Hi All - first time poster. Thought I might be an unusual case study…
I’m 55 and I am about to transition to retirement / part-time work. I have a graphic design studio that employs 7 other people and don’t want to go through the hassle of selling my company (not that it is that saleable as it relies on me for new clients, contacts, design work etc) and so I am downsizing.
After I pay out my staff their entitlements, there’s about $1.3m in cash in the company, and my plan is to use this as a wage for me for the next thirteen years or so. If I keep the company going I can pick up some more work when I feel like it and enjoy coast FIRE. When I am about 68 I close it down for good and I switch to superannuation.
So I’m looking for your views on the ideal wage drawdown rate, super contribution strategy, age to switch to Super, and where to park the money in the meantime to avoid erosion by inflation.
My accountant is very focused on reducing my tax and my super fund advisor is focused on me contributing more to super. This approach for the next 13 years seems right, but I end up with more money when I am 68 than now when I’d like to travel, and spend more in my remaining energetic years.
I currently have the cash just sitting in an online business account earning 1%. I’ve always been better at earning money through work rather than investment and I’m late to the whole game of investment and super and tax management. But any thoughts on lump-summing or DCAing it into ETFs would be appreciated. I need access to some of the cash over the years as I want to pay myself a wage. I also understand that I’m over the 250k government guarantee in the one bank, so would need to spread it around.
Having earned the money I am extremely risk averse to losing it. I wouldn’t pull my funds out in a downturn, but I would be pissed off if I needed to wait ten years to restore my money to parity. In any case I aim to withdraw some funds though the next 13 years.
I read that leaving the money in the company is risky too, but I’ve been running it for 20 years, and have the proper insurances, so don’t feel too bad about another 10.
I have a $900k house paid off, $440k in super, and then this $1.3m in the company. I am the sole shareholder. No current partner, with one daughter who is fairly well set up by me and her mother. No other debts. Current living costs (measured via Pocketbook) are $50k per year, but keen to get these down to 40-45k as I stop self-medicating through food and drink.
Thanks in advance to anyone who has read this far and wants to advise a fool and his money.