Author Topic: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?  (Read 822957 times)


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #500 on: September 16, 2016, 10:15:16 AM »
Been playing the new Deus Ex game. Only fall releases I am interested in are Battlefield 1 and possibly Mafia III

I didn't know there was a new Deus Ex game - the first one was wonderful, as was whatever the other sequel was that I played. How's the new game?


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #501 on: September 27, 2016, 10:29:21 PM »
Been playing the new Deus Ex game. Only fall releases I am interested in are Battlefield 1 and possibly Mafia III

I didn't know there was a new Deus Ex game - the first one was wonderful, as was whatever the other sequel was that I played. How's the new game?

Pretty good. I like Human Revolution better which was the last one. The original is still good


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #502 on: September 28, 2016, 05:29:04 PM »
I held of on the purchase of a PS4 for months, and now the price has dropped so I think I'll pull the trigger. Gonna pick up the uncharted 4 bundle and maybe one other game, any suggestions? Looking at Last of Us, Fallout 4, Witcher 3...

Probably gonna pick up Bioshock Collection at some point, fun games.

Curbside Prophet

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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #503 on: September 28, 2016, 05:43:47 PM »
I held of on the purchase of a PS4 for months, and now the price has dropped so I think I'll pull the trigger. Gonna pick up the uncharted 4 bundle and maybe one other game, any suggestions? Looking at Last of Us, Fallout 4, Witcher 3...

Probably gonna pick up Bioshock Collection at some point, fun games.

Can't go wrong with Last of Us, Fallout 4, or Witcher 3.  I've seen good sales on all 3.  Metal Gear V is another I'd put on the list.


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #504 on: September 28, 2016, 06:24:08 PM »
Not a huge gamer, but I do play Age of Empires II occasionally. I started playing it back in 1999/2000 (when I was 8 or 9 years old) when it originally came out and still play a bit today.

It was also where I showed my first signs of being a Mustachian as I always tried to save my gold and other resources and make sure I spend my resources wisely.


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #505 on: September 29, 2016, 03:30:02 AM »
Not a huge gamer, but I do play Age of Empires II occasionally. I started playing it back in 1999/2000 (when I was 8 or 9 years old) when it originally came out and still play a bit today.

It was also where I showed my first signs of being a Mustachian as I always tried to save my gold and other resources and make sure I spend my resources wisely.
I used to play this with my son and my father got into it.  To this day 20ish years later, my father still plays it every day.

My recent kick has been a replay of Batman Arkham Asylum.


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #506 on: September 29, 2016, 06:59:24 AM »
Not a huge gamer, but I do play Age of Empires II occasionally. I started playing it back in 1999/2000 (when I was 8 or 9 years old) when it originally came out and still play a bit today.

It was also where I showed my first signs of being a Mustachian as I always tried to save my gold and other resources and make sure I spend my resources wisely.
I used to play this with my son and my father got into it.  To this day 20ish years later, my father still plays it every day.

My recent kick has been a replay of Batman Arkham Asylum.

Haha yes!  I love AoEII!  I played it quite a bit in middle school with friends.  I lost my disks long ago, but about a year or two ago they re-released it on steam with online play again!  Picked it up on sale for 4.99 with the expansion.

Although, if you are into the resource game more than the battle aspect, I suggest you check out Caesar III.  It's sorta a mash between simicty and AoE, but set in Roman times.  I still play this game a few times a month.  You can probably find it for free somewhere (5.99 on Amazon).


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #507 on: September 29, 2016, 07:10:13 AM »
Not a huge gamer, but I do play Age of Empires II occasionally. I started playing it back in 1999/2000 (when I was 8 or 9 years old) when it originally came out and still play a bit today.

It was also where I showed my first signs of being a Mustachian as I always tried to save my gold and other resources and make sure I spend my resources wisely.
I used to play this with my son and my father got into it.  To this day 20ish years later, my father still plays it every day.

My recent kick has been a replay of Batman Arkham Asylum.

Haha yes!  I love AoEII!  I played it quite a bit in middle school with friends.  I lost my disks long ago, but about a year or two ago they re-released it on steam with online play again!  Picked it up on sale for 4.99 with the expansion.

Although, if you are into the resource game more than the battle aspect, I suggest you check out Caesar III.  It's sorta a mash between simicty and AoE, but set in Roman times.  I still play this game a few times a month.  You can probably find it for free somewhere (5.99 on Amazon).
I used to love Caesar III!  I sucked at it, but loved it!


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #508 on: September 29, 2016, 09:20:58 AM »
I held of on the purchase of a PS4 for months, and now the price has dropped so I think I'll pull the trigger. Gonna pick up the uncharted 4 bundle and maybe one other game, any suggestions? Looking at Last of Us, Fallout 4, Witcher 3...

