Hi Guys, Aussie expat here, living in the states for past couple of years, about to head back to OZ this year. 32YO, married.
Cash: 86k USD, 43k AUD
Super: 100k AUD
Net worth in AUD hovers around 350k depending on ex rate. Savings rate in 2016 was averaging 37%, then we downsized our apartment and in Q4 we saved 49%.
I bought into VAS at the start of the year around 4900 on the ASX. I'm planning to stay in the US for part of this year before returning to work in Aus again. Was a struggle, but I've opened a Vanguard investment account here in the US. I've been told I'll be able to keep it open even once I leave the country. This is going to make things complicated, but I think it will be worth it in the long term, to be able to have assets in USD and use the AUD/USD as a mechanism for hedging against big moves in the AUD. Also, we plan on coming back to US in 5-10Y time frame, so will be good to have some investments here. Need to learn more about this though, if anyone has any experience with running investments in US based account and AUS based account - would be keen to connect.
Thinking this year is to get 100k USD into long term investments - thinking Vanguard ETF here. Keep some USD cash and transfer it to AUD if AUD drops back down around 70c. AUD of 43k in Australia is in ING savings account - is emergency fund - will leave that. As we save more this year, will start pushing more into ASX under VAS and VGS international funds to get closer to yet to be determined allocation.
Just learning more about investing at the moment, need to develop better overall strategy this year, decide on ideal allocation and get cash from bank into that allocation by the end of the year.