Author Topic: I hate Christmas  (Read 26409 times)


  • Pencil Stache
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I hate Christmas
« on: December 23, 2017, 08:44:41 PM »
Come on people, this is a place to vent.

Our family is pretty low key an reasonable about Christmas and usually there are no dramas. But still...

I hate the fact that people look weird at me when I mention I don't particularly like  Christmas. I was called Mrs Grinch for not putting up the tree on the 1st of Dec.

I HATE the fact that a religious event was transformed into a global event of mass consumption. Baby Jesus got 3 presents. How did this evolve into this madness.

I hate the plastic santas and reindeer and the kitchy decorations.

Xmas carols. How I hate thee.

Xmas cards with people's family photos.

The crowds.

The bin full of discarded wrapping paper.

Cheap and useless presents my inlaws buy the kids EVERY YEAR. Some years they don't even come home with us as they break on the spot within minutes.

Random, unisex presents thrown at us by well meaning people.

The obligation to buy presents.

Expectations to buy presents for other people's children who have EVERYTHING.

People who buy us presents when we haven't planned anything for them. Awkward.

Greed. More presents. I am quite open about not expecting presents. I even tried to persuade people not to buy presents for my children. They have everything they need and turn everything into trash in record time so what's the point.

Fake gratitute.

Presents I get which I have no use for. And having to pretend to like them. Every year I try to persuade my husband not to buy me presents.i don't want presents. He resists. Every year I feel like crying whenever I open the package. Fake smile. FAKE SMILE. FAKE ENTHUSIASM.

Expectation to have a wonderful time just because it is christmas.

There you go.


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: I hate Christmas
« Reply #1 on: December 23, 2017, 09:57:57 PM »
I'm not going to disagree with a word of that. I proudly wear my Christmas Grinch tag on full display. My Xmas motto is "people spending money they don't have on shit they don't need". Yep, hate everything about it.


  • Stubble
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Re: I hate Christmas
« Reply #2 on: December 23, 2017, 10:25:42 PM »
I like Christmas except for the rampant and mindless consumerism. From what I've seen, it's mainly centred on kids but perpetuated by the adults (who have everything).

I love the 4 gift rule - "something you want, something you need, something to wear, something to read"


  • Handlebar Stache
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Re: I hate Christmas
« Reply #3 on: December 23, 2017, 10:34:26 PM »
I've hated the christmas BS for decades. 


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: I hate Christmas
« Reply #4 on: December 24, 2017, 12:47:48 AM »
I'm pretty sure everyone hates it but we're all subjected to it because so few of us are willing to say so.

Well, everyone but my mother...


  • Magnum Stache
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Re: I hate Christmas
« Reply #5 on: December 24, 2017, 01:19:13 AM »
Preach it!

In recent years we've started paring back Christmas, simplifying. Much lower stress now, more peaceful and meaningful.

We choose to focus on the religious aspects of it for our family. Advent. Christmas Eve service.

No longer send out cards.

DW and I don't really buy much in the way of gifts for each other (maybe some quality coffee or chocolate - a treat for us). Don't exchange gifts with the extend family -- we call a gift giving truce -- give to a nonprof if you want to give something! We already have everything we need, and then some.

Each kid gets 2-3 inexpensive gifts, a couple more from grandparents, plus a couple stocking stuffers. Mostly shop online so avoid the crowds/lines/malls/etc.

Hang a few strings of lights outside (takes about 30 min with hooks that stay up year round), and have a simple tradition of our family decorating the tree together (we get it mid-Dec, takes about an hour to decorate).

Limit Christmas events to a couple of simple parties with friends (w/ white elephant exchange, no formal dress).

Christmas eve/day is mostly about eating and time with extended family.

Our families think we're weird, but it's worth it.


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: I hate Christmas
« Reply #6 on: December 24, 2017, 01:22:36 AM »
Glad I am not alone.


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Re: I hate Christmas
« Reply #7 on: December 24, 2017, 01:24:00 AM »
I'm not sure I'd say I hate it but after missing so many holiday seasons with family I'm sorta indifferent.

