Super Rebalancing:
I'm with UniSuper and really happy with them.
I just did my first ever rebalancing. I get one rebalancing per financial year for free. Extra rebalancings cost $13.50.
I can alter my contributions strategy at any time for I could go to the effort of calculating optimum distribution strategy regularly in an attempt to rebalance my portfolio more often with no fees (just as you should outside Super, to avoid sell/buy rebalance events). I now have almost $21k in Super (years of being a student or postgrad or lowly paid Ecologist, having casual jobs with multiple super accounts, etc, leaves my Super not that great at 32 years old). I've spread my asset allocation across ten different holdings, some of which are diversified in themselves between asset classes. At this current $ level I'm not sure its really worth the effort of doing this. I would have to, from what I can tell, adjust this after every pay fortnight at this stage otherwise I would quickly get unbalanced in the opposite direction. In a couple of years when my Super is larger I think this effort will be more worth it.
My thoughts for now, until my super gets larger in a couple of years, is to do a rebalance at the start of each FY, and then pay the $13.50 for one on Jan 1st. Perhaps in between that at the three month mark, and nine month mark, I could do the distribution calculations and changes for a fortnight to get it back closer, and then change back to the default in the following fortnight. I might also be able to do that at Jan 1st to rebalance successfully, rather than pay the $13.50.
Anyone have other ideas?
Anyone recommend a distribution rebalancing calculator when you have 10 assets to rebalance?