, but their driving forces behind this are very different.

Maybe I'll see it more as I watch more, but I feel like the character will have to go through some radical changes for that shoe to fit. Anything is possible.

iris lily

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Re: What TV series do you like?
« Reply #2861 on: July 19, 2023, 02:23:49 PM »
I'm watching Love & Death on Crave and it's very, very watchable….

…It stars Elizabeth Olsen and Jesse Plemons and they're both just killing it in these roles. Y'know when you can tell that an actor is having fun in a role? Well these are roles where it just oozes from them that they're having a great time embodying these characters…

Elizabeth Olsen is magical. She is luminously  beautiful and a good actress.

Plemons, he just recently registered with me. he was in Fargo, and then Power of the Dog. I’m not yet sure I like him. He’s married to Kirsten Dunst who I find generally blah.

Dunst is great in On Becoming a God in Central Florida. I really wish they had made more seasons of that show.

But yeah, I have typically found her to be one-note for the bulk of her career. Like she nailed it so young in Interview and then just phoned it in for the next two decades. Her Marie Antoinette was brutally boring, IMO, and that's a tough character to make dull.

I loved Drop Dead Gorgeous though, and that's exactly the kind of small-town american weirdo that she particularly excels at playing, which is probably why I liked her in Fargo as well.

Hollywood tried to make her a classic hot blonde leading lady and it just fell flat. She's so much better as a weirdo, because she' probably *is* a total weirdo, which is probably why she did so well as a murderous child vampire to begin with.

Even Bring It On had its best moments when she was being more demented.

Are you living in my head, @Metalcat? I feel the exact same way about Kirsten Dunst. She's quirky, her roles can be hit & miss but she absolutely hit high notes in Drop Dead Gorgeous, Dick, On Being a God in Central Florida It's too bad the latter didn't get more than the one season, there was more of a story to tell.

And I could have continued watching Elizabeth Olsen do her thing with no end in sight. Love and Death was brilliant in every way. A review I read compared the role as a "suburban Emma Bovary" which is about as spot on as it gets.

I always wonder if the Olsen twins would look like their sister Elizabeth if  they got adequate nutrition. They both look gray,  anorexic, and sickly to me.

As for Kirsten Dunst’s  performance of Marie Antoinette, that film was in our local film critic’s top ten films of that decade list. I quizzed him about it because I thought it was such an odd choice. He thought it was quirky and … I wish I could remember the word he used to describe it. It has been many many years since I saw that film but I wonder if she was directed to play it deadpan since that is how I remember her performance.
« Last Edit: July 19, 2023, 02:26:16 PM by iris lily »


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Re: What TV series do you like?
« Reply #2862 on: July 19, 2023, 04:17:27 PM »
I always wonder if the Olsen twins would look like their sister Elizabeth if  they got adequate nutrition. They both look gray,  anorexic, and sickly to me.

As for Kirsten Dunst’s  performance of Marie Antoinette, that film was in our local film critic’s top ten films of that decade list. I quizzed him about it because I thought it was such an odd choice. He thought it was quirky and … I wish I could remember the word he used to describe it. It has been many many years since I saw that film but I wonder if she was directed to play it deadpan since that is how I remember her performance.

She probably was since it was a Sophia Coppola film and that is very much her style. I thought Virgin Suicides was dull as dirt as well, as was Dunst in it.

Sophia Coppola's movies just resonate with some people though, so I can see why some critics would really like them. I personally don't get it, I think they're all pretty awful. The only reason I could tolerate Lost In Translation is because I went to see it with a couple where the girlfriend was from Japan and her English was iffy. Watching them laugh at totally different times and try to explain it to each other was extremely entertaining.

iris lily

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Re: What TV series do you like?
« Reply #2863 on: July 19, 2023, 05:12:10 PM »
I always wonder if the Olsen twins would look like their sister Elizabeth if  they got adequate nutrition. They both look gray,  anorexic, and sickly to me.

As for Kirsten Dunst’s  performance of Marie Antoinette, that film was in our local film critic’s top ten films of that decade list. I quizzed him about it because I thought it was such an odd choice. He thought it was quirky and … I wish I could remember the word he used to describe it. It has been many many years since I saw that film but I wonder if she was directed to play it deadpan since that is how I remember her performance.