We have asked our family not to give presents anymore. And I kinda wish we could outlaw Christmas until after Thanksgiving. I hate seeing Christmas junk out earlier and earlier each year ("it's not even Halloween yet?!?!")

And get rid of Black Friday (not that I participate.)


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: I hate Christmas
« Reply #8 on: December 24, 2017, 02:18:54 AM »
I cant say the word I hate Christmas Either but I always felt odd that I never fully enjoyed it like most seemingly do.

I like the decorations but don't like the Christmas present part. Maybe 1 gift would be enough. And your spot on with people acting fake, kids pretending to like all their gifts and the tension that seems to go on behind the scenes even though like you are Xmas doesnt have whole lot of drama because we all have grown apart so much.

I do appreciate the good cooking and the smiles of the innocent. And I do feel anytime with my family is better than not so its a reason for that.

Even as a kid i remember getting yelled at more by my mom as she stressed out about Christmas and I better appreciate my gifts because how hard they worked for them.

I do like giving to those that appreciate it but I couldnt agree more that sadly the message and Important part of Christmas at least for me seems to move further and further away. Some of that could be my/our own fault though.

6 hours of driving today! yippe


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: I hate Christmas
« Reply #9 on: December 24, 2017, 03:35:25 AM »
Thank you for this post. I agree with every word, and I will say it with you -- I haaate Christmas. 

The one single thing I like about it is that it is a truly guilt-free day off work.  On other days off or holidays, our work culture is such that co-workers can call at any time. Not Christmas -- it's a true day off.

Oh -- I thought of another thing.  There's very little human activity outside on Christmas morning.  Great time to get outside to that trail head that's usually crowded, and take a nice solitary hike, ski, or run.   


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: I hate Christmas
« Reply #10 on: December 24, 2017, 03:45:16 AM »
Thank you for this post. I agree with every word, and I will say it with you -- I haaate Christmas. 

The one single thing I like about it is that it is a truly guilt-free day off work.  On other days off or holidays, our work culture is such that co-workers can call at any time. Not Christmas -- it's a true day off.

Oh -- I thought of another thing.  There's very little human activity outside on Christmas morning.  Great time to get outside to that trail head that's usually crowded, and take a nice solitary hike, ski, or run.

I am doing that very thing this morning before my 3 hour drive each direction. Bad knees so for me a 2 hour walk/hike! love the fresh air, solitude , though a bit chilly this morning. But oh so worth it.


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: I hate Christmas
« Reply #11 on: December 24, 2017, 04:56:31 AM »
Trifele, I too really enjoy outdoor solitude on Christmas day! Last year, Christmas morning was 60F here in New England, so I piddled around on my gravel bike for a few hours, riding slowly through silent neighborhoods. This year, we have 6-10" of snow arriving, so tomorrow morning I'll take a beautiful ski or snowshoe in fresh snow. The quiet time outdoors will really cheer me and buoy me through the day.


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: I hate Christmas
« Reply #12 on: December 24, 2017, 05:02:30 AM »
A few years ago I would have agreed 100% with the sentiments  - I even have Grinch pyjamas and a Bah Humbug santa hat - but in the last couple of years I have really gotten round to enjoying it.  The kids are past the sick-with-excitement stage, we visit the in-laws the weekend before and my family around New Year and so Xmas itself has become a really chilled break for us. 
We've just got back from our traditional Xmas eve trip to the swimming pool - always nearly empty as everyone else is busy shopping.  All the presents are wrapped, the fire is lit, there's a splash of rum in my coffee, a huge pile of homemade lebkuchen, plenty of food and drink laid in and a whole stack of movies to watch.  This year we're even moving the big meal to Xmas eve so that we can just graze our way through Xmas day.  So peace and goodwill to the lot of you!


  • Bristles
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Re: I hate Christmas
« Reply #13 on: December 24, 2017, 05:28:20 AM »
Hate is not a strong enough word.

