Seeking a bit of advice, if you can spare a few mins.
A while back, I read that VDHG was an easy 'don't overthink it' option for investing. So, I opened a managed fund and starting building it. I have a wholesale account, but I'm not close to the 500k limit where fees drop (currently ~150k, and not likely to grow quickly for next couple of years). So, I'm pondering whether to pull out and re-buy in ETFs to save on the management fee.
From what I can tell, with the managed fund, my buy & sell cost is 0.9% and management is the same.
With ETFs, buy cost is broker dependent and management is only .27%. Selling fees are again just brokerage (I'm not sure on this, if anyone can clarify).
So, every year I'm paying ~150,000*.009=1350. Whereas ETF would be 150,000*.0027 $405.
I guess I'm paying an additional 20 bucks a week for the managed fund, and will get hit with a 1350 bill to sell.
Can anyone help me with what I need to consider before ditching the managed fund for the ETFs? I'm tracking the tax stuff (let an accountant sort that out), but the way I figure it I don't intend on selling anytime soon and my break-even point is somewhere beyond a year.
Any other considerations I'm overlooking?
Thanks, Slob.