She probably was since it was a Sophia Coppola film and that is very much her style. I thought Virgin Suicides was dull as dirt as well, as was Dunst in it.

Sophia Coppola's movies just resonate with some people though, so I can see why some critics would really like them. I personally don't get it, I think they're all pretty awful. The only reason I could tolerate Lost In Translation is because I went to see it with a couple where the girlfriend was from Japan and her English was iffy. Watching them laugh at totally different times and try to explain it to each other was extremely entertaining.

Oh, I love “ Lost in translation” due to Billy Murphy. He does deadpan well. love that guy.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2023, 08:22:38 AM by iris lily »


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Re: What TV series do you like?
« Reply #2864 on: July 20, 2023, 05:44:45 AM »
Succession has immediately shot to my list of top five television shows ever. I’ve watched the entire series 3 times now. I subscribe to HBO just for succession and then I drop it after I’m done watching.

I tend to often agree with your opinion, so I need to know the other 4!  :)

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Re: What TV series do you like?
« Reply #2865 on: July 20, 2023, 07:07:18 AM »
Deadloch stuck the landing and I really hope there’s a second season.
I'm finding that show hard to watch. It's a good story but the dialog is annoying with people talking over each other. I do want to visit Tasmania though.

iris lily

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Re: What TV series do you like?
« Reply #2866 on: July 20, 2023, 07:57:48 AM »
Succession has immediately shot to my list of top five television shows ever. I’ve watched the entire series 3 times now. I subscribe to HBO just for succession and then I drop it after I’m done watching.

I tend to often agree with your opinion, so I need to know the other 4!  :)

Well, I should really have a top 10 list, but if we are talking about television dramas, it’s the old -but-modern classics:

The Wire, Sopranos, The Shield, Deadwood,

And now Succession.

These first four dramas still sit in my brain as the top ones because they made such a big impact because they came out before there was S0 MUCH television to choose from.

My top television comedies are:

Veep, the Larry Sanders show

Everything else is far down as secondary
« Last Edit: July 20, 2023, 08:57:15 AM by iris lily »


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Re: What TV series do you like?
« Reply #2867 on: July 20, 2023, 02:44:57 PM »
Deadloch stuck the landing and I really hope there’s a second season.
I'm finding that show hard to watch. It's a good story but the dialog is annoying with people talking over each other. I do want to visit Tasmania though.
I found all of the characters but especially Cath so intensely irritating to start of with that I initially watched because of the writing and the scenery. People don’t get that irritating by accident - there was some top notch writing there. And then the pace picks up and it all comes together.

Edit: we watch with closed captioning on because we have planes flying over our house every 3-6 minutes so that might be something to try.
« Last Edit: July 20, 2023, 02:46:42 PM by mspym »

iris lily

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Re: What TV series do you like?
« Reply #2868 on: July 24, 2023, 09:26:17 AM »
I watched a funny little Swedish limited series called (in English) Anxious
People. It’s a light hearted police procedural about a bank robber.

The film is masterfully dubbed, in English. There are also English subtitles available, but I turned them off because the spoken version was so very good.


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Re: What TV series do you like?
« Reply #2869 on: July 25, 2023, 07:33:42 AM »
We've finished 2 episodes of Queer as folk US after watching the original UK one set I'm Manchester back in the 90s. Very good so far.

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Re: What TV series do you like?
« Reply #2870 on: July 25, 2023, 10:13:19 AM »
Started watching 'Billions' on Amazon last night. It's obviously mustachian with the line 'What's the point of having FU money if you never say FU?"


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Re: What TV series do you like?
« Reply #2871 on: July 25, 2023, 10:33:02 AM »
I have been really enjoying Histories Greatest Mysteries, seasons 3 and 4 are a much better format than 1 and 2.


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Re: What TV series do you like?
« Reply #2872 on: July 25, 2023, 02:48:37 PM »
The new Justified series is out, and it's actually pretty good! 

I thought I would miss the supporting cast but some familiar faces from Bloodline, Narcos, Rectify and others have filled the gap nicely. 