I "have" to buy presents for 8 of the most spoiled brats / masters of pointless consumption of all time. We're talking 7,000 sq ft houses that are full to the brim already, and literally add 50 toys on Christmas.  The older ones I just give cash, including to the two who are already higher net worth than me!!!!!  (Trust fund from sister in laws parents...). I skipped one year and my mom screamed at me and I got absurd comments and pity (like I'm too poor to afford I'm not too poor I'm just pissed as hell about giving money to spoiled brats that already have more money than me and give nothing in return!!!)

On top of that are the stupid overpriced decoratiobs. My DW bought a $100 light up lawn ornament that stopped lighting up after 2 weeks. Now if I don't spend my free time fixing it she'll buy another.


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: I hate Christmas
« Reply #14 on: December 24, 2017, 06:14:04 AM »
I'm with you.  I don't so much mind Xmas cards, even with pictures, though.  It's nice to see how people are doing.

But, yeah, my 8 year old is the only grandchild on both sides.  My house is filled with crap and it gets exponentially worse every December. 


  • Handlebar Stache
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Re: I hate Christmas
« Reply #15 on: December 24, 2017, 06:43:28 AM »
This stupid ass holiday. I live overseas and come back to visit, home for Xmas. Every tv show is obsessed with Xmas. Every commercial is either Xmas focused or some sad, depressing tale for charity. The junk that is bought that virtually no one appreciates cause you wouldn’t buy that crap for yourself. Waste. Endless waste. Paper, boxes, ribbon. The stress of buying for everyone. Give me Thanksgiving any day, all the food, none of the bullshit. Arghhhh.


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: I hate Christmas
« Reply #16 on: December 24, 2017, 06:46:34 AM »
Do I hate excuses to be off work for an extended period of time, eat myself silly, spend more time with friends and family, or enjoy the novelty of decorations for a while? doesn't have to be an all or nothing thing. Just because you don't like the general rampant consumerism or the pointless conventions doesn't mean you can't enjoy the parts of it that make sense.

At this point I don't buy shit for anyone and they don't buy shit for me. If you're only doing things your friends/family once a year then they probably don't mean that much to you anyway.


  • Handlebar Stache
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Re: I hate Christmas
« Reply #17 on: December 24, 2017, 06:58:22 AM »
Every year my parents (mom) nag me to death for what my wife wants for xmas and they nag her to death for what I want for xmas.  Every year I tell her not to get anything, every year she ignores me.  Every year I'll ask my dad what my mom wants and he never gives me any ideas.  I live 600mi away from them and see them once every year or so...I have no idea what they want and they have no idea what I want.  If either my wife or I want anything we just buy it ourselves when we want it.  We don't need presents.  When the boomers kick the bucket I think it'll be a big relief this time of year.  No more guilt trips about not flying home for xmas.

And then there's my sister.  She pops out kids like a pez dispenser so between xmas and birthdays I'm out easily $1k/yr.  I don't even remember all their names, I have outlook calendars to remind me of bdays.  One was born on 12/31 - they induced labor so they could get the tax credit that year :/  I just got the outlook calendar reminder this morning as I was eating breakfast so I need to go to the store and get a card and send *another* check aside from the checks I sent for xmas just a few days ago, I don't even get thankyou cards half the time.

And in the mid-atlantic states xmas decorations look retarded.  There's never any snow so they end up looking completely hillbilly and trashy.  And the latest trend is to get these stupid uplight things that put big light shows on your house's vinyl siding.  It's stupid and lazy, at least with conventional xmas lights there's an element of hard work and danger in applying them.  This thing you just set it in the middle of your yard and aim it at your house - stupid.  When I lived in Michigan some tasteful lights and a couple classy lawn ornaments were ok because there was often snow on the ground.  A blow up santa sleigh with lights and music looks like trash on bare lawn in the DC area.


  • Magnum Stache
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Re: I hate Christmas
« Reply #18 on: December 24, 2017, 07:52:11 AM »
But... but... but...