Probably gonna pick up Bioshock Collection at some point, fun games.

Can't go wrong with Last of Us, Fallout 4, or Witcher 3.  I've seen good sales on all 3.  Metal Gear V is another I'd put on the list.

Got last of us on the playstore for 10 bucks, not a bad deal at all. So far uncharted 4 is impressive as far as graphics go, and as a climber I like the climbing bits, but I think I might prefer open world games.

I'll keep my eye out for sales on fallout 4 and witcher 3 both seem like interesting games.

Side question: How do you all keep your gaming in check and not let it get out of hand with hours of playing all the time?


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #509 on: September 29, 2016, 09:41:59 AM »
Side question: How do you all keep your gaming in check and not let it get out of hand with hours of playing all the time?

Overall, I don't have the time to spend playing games like I did in high school and college.  My wife, dog, and real life responsibilities keep me in check.  Maybe like once every 6 months I will lose myself for a Saturday.

Curbside Prophet

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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #510 on: September 29, 2016, 12:49:01 PM »
I held of on the purchase of a PS4 for months, and now the price has dropped so I think I'll pull the trigger. Gonna pick up the uncharted 4 bundle and maybe one other game, any suggestions? Looking at Last of Us, Fallout 4, Witcher 3...

Probably gonna pick up Bioshock Collection at some point, fun games.

Can't go wrong with Last of Us, Fallout 4, or Witcher 3.  I've seen good sales on all 3.  Metal Gear V is another I'd put on the list.

Got last of us on the playstore for 10 bucks, not a bad deal at all. So far uncharted 4 is impressive as far as graphics go, and as a climber I like the climbing bits, but I think I might prefer open world games.

I'll keep my eye out for sales on fallout 4 and witcher 3 both seem like interesting games.

Side question: How do you all keep your gaming in check and not let it get out of hand with hours of playing all the time?

If you like open world, Fallout, Metal Gear, Witcher, and Dragon Age (forgot that one) would all be for you.  I really like The Last of Us, it's an amazing game but it's more about the story. 


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #511 on: September 29, 2016, 01:37:15 PM »
Dragon Age <3 (Sorry, feel the need to say that every time that game is mentioned)

I ended up buying the first three Mass Effect games for PC on Amazon for $15. Gamestop online supposedly had the 360 disks for $3, but the one Gamestop I visited was charging $9 or $10, and at least the PC comes with some of the dlc (not all, as some angry reviewers pointed out). I started it over the weekend and suddenly remembered why I usually don't like first person shooters (I absolutely SUCK). But I'm excited for the story so I'll keep pushing along.


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #512 on: September 29, 2016, 02:13:33 PM »
Dragon Age <3 (Sorry, feel the need to say that every time that game is mentioned)

Really? It might've just been because I was playing on an X360, but I found DA:I underwhelming. The ending was... I can't even remember it.

The pop-in was terrible, the loading times were terrible (like, 3 seconds into a cutscene, peoples' clothes and faces would go from jaggy to smooth!).

"OK" would be as far as I'd go with it.


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #513 on: September 29, 2016, 02:32:07 PM »
If you had to choose between witcher 3 and fallout 4 which would you go for and why?


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #514 on: September 29, 2016, 02:51:05 PM »
Dragon Age <3 (Sorry, feel the need to say that every time that game is mentioned)

Really? It might've just been because I was playing on an X360, but I found DA:I underwhelming. The ending was... I can't even remember it.

The pop-in was terrible, the loading times were terrible (like, 3 seconds into a cutscene, peoples' clothes and faces would go from jaggy to smooth!).

"OK" would be as far as I'd go with it.

Do you mean I as in the first one (Origins) or I as in Inquisition? I should edit what I wrote to say DA:O <3. I've yet to play either sequels - I didn't hear fantastic things about 2, but Inquisition was supposedly decent enough. I started playing DA:O on 360 but wasn't loving the controls... I ended up getting it for PC and loved it so much more.


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #515 on: September 29, 2016, 04:01:50 PM »
Dragon Age <3 (Sorry, feel the need to say that every time that game is mentioned)

Really? It might've just been because I was playing on an X360, but I found DA:I underwhelming. The ending was... I can't even remember it.

The pop-in was terrible, the loading times were terrible (like, 3 seconds into a cutscene, peoples' clothes and faces would go from jaggy to smooth!).

"OK" would be as far as I'd go with it.