It does require one to ignore the fact that Raylan suddenly has a teenage daughter (being played by a 20 year old) who should be more like 10 based on the timeline from the original series.

iris lily

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Re: What TV series do you like?
« Reply #2873 on: July 25, 2023, 04:08:36 PM »
The new Justified series is out, and it's actually pretty good! 

I thought I would miss the supporting cast but some familiar faces from Bloodline, Narcos, Rectify and others have filled the gap nicely. 

It does require one to ignore the fact that Raylan suddenly has a teenage daughter (being played by a 20 year old) who should be more like 10 based on the timeline from the original series.
I am glad to hear the new Justified is decent. I suppose Boyd won’t be making any appearances.

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Re: What TV series do you like?
« Reply #2874 on: July 25, 2023, 04:55:41 PM »
Vigil - it's made by the BBC with lots of familiar faces so was always going to be good. There's a death on a nuclear sub that patrols off Scotland and a female police officer is sent on board for 3 days to investigate because it happened in British waters. I'm 3 eps in and can't wait to watch the rest.


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Re: What TV series do you like?
« Reply #2875 on: July 25, 2023, 05:26:20 PM »
Vigil - it's made by the BBC with lots of familiar faces so was always going to be good. There's a death on a nuclear sub that patrols off Scotland and a female police officer is sent on board for 3 days to investigate because it happened in British waters. I'm 3 eps in and can't wait to watch the rest.
Yeah, it's really good.


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Re: What TV series do you like?
« Reply #2876 on: July 26, 2023, 02:20:48 AM »
Vigil is really terrible. Submarines with 8 foot ceilings and lots of room to run around in and such an unbelievable plot (mind you unbelievable plots seem to be the norm these days).

On the other hand Guilt is very amusing, just finished the last series. It has an unbelievable plot too but it's funny and doesn't take itself seriously.

iris lily

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Re: What TV series do you like?
« Reply #2877 on: July 28, 2023, 10:09:18 AM »
Vigil is really terrible. Submarines with 8 foot ceilings and lots of room to run around in and such an unbelievable plot (mind you unbelievable plots seem to be the norm these days).

On the other hand Guilt is very amusing, just finished the last series. It has an unbelievable plot too but it's funny and doesn't take itself seriously.
yes, Guilt is amusing. I’ve binged watched season one, but haven’t really started season two yet.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2023, 12:12:41 PM by iris lily »

jinga nation

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Re: What TV series do you like?
« Reply #2878 on: July 28, 2023, 12:08:36 PM »
Long overdue, but started watching Rings of Power with the family. They're hooked after the first episode.
My kids have watched only the first LOTR film - Fellowship of the Ring. Wife has watched all three. Kids haven't watched all three Hobbit films, wife hasn't watched Battle of the Five Armies.
But now they want to watch everything "in chronological order" starting with RoP, then the Hobbit films, then LOTR.

I have mixed feelings, but then that's how they started watching Star Wars, starting with Episode 1.

But it doesn't matter, I get to watch and enjoy the series with the kids. I now know how my dad felt dragging me to James Bond films once I hit teenage years.
« Last Edit: July 28, 2023, 12:51:28 PM by jinga nation »


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Re: What TV series do you like?
« Reply #2879 on: July 28, 2023, 06:27:55 PM »
Vigil is really terrible. Submarines with 8 foot ceilings and lots of room to run around in and such an unbelievable plot (mind you unbelievable plots seem to be the norm these days).

I liked "Vigil" quite a bit. No, it's not realistic and the submarine is way too big/easy for the crew to move around in. But really good suspense and interesting story.

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Re: What TV series do you like?
« Reply #2880 on: July 28, 2023, 09:07:26 PM »
Vigil is really terrible. Submarines with 8 foot ceilings and lots of room to run around in and such an unbelievable plot (mind you unbelievable plots seem to be the norm these days).

I liked "Vigil" quite a bit. No, it's not realistic and the submarine is way too big/easy for the crew to move around in. But really good suspense and interesting story.

I've finished it now, I thought it was great, lots of red herrings and v tense. Without spoiling it, I had to pause while DH took the dog out for a wee just as she was stuck in the thingo. That's an image to give you nightmares.

