I considered buying a Wii U, but it's not much cheaper than the Switch and most the games I'd buy for it are actually N64 or Wii ports, which I'm sure will show up on Switch someday. The portability of the Switch is also a big selling factor.
I have Zelda and the Pro Controller on their way from Amazon. Target's website says they have Switches available in my city, so hopefully I can pick one up tomorrow night when spouse and I get home from vacation. I haven't been this pumped for video games since Wind Waker.
Edit. Forgot to mention, I'm also pumped for the indie games announced for Switch. Looks like Nintendo is taking that segment seriously. When I had a 360, I found myself bored with so-called AAA games like Gears, Halo, COD but spent a ton of time on stuff like 'Splosion Man, Super Meat Boy, Braid, Shadow Complex, Limbo, etc. Snipperclips, Shovel Knight, and the BanjoKazooie rip-off are on my radar for Switch.