Do you mean I as in the first one (Origins) or I as in Inquisition? I should edit what I wrote to say DA:O <3. I've yet to play either sequels - I didn't hear fantastic things about 2, but Inquisition was supposedly decent enough. I started playing DA:O on 360 but wasn't loving the controls... I ended up getting it for PC and loved it so much more.

I was talking about Inquisition, not Origins. I got maybe 80% of the way through Origins before I got bored of it (I do often hit a "late game hump", has to be a really good game to get me to finish it). I did finish Inquisition but... meh.

Curbside Prophet

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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #516 on: September 29, 2016, 07:27:49 PM »
If you had to choose between witcher 3 and fallout 4 which would you go for and why?

I would say Fallout 4.  There's just so much to do and so many ways you can play it out.  You do, however, need to like that genre as it's very similar to the previous games IMO.


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #517 on: September 29, 2016, 09:15:16 PM »
Dragon Age <3 (Sorry, feel the need to say that every time that game is mentioned)

I ended up buying the first three Mass Effect games for PC on Amazon for $15. Gamestop online supposedly had the 360 disks for $3, but the one Gamestop I visited was charging $9 or $10, and at least the PC comes with some of the dlc (not all, as some angry reviewers pointed out). I started it over the weekend and suddenly remembered why I usually don't like first person shooters (I absolutely SUCK). But I'm excited for the story so I'll keep pushing along.

Honestly, I would just put it on the easiest difficulty if the challenge starts to get too frustrating. Those games are made by the epic story and really good characters. The fights are crafted well enough that even if they don't feel "challenging," you'll still usually feel pretty accomplished after most of them. Easily three of my favorite games of all time and well worth finishing the series!


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #518 on: September 30, 2016, 07:29:05 AM »
Dragon Age <3 (Sorry, feel the need to say that every time that game is mentioned)

I ended up buying the first three Mass Effect games for PC on Amazon for $15. Gamestop online supposedly had the 360 disks for $3, but the one Gamestop I visited was charging $9 or $10, and at least the PC comes with some of the dlc (not all, as some angry reviewers pointed out). I started it over the weekend and suddenly remembered why I usually don't like first person shooters (I absolutely SUCK). But I'm excited for the story so I'll keep pushing along.

Honestly, I would just put it on the easiest difficulty if the challenge starts to get too frustrating. Those games are made by the epic story and really good characters. The fights are crafted well enough that even if they don't feel "challenging," you'll still usually feel pretty accomplished after most of them. Easily three of my favorite games of all time and well worth finishing the series!

Haha that's exactly what I've been doing. What I did on Dragon Age too. Every time a fight scene pops up I just roll my eyes and set my group up, but now that I have a gun and have to shoot from a distance... I keep putting it away instead of shooting it, or I equip the wrong gun my character can't handle. I'll get there. It might take an infuriating amount of time, but I'm interested in the story enough that I'll make myself figure it out and not be a complete spaz.


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #519 on: October 04, 2016, 02:28:42 PM »
If you had to choose between witcher 3 and fallout 4 which would you go for and why?

I would say Fallout 4.  There's just so much to do and so many ways you can play it out.  You do, however, need to like that genre as it's very similar to the previous games IMO.

I never managed to get through Fallout 3...I did finish The Witcher (1), though.  I have 2 but haven't played it much at all. I've heard that 3 is incredible, but it really takes a special game to take my attention these days.  The last one was the latest Doom...before that, the Mass Effect series is the only one that comes to mind.


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #520 on: October 05, 2016, 09:48:48 AM »
Side question: How do you all keep your gaming in check and not let it get out of hand with hours of playing all the time?

Full time job + social life + the need to make my own food usually takes care of that. My carpal tunnel issues (gee thanks day job!) have been helping too, unfortunately. Which also means I'm mostly playing console (Wii U) games when I do play (and I usually limit time on that as well), as my Steam account and all of its games sit on the side being lonely. I'm really excited about Civ 6 coming out soon, so I hope my wrists start improving, but at the same time it's a good excuse to wait until all the DLC is out and bugs are fixed so I can buy it all on sale. 


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #521 on: October 06, 2016, 10:52:32 AM »
Witcher 3
Kerbal Space Program
random crap


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #522 on: October 06, 2016, 12:22:58 PM »
So it's been out a few years, but I am an aviation nut (and pilot IRL) and started playing War Thunder.  IDK if they've done graphics updates, but that is a beautiful game on high graphics.  The multiplayer is incredibly challenging too; there are some damn good pilots out there.  You better know your plane's strengths and weaknesses or you're a flaming ball of wreckage heading toward the ground. :)


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #523 on: October 06, 2016, 12:23:55 PM »
oops, double post


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #524 on: October 07, 2016, 06:41:31 AM »
So it's been out a few years, but I am an aviation nut (and pilot IRL) and started playing War Thunder.  IDK if they've done graphics updates, but that is a beautiful game on high graphics.  The multiplayer is incredibly challenging too; there are some damn good pilots out there.  You better know your plane's strengths and weaknesses or you're a flaming ball of wreckage heading toward the ground. :)
I used to play it quite a lot, although arcade mostly. The realistic versions, although fun, were a bit too low-action for me. Although for an aviation nut it's probably a lot better :)
I also played world of warships till two months ago. Same but with slow warships basically.