Yes there's some silly things like finding something on CCTV within two minutes of searching but you're supposed to suspend your disbelief when watching these things. If everything was entirely accurate we'd be bored to tears. I aim never to set foot on a sub my entire life so I'll have to believe you but aren't Trident subs absolutely huge, eg the width of a six lane highway and 4 stories tall?


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Re: What TV series do you like?
« Reply #2881 on: July 31, 2023, 01:11:21 AM »
Vigil is really terrible. Submarines with 8 foot ceilings and lots of room to run around in and such an unbelievable plot (mind you unbelievable plots seem to be the norm these days).

I liked "Vigil" quite a bit. No, it's not realistic and the submarine is way too big/easy for the crew to move around in. But really good suspense and interesting story.

I've finished it now, I thought it was great, lots of red herrings and v tense. Without spoiling it, I had to pause while DH took the dog out for a wee just as she was stuck in the thingo. That's an image to give you nightmares.

Yes there's some silly things like finding something on CCTV within two minutes of searching but you're supposed to suspend your disbelief when watching these things. If everything was entirely accurate we'd be bored to tears. I aim never to set foot on a sub my entire life so I'll have to believe you but aren't Trident subs absolutely huge, eg the width of a six lane highway and 4 stories tall?

I gave up quite quickly on Vigil but my husband really liked it.

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Re: What TV series do you like?
« Reply #2882 on: August 06, 2023, 08:46:24 AM »
Any others The Bear fans here?  It has to be one of the best shows I have seen in recent memory. I started with the first season last year with my usual using it as background noise while I do other things, playing on my phone, etc. but when I started season 2 this year I realized that this was some good shit and went back and watched from S1E1.  Definitely a “put down you damn phone and pay attention” kinda show, and resist the urge to google all the restaurant and culture references and wait until after.  The writers and stage directors reward your attention, it may not be until the following season, but with it will. 

jinga nation

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Re: What TV series do you like?
« Reply #2883 on: August 06, 2023, 02:47:45 PM »
Started watching Good Omens 2. Really good. Enjoying more Jon Hamm. Final verdict comparing to season 1 will be later. But I like that it is based on plot points discussed between Gaiman and Pratchett, and not totally based on a finished product, and that the writers have filled in-between, more open to ideas and plot developments.

Finished Rings of Power Season 1 with my wife. She's enjoying the televisuals of my fav author Sir Terry and Tolkien characters with these 2 shows.
« Last Edit: August 06, 2023, 02:49:28 PM by jinga nation »


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Re: What TV series do you like?
« Reply #2884 on: August 08, 2023, 02:07:55 AM »
We just discovered 'the Americans' is on ITV in the UK. I'm sure I read good things about it here?


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Re: What TV series do you like?
« Reply #2885 on: August 08, 2023, 02:09:17 AM »
We just discovered 'the Americans' is on ITV in the UK. I'm sure I read good things about it here?
Probably from me.

I really enjoyed it and thought the acting was great.


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Re: What TV series do you like?
« Reply #2886 on: August 08, 2023, 02:29:33 AM »
We just discovered 'the Americans' is on ITV in the UK. I'm sure I read good things about it here?
Probably from me.

I really enjoyed it and thought the acting was great.

Oh that's good! I think you also mentioned 'halt and catch fire' too? We loved that and have had major withdrawals for something else well acted, ever since so I'll look forward to that.


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Re: What TV series do you like?
« Reply #2887 on: August 08, 2023, 09:06:33 AM »
We just discovered 'the Americans' is on ITV in the UK. I'm sure I read good things about it here?

Yes, great show!


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Re: What TV series do you like?
« Reply #2888 on: August 08, 2023, 09:13:16 AM »
We just discovered 'the Americans' is on ITV in the UK. I'm sure I read good things about it here?

Yes, great show!

Ah, great! Started the first ep and liking it so far.


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Re: What TV series do you like?
« Reply #2889 on: August 08, 2023, 09:45:19 AM »
Finished season 1 of 'Big Door Prize' on AppleTV last night. I liked the concept of it but the show was weak. I hoped there wouldn't be a season 2 but they ended with a cliff hanger.