What about the turkey dinner?
What about seeing your old friends from out of town?
What about catching up with family?

I'm gonna go clean the menorah now.

Mr Griz

  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: I hate Christmas
« Reply #19 on: December 24, 2017, 07:56:05 AM »
Hate it. Hopefully I’ll hate it a bit less next year after retiring. At least then there won’t be all the end-of-the-year nonsense at Megacorp to “finish strong, make the numbers, etc.”


  • Stubble
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Re: I hate Christmas
« Reply #20 on: December 24, 2017, 08:01:20 AM »
Do I hate excuses to be off work for an extended period of time, eat myself silly, spend more time with friends and family, or enjoy the novelty of decorations for a while? doesn't have to be an all or nothing thing. Just because you don't like the general rampant consumerism or the pointless conventions doesn't mean you can't enjoy the parts of it that make sense.

At this point I don't buy shit for anyone and they don't buy shit for me. If you're only doing things your friends/family once a year then they probably don't mean that much to you anyway.
Well said. Bunch of friggin' grinches in here! Learn to enjoy life.


  • Bristles
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Re: I hate Christmas
« Reply #21 on: December 24, 2017, 08:23:20 AM »
I like getting together with my family and sharing a meal, which is why my favorite holiday is Thanksgiving.  If Christmas were like Thanksgiving, I would like Christmas more. 

The problem as I see it is that if Christmas has become so much and so over the top that not only is it annoying and stressful, you have to devote energy to actively resist it. 

It is like walking through life 10 months of the year and then 2 months of the year you have a 25lb weight on your back.  Unless all the over the top crap is enjoyable, it really is more difficult this time of year. 

I have so many other problems in life, I resent having the burden of resisting all this shit too.  Add to that it is too damn dark this time of year, which is depressing. 


  • Bristles
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Re: I hate Christmas
« Reply #22 on: December 24, 2017, 08:26:35 AM »
  And the latest trend is to get these stupid uplight things that put big light shows on your house's vinyl siding.  It's stupid and lazy, at least with conventional xmas lights there's an element of hard work and danger in applying them.  This thing you just set it in the middle of your yard and aim it at your house - stupid. 

I like these because then it cuts down on the people in the neighborhood who take forever to get their Christmas lights down.  I am tempted to buy one for the next door neighbor, this past year the lights came down in MAY.   


  • Magnum Stache
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Re: I hate Christmas
« Reply #23 on: December 24, 2017, 08:40:12 AM »
I don't hate EVERYTHING about the holiday season, exactly.  I like the music and the decorations (though we only decorate our own house every 3 or 4 years).  On the very rare occasions that I am in a wintery climate area, I enjoy the snow/outdoor activities. I love the symbolism of the season (being non-religious but inclined to neo-pagan holiday themes we celebrate Solstice/Yule).

However, I am not into specialty-cooking or parties, so that part of the season doesn't appeal.  I also don't eat much sugar/carbs, so I am somewhat immune to the understandable tendency of many people to enjoy the season as their guilt-free indulgence period. 

My husband doesn't have much relationship with family, and has never really spent holidays with them as an adult.  When I was younger, I LOVED family gatherings, and we always used to try to travel to see my relatives.  However, the tone, dynamics, and composition of those gatherings changed over the years as older relatives died and my generation scattered and younger kids grew up and got married/had kids.  In the past few years, I've often come away from such gatherings feeling more frustrated and distanced from the relatives I hoped to reconnect with, rather than with any sense of renewed closeness.  So the whole season has increasingly become tinged with nostalgia and sadness and a vague sense of guilt in my mind.  Also, the closest group of my relatives lives ~1,000 miles from us, so we rarely travel to see relatives any more.

However, what I mostly hate is the gift issue...the financial and mental strain of it.  I am not a creative gifter, and I also don't want people to give me 'stuff' (especially as I've inclined more to minimalism).  Our family has at various times tried the 'gift draw' technique to reduce this pressure, and in more recent years we've tried to just donate to each others' favored charities. But INEVITABLY, there are one or two relatives in the group that rebel because either they want to give a lot of presents or receive them, or both.  So that is still a source of stress on many of the group as well.