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #525 on: October 07, 2016, 08:30:39 AM »
So it's been out a few years, but I am an aviation nut (and pilot IRL) and started playing War Thunder.  IDK if they've done graphics updates, but that is a beautiful game on high graphics.  The multiplayer is incredibly challenging too; there are some damn good pilots out there.  You better know your plane's strengths and weaknesses or you're a flaming ball of wreckage heading toward the ground. :)
I used to play it quite a lot, although arcade mostly. The realistic versions, although fun, were a bit too low-action for me. Although for an aviation nut it's probably a lot better :)
I also played world of warships till two months ago. Same but with slow warships basically.

Realistic/Simulation mode is a lot of mundane routine punctuated by sheer adrenaline: climb, climb, climb, climb some more, cruise for a bit, begin bombing run, scan skies, keep crui OH **** FIGHTERS ARE DIVING ON ME.  And if you're flying fighters, same thing except you see that juicy bomber waiting to be plucked


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #526 on: October 08, 2016, 06:49:33 PM »
I'm playing Dragon Age Inquisition and in the last five minutes I've seduced a noblewoman to get my way and been told by Cassandra that it will never happen between us. This game is so bizarre and awesome.


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #527 on: October 13, 2016, 11:39:31 AM »
Sunless Sea/Zubmariner if you like slow games with several novels worth of story/text.

Also, you die a lot.


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #528 on: October 13, 2016, 11:45:40 AM »
If anyone wanted to try Gamefly (basically Netflix for video games), there is a pretty great promotion going on right now that I just signed up for.

Swagbucks is offering 2000 points if you sign up for a two month trial of Gamefly, which only costs  $10 total.  The 2000 points puts you most of the way to a $25 Amazon giftcard (2200 points required) - so you essentially get 2 months of Gamefly service, plus $25 in amazon giftcards, for $10 out of pocket.

I will cancel the subscription before the 2 months is up, but this seems to be a great way to try some PS4 games instead of buying them.


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #529 on: October 14, 2016, 01:22:35 AM »
Just finished Sniper 2 and am about to play Sniper 3. They are excellent games for those into FPSs requiring a bit of patience.

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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #530 on: October 14, 2016, 01:39:13 AM »
Just finished Sniper 2 and am about to play Sniper 3. They are excellent games for those into FPSs requiring a bit of patience.

I went back and replayed a bit of Sniper Elite III. Pretty good game; the bullet cam is endless fun.


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #531 on: October 14, 2016, 02:21:08 AM »
the bullet cam is endless fun.
I thought I'd get sick of this but I haven't so far. I play it on Sniper Elite skill level, which I find quite challenging but very satisfying when I progress through a particularly heavy shit storm. 

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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #532 on: October 14, 2016, 02:30:29 AM »
the bullet cam is endless fun.
I thought I'd get sick of this but I haven't so far. I play it on Sniper Elite skill level, which I find quite challenging but very satisfying when I progress through a particularly heavy shit storm.

Nice.  I preferred a medium level of difficulty on my last play-through. Not sure what I did the first go-around.  The level design kinda got to be frustrating; sure there were options, but it was the "Go left through the building, or right around the cliff. End up at same point" type of options. Much more linear than I expected, based on the descriptions.


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #533 on: October 14, 2016, 06:30:30 AM »
Beyond good and evil is free to pick up in uplay (ubi30 button). Old game though but was very good back in the day (2003)

I'm still on Rome 2 total war, shadow of mordor and heroes of the storm (eu server) mainly. In doubt for BF1, local store will have it for 44€ but not sure yet.


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #534 on: October 17, 2016, 09:30:21 AM »
Anyone living in estern Europe or Russia presently and using Steam?

We could set up a game gifting service for MMM members (MMMM?). I noticed that games are currently much less expensive in those countries than in US or Can.

For instance, Shadow of mordor is 79$ CAD but only costs the equivalent of 40 CAD in Russia.

It is permissible (i.e., not against TOS) for a user to buy a game in a foreign country and gift it to a user in another. The game itself becomes account bound to the giftee.