I know, it was an interesting idea and could've made for an interesting single season, but trying to make it in to a more grand conspiracy at the end of the season was a big let down.  I don't think I'll be back for more.  Instead I'll listen to the audiobook and call it a day.

I just finished the audiobook and prefer the original conclusion to whatever it is that Apple's show is trying to do.  It's too bad, the premise was good and I don't mind some artistic license, but the show is blazing a trail off a cliff...  I would recommend the book though, if you liked the show.


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Re: What TV series do you like?
« Reply #2890 on: August 08, 2023, 09:34:44 PM »
We just discovered 'the Americans' is on ITV in the UK. I'm sure I read good things about it here?

The Americans is probably my all-time fave TV show -- and I watch a lot of TV.


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Re: What TV series do you like?
« Reply #2891 on: August 09, 2023, 01:27:22 AM »
We just discovered 'the Americans' is on ITV in the UK. I'm sure I read good things about it here?

The Americans is probably my all-time fave TV show -- and I watch a lot of TV.

That's good to hear. :) Finished ep 2 last night and we're hooked!


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Re: What TV series do you like?
« Reply #2892 on: August 09, 2023, 03:39:27 AM »
DH has spent all summer playing basketball with teens, so we started watching Swagger, which is all about junior high and highschool basketball.

It's a pretty well constructed show, it suffers from a bit of pacing issues because it takes on too many topics. The show obviously has great youth basketball consultant, so it makes the details of that world feel real, but the writers clearly never spoke to anyone who has ever been in sales, lol, so some of the corporate/sales rep scenes are silly, but those aren't important scenes.

Overall it's a very watchable sports show with a strong cast of young people and a lot of very good chemistry between a lot of them. The show is all about how team cohesion is critical to winning even when you have superstar players, so the chemistry between the players *is* the driving element of the plot.

iris lily

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Re: What TV series do you like?
« Reply #2893 on: August 10, 2023, 11:07:18 AM »
We just discovered 'the Americans' is on ITV in the UK. I'm sure I read good things about it here?

The Americans is probably my all-time fave TV show -- and I watch a lot of TV.

That's good to hear. :) Finished ep 2 last night and we're hooked!

Ohm good! I abandoned The Americans somewhere around episode 4-5. The silly costumes, wig changes, and unrealistic physical fights were too dumb.

BUT—I came back to it later, suspending disbelief in that stuff, and came to appreciate it. It is really just a family drama with unusual outside pressures on the family. The secondary characters are outstanding. I will never forget poor Martha. Or the Russian girl, or their “handlers.” Some very interesting g plot devices take place.

The last episode of the series is epic tv.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2023, 11:10:31 AM by iris lily »


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Re: What TV series do you like?
« Reply #2894 on: August 10, 2023, 11:14:26 AM »
We just discovered 'the Americans' is on ITV in the UK. I'm sure I read good things about it here?

The Americans is probably my all-time fave TV show -- and I watch a lot of TV.

That's good to hear. :) Finished ep 2 last night and we're hooked!
Ohm good! I abandoned The Americans somewhere around episode 4-5. The silly costumes, wig changes, and unrealistic physical fights were too dumb.

BUT—I came back to it later, suspending disbelief in that stuff, and came to appreciate it. It is really just a family drama with unusual outside pressures on the family. The secondary characters are outstanding. I will never forget poor Martha. Or the Russian girl, or their “handlers.” Some very interesting g plot devices take place.

The last episode of the series is epic tv.

I was the same, made it about a season and a half.   But that was when there were a ton of good shows competing with it.  Seems like hardly any good shows theses days, I have thought about giving The Americans another shot.

iris lily

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Re: What TV series do you like?
« Reply #2895 on: August 10, 2023, 12:09:55 PM »
We just discovered 'the Americans' is on ITV in the UK. I'm sure I read good things about it here?

The Americans is probably my all-time fave TV show -- and I watch a lot of TV.

That's good to hear. :) Finished ep 2 last night and we're hooked!
Ohm good! I abandoned The Americans somewhere around episode 4-5. The silly costumes, wig changes, and unrealistic physical fights were too dumb.