Now that I'm  typing this, it makes me wonder why I still harbor any fondness for this season at all LOL.


  • Stubble
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Re: I hate Christmas
« Reply #24 on: December 24, 2017, 09:10:46 AM »
I really dislike the consumerism and really want to move away from it. So I agree there! But I love the time with family, the excited energy of my little ones, and the special time we have together decorating cookies and gingerbread houses.


  • Handlebar Stache
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Re: I hate Christmas
« Reply #25 on: December 24, 2017, 09:13:03 AM »
I wonder if introverts like Xmas less than extroverts?  All this talk about getting together with family has me even more stressed out than mindless consumerism. Frankly I'd rather look at the latest 12Z GFS ensembles. 


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: I hate Christmas
« Reply #26 on: December 24, 2017, 09:19:24 AM »
I often get sick right around x-mas. Perhaps this is a psychosomatic response to how much I enjoy this holiday.


  • Magnum Stache
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Re: I hate Christmas
« Reply #27 on: December 24, 2017, 09:38:33 AM »
I wonder if introverts like Xmas less than extroverts?  All this talk about getting together with family has me even more stressed out than mindless consumerism. Frankly I'd rather look at the latest 12Z GFS ensembles.

Possibly, although I am introverted and still used to enjoy the family time.  I think it probably depends on the family dynamics.  I am also always curious when people talk about 'seeing old friends and family back in town' and such.   Our friends and family are scattered all across the country, and very few of them are living in the city where they grew up. Most aren't living even in the city they attended college and many aren't living in the same city as any of their family members or their extended friends' network.

None of our friends are originally from the city we currently live in.  A few people that we became friends with while living here have since moved away and they would never have a reason to visit this location again, certainly not during the holidays.

So I'm not sure how this 'seeing old friends during the holidays' thing works, logistically?   Maybe more people than I realize actually remain close to where they were born and raised?  Almost none of my peer group did, and most have moved multiple times over their careers, often thousands of miles at each move; but maybe my sample is biased?


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: I hate Christmas
« Reply #28 on: December 24, 2017, 09:41:33 AM »
Do I hate excuses to be off work for an extended period of time, eat myself silly, spend more time with friends and family, or enjoy the novelty of decorations for a while? doesn't have to be an all or nothing thing. Just because you don't like the general rampant consumerism or the pointless conventions doesn't mean you can't enjoy the parts of it that make sense.

At this point I don't buy shit for anyone and they don't buy shit for me. If you're only doing things your friends/family once a year then they probably don't mean that much to you anyway.
Well said. Bunch of friggin' grinches in here! Learn to enjoy life.

I agree.  I enjoy all the food and get-togethers with my friends and the lights (even the yards full of inflatables!).  The only people I buy for is my son, tomorrow is Grilled Ruebens (because that's what we want) and it's very stress-free and laid back.  It's all what you make of it.


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Re: I hate Christmas
« Reply #29 on: December 24, 2017, 09:43:59 AM »
Oh -- I thought of another thing.  There's very little human activity outside on Christmas morning.  Great time to get outside to that trail head that's usually crowded, and take a nice solitary hike, ski, or run.

Superbowl Sunday is also great for this! Hopefully NFL doesn't lose too much popularity ;-)


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: I hate Christmas
« Reply #30 on: December 24, 2017, 09:55:14 AM »
I wonder if introverts like Xmas less than extroverts?  All this talk about getting together with family has me even more stressed out than mindless consumerism. Frankly I'd rather look at the latest 12Z GFS ensembles.

OMG a fellow weather geek! Honestly the 12Z GFS ensembles are not something I want to look at as people were already looking at the 29th-30th when we got three more storms first.


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: I hate Christmas
« Reply #31 on: December 24, 2017, 10:01:33 AM »
The consumerism is a distraction.
Focus on the real reason for the holiday.


  • Handlebar Stache
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Re: I hate Christmas
« Reply #32 on: December 24, 2017, 10:18:39 AM »
The consumerism is a distraction.
Focus on the real reason for the holiday.

Sure. Should we focus on Jesus’ message to help the poor and sick while Republicans try to dismantle health care and social security?

Nobody cares about Jesus or his messages. It’s all lip service. If Jesus was alive today, he would be ignored or locked up.

And if you need his birthday to be a decent person, what are you doing the rest of the year?


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Re: I hate Christmas
« Reply #33 on: December 24, 2017, 10:27:02 AM »
One time an acquaintance came up to me and asked, "How was your Christmas?"

I said, "The best thing about it is that it's over."

She was shocked. 

I hate Christmas.


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Re: I hate Christmas
« Reply #34 on: December 24, 2017, 10:33:45 AM »
Oh, please don’t make it worse by dragging religion into the mess. Yule tide would be so much better if it hadn’t been hijacked by the christians. I have a few friends from small isolated villages who still celebrate the old way, and I really envy them; brewing beer as soon as the first snow comes, and tasting it on solstice. Gatherings with bonfires and songs. Some places they even close the roads for cars and hold sleigh races.

I used to hate Christmas. In my family it was stress and yelling until the church bells chimed at 1700 Christmas Eve. Then, we were supposed to change mood completely and be festive and happy. After moving 600 km away from “home” I can finally celebrate the way I want, which is almost not at all. Christmas presents are also really reduced when everything has to be sent by mail. The best part is that the kids don’t have to pretend to be exited for too small clothes and boring toys.

I do like the food; cured lambs meat, plenty of cookies, marzipan and chocolate. And by doing all of the cooking on Christmas eve, we can live on leftovers the rest of the holidays.


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Re: I hate Christmas
« Reply #35 on: December 24, 2017, 10:35:27 AM »
The consumerism is a distraction.
Focus on the real reason for the holiday.

Sure. Should we focus on Jesus’ message to help the poor and sick while Republicans try to dismantle health care and social security?

Nobody cares about Jesus or his messages. It’s all lip service. If Jesus was alive today, he would be ignored or locked up.

And if you need his birthday to be a decent person, what are you doing the rest of the year?

People do care, do take his message to heart. Not every Christian votes Rep, many even vote Dem! I have had success convincing hard-core conservative Christians to change their views towards social justice issues using the values/theology of the faith.

If someone chooses to focus on spirituality and a message of caring for others rather than consumerism on Christmas I would think that's something MMM would endorse.

Brother Esau

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Re: I hate Christmas
« Reply #36 on: December 24, 2017, 10:40:17 AM »


  • 5 O'Clock Shadow
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Re: I hate Christmas
« Reply #37 on: December 24, 2017, 10:41:45 AM »
Count me in!


  • Pencil Stache
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Re: I hate Christmas
« Reply #38 on: December 24, 2017, 10:48:45 AM »
I hate Christmas, too, but apparently not as much as you.  I hate that it starts way too early,  and I'm sick of it all before the 24th even gets here. I hate the obligations it demands of me. I still love the music, though, as long as I'm not hearing it mid-November.   I  also love to get photo Christmas cards. Very few people seem to be sending any cards out any more, though, using Facebook instead.
The gift exchanges stress me out a lot. Trying to not spend too much, but enough,  and find something useful and delightful.  I wish we could skip it even more than we already do.


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Re: I hate Christmas
« Reply #39 on: December 24, 2017, 10:50:00 AM »
I wonder if introverts like Xmas less than extroverts?  All this talk about getting together with family has me even more stressed out than mindless consumerism. Frankly I'd rather look at the latest 12Z GFS ensembles.

OMG a fellow weather geek! Honestly the 12Z GFS ensembles are not something I want to look at as people were already looking at the 29th-30th when we got three more storms first.

I'm worshipping the models right now just because of the mid-atlantic snow potential on NYE!  GFS has backed off on snow totals in my area but the Euro is still looking good.  So....death to the GFS and long live the Euro (unless the 18Z GFS reverses course again, then I'm back on team USA)!  Oh, and the Canadian...'cause the CMC is also showing a snowstorm for NYE. 

ETA - I'm waiting for the 12Z ECMWF snow maps to's soooooo slow.  I'm only on 06Z25DEC right now.  Gotta wait so long for 00Z02JAN to download....will it never come!?

ETA2...12Z ECMWF is a bust.  Those stupid Europeans can't get anything right anyway.  Back to the GFS, I want my freedom fries!
« Last Edit: December 24, 2017, 12:18:42 PM by big_owl »


  • Walrus Stache
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Re: I hate Christmas
« Reply #40 on: December 24, 2017, 10:55:28 AM »
I'm the outlier because I love (almost) everything about Christmas. Except the commercialism and materialism. But I love the time off with my kids. Putting up the lights, decorating the tree. Having candy canes and spiced gumdrops on the gumdrop tree. The excitement of my kids. Them wondering if it will snow. Making gingerbread cookies. The Nutcracker. Watching old tv specials like the little drummer boy and Peanuts. Certain Christmas carols will make me cry. And I'm not even normally a super sentimental person either.   


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Re: I hate Christmas
« Reply #41 on: December 24, 2017, 11:00:19 AM »
And another thing.  There's only two good xmas carols:

1. Kenny and Dolly - Once Upon a Christmas
2. Maria Carey - whatever that song is that she sang and gets trotted out every year (I bet she gets tons of royalties for that one every year this time - good career move on her part)

And I get an excuse to watch Die Hard every year.  That's good. 


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Re: I hate Christmas
« Reply #42 on: December 24, 2017, 11:20:08 AM »
Love x-mas, sounds like some of you are doing it wrong. Round here we:

    Make fun of the early start in the stores
    Make our own funny versions of the classic songs (usually subbing poop and fart jokes, kids are 5 and 7, haha!)
    Hit the mountains for sledding, snow angels, snowmen and campfire/smores
    Watch x-mas movies, new or old
    Make traditional Polish x-mas eve meatless dinner (supposed to be 11 dishes, but unless MIL is here from across the pond more like 3-5, haha!)
    Break a jesus wafer (we're atheists, but it's a great tradition), give a piece to each person and give them a personal positive wish for the next year, along with a hug or kiss
    Kids open presents, we typically don't buy any, and only immediate family send them some.
    Adults enjoy some adult beverages.

It is what you make it, for us it's all about family and close friends, nature, food, love and tradition. One of my favorite times of the year.

Ok, back to your hatin. :D
« Last Edit: December 24, 2017, 11:22:18 AM by big_slacker »


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Re: I hate Christmas
« Reply #43 on: December 24, 2017, 11:24:23 AM »
I don't hate Christmas.

Here are some of the reasons why I don't hate it:

I don't have to participate in activities I used to do that I didn't have much say in anymore. 

As a result of the above, I don't stress out about buying gifts because there is usually only one (maybe 2) people I buy gifts for and both of those people are grateful to get anything unlike some other people I know.  Therefore, Christmas isn't about buying a bunch of gifts or buying way too much food to gorge on and have to stay up wayyy past midnight cleaning up the kitchen of someone else's house.

I sometimes now travel around Christmas time which is something I love doing so it gives me something to look forward to (just came back from a week long first time trip to Cancun so I'm feeling pretty relaxed/recharged).

Christmas, like any other time of year is what *I* make of it so if I choose to have the attitude it's a horrible time of year then most likely I would be hating it.  I don't even notice all of the consumerism anymore because I'm simply not a part of it in any way.  I work from home so I don't even feel pressure to pariticpate in office Secret Santas or other things like that. 

I'm grateful to have Christmas as a time to celebrate, reflect, relax, recharge, etc. I am grateful I do not have to work around this time of year.  The Christmas lights at the botanic gardens are very pretty and I enjoy seeing those.