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #535 on: October 17, 2016, 10:41:36 AM »
Civilization VI is coming out soon! I already pre-ordered it.


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #536 on: November 16, 2016, 09:21:39 PM »
Civilization VI is coming out soon! I already pre-ordered it.

I'm liking it so far. They will need to put out some patches, but all in all I think it's a really solid game!


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #537 on: November 16, 2016, 10:15:59 PM »
I finally got around to moving the PS4 from the (shared) living room into my bedroom, and started playing the few games that I have. I wrapped up Uncharted a couple of weeks ago and finished Uncharted 2 tonight.  Next up is Uncharted 3, then I'll finish The Last of Us.

Metric Mouse

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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #538 on: November 17, 2016, 08:13:33 AM »
I finally got around to moving the PS4 from the (shared) living room into my bedroom, and started playing the few games that I have. I wrapped up Uncharted a couple of weeks ago and finished Uncharted 2 tonight.  Next up is Uncharted 3, then I'll finish The Last of Us.

You're in for a real round of great gaming. Naughty Dogbhit it out if the park with those games.


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #539 on: November 17, 2016, 03:53:56 PM »
I finally got around to moving the PS4 from the (shared) living room into my bedroom, and started playing the few games that I have. I wrapped up Uncharted a couple of weeks ago and finished Uncharted 2 tonight.  Next up is Uncharted 3, then I'll finish The Last of Us.

You're in for a real round of great gaming. Naughty Dogbhit it out if the park with those games.

I keep eyeing Uncharted 4 and GTA V...meanwhile, my PC game collection is sitting idly by :P


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #540 on: November 18, 2016, 10:21:24 AM »
Uncharted 4 is visually impressive. GTA V is just the best game ever made, IMHO.


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #541 on: November 18, 2016, 10:31:59 AM »
Uncharted 4 is visually impressive. GTA V is just the best game ever made, IMHO.

I wouldn't say best game ever, but really fucking good though. Definitely worth playing.


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #542 on: November 18, 2016, 11:58:56 AM »
Elder Scrolls online is free to play this weekend, and seriously discounted on Steam/PS4/(?)XBone.

$13.50, in Canadian money. Giving it a whirl now - not bad, so far! High quality.


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #543 on: November 18, 2016, 04:01:21 PM »
Uncharted 4 is visually impressive. GTA V is just the best game ever made, IMHO.

I wouldn't say best game ever, but really fucking good though. Definitely worth playing.

Which title holds that position for you?


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #544 on: November 18, 2016, 05:03:37 PM »
Uncharted 4 is visually impressive. GTA V is just the best game ever made, IMHO.

I wouldn't say best game ever, but really fucking good though. Definitely worth playing.

Which title holds that position for you?

Skyrim.  Most fun I've ever had in a game, and most time I've ever spent playing.  Played it as recently as 3 days ago. A lot more replay value than GTA V imo.  Both great games though.


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #545 on: November 18, 2016, 06:09:53 PM »
I have yet to play GTA V, but I have never played a game more that I have played Skyrim. I am not even playing the PC version, but damn is this game FUN! The replay value is really high.


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #546 on: November 19, 2016, 08:31:37 AM »
Uncharted 4 is visually impressive. GTA V is just the best game ever made, IMHO.

I wouldn't say best game ever, but really fucking good though. Definitely worth playing.

Which title holds that position for you?

Skyrim.  Most fun I've ever had in a game, and most time I've ever spent playing.  Played it as recently as 3 days ago. A lot more replay value than GTA V imo.  Both great games though.

I couldn't really get into Skyrim (or Fallout, for that matter). The Mass Effect series is one of my favorites.


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #547 on: November 19, 2016, 01:19:16 PM »
Uncharted 4 is visually impressive. GTA V is just the best game ever made, IMHO.

I wouldn't say best game ever, but really fucking good though. Definitely worth playing.

Which title holds that position for you?

Skyrim.  Most fun I've ever had in a game, and most time I've ever spent playing.  Played it as recently as 3 days ago. A lot more replay value than GTA V imo.  Both great games though.

I couldn't really get into Skyrim (or Fallout, for that matter). The Mass Effect series is one of my favorites.

It took me a few days to get into skyrim.  Once I did though I couldn't get enough.


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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #548 on: November 19, 2016, 03:00:24 PM »
Playing Rise of the Tomb Raider now. Graphics are gorgeous and game play is excellent.

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Re: Mustachian video gamers - what are you PLAYING?
« Reply #549 on: November 19, 2016, 05:04:49 PM »
Playing Rise of the Tomb Raider now. Graphics are gorgeous and game play is excellent.
urg. Been lusting after that one as well