BUT—I came back to it later, suspending disbelief in that stuff, and came to appreciate it. It is really just a family drama with unusual outside pressures on the family. The secondary characters are outstanding. I will never forget poor Martha. Or the Russian girl, or their “handlers.” Some very interesting g plot devices take place.

The last episode of the series is epic tv.

I was the same, made it about a season and a half.   But that was when there were a ton of good shows competing with it.  Seems like hardly any good shows theses days, I have thought about giving The Americans another shot.

Do it!

I’ve binged watch a little Australian comedy on Netflix “FISK”  about an attorney. She does wills and trust business. It’s nicely done.

I watched “Stonehouse” about the British parliament member who brought down Wilson’s regime. It was mediocre, despite the star power.
« Last Edit: August 10, 2023, 01:33:48 PM by iris lily »


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Re: What TV series do you like?
« Reply #2896 on: August 11, 2023, 12:18:56 AM »
We just discovered 'the Americans' is on ITV in the UK. I'm sure I read good things about it here?

The Americans is probably my all-time fave TV show -- and I watch a lot of TV.

That's good to hear. :) Finished ep 2 last night and we're hooked!
Ohm good! I abandoned The Americans somewhere around episode 4-5. The silly costumes, wig changes, and unrealistic physical fights were too dumb.

BUT—I came back to it later, suspending disbelief in that stuff, and came to appreciate it. It is really just a family drama with unusual outside pressures on the family. The secondary characters are outstanding. I will never forget poor Martha. Or the Russian girl, or their “handlers.” Some very interesting g plot devices take place.

The last episode of the series is epic tv.

I was the same, made it about a season and a half.   But that was when there were a ton of good shows competing with it.  Seems like hardly any good shows theses days, I have thought about giving The Americans another shot.

Do it!

I’ve binged watch a little Australian comedy on Netflix “FISK”  about an attorney. She does wills and trust business. It’s nicely done.

I watched “Stonehouse” about the British parliament member who brought down Wilson’s regime. It was mediocre, despite the star power.

We're really enjoying the Americans but yes, have had to suspend disbelief with the wigs etc too! Also, where do they store all their costumes?! And how do they fit it all in without making their kids or colleagues at the travel agency ask questions? That aside.. we're really liking it and will persevere. Thanks for the headsup. There's all 6 seasons available and I saw that season 6 had 99% on rotten tomatoes which sounded positive as sometimes later seasons in shows seen to dip in quality.

iris lily - we watched Stonehouse and agree. It also felt to us like they were taking the p out of someone with a mental illness. Apparently his daughter is still alive and said the same thing and complained to the TV company who went ahead anyway.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2023, 12:22:39 AM by jade »


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Re: What TV series do you like?
« Reply #2897 on: August 11, 2023, 10:43:03 AM »
DH and I stumbled on Suits (Netflix) and are enjoying it far more than we expected. We've been binge watching it until late at night for the past week. It's great that we can do that. Waiting for a new episode would be no fun at all.

Sanitary Stache

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Re: What TV series do you like?
« Reply #2898 on: August 11, 2023, 10:49:07 AM »
I have been watching suits a little bit and trying to figure out what the parts of it that show a toxic masculinity are. It can be hard to separate out from worshiping the trappings of wealth. Maybe worshipping wealth is part or toxic masculinity?  Maybe it’s more that everything has to be high stakes? Or the physical threats or the oogling of women’s bodies by the main characters.
« Last Edit: August 11, 2023, 10:52:23 AM by Sanitary Stache »

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Re: What TV series do you like?
« Reply #2899 on: August 11, 2023, 03:33:56 PM »
We watched Suits for the first few series and enjoyed it, but at a certain point they had a change in writers and it's really obvious. After that point, every single scene is somebody walking into someone else office and having an argument. Stopped watching it then because it was no longer enjoyable. Gabriel Macht's perfect face can only carry a show so far.

We just finished watching Suspicion. I don't recommend. It started off really well, but got quite ludicrous and I had no sympathy for any characters. I feel like I need to watch it again because I must have missed something but I'll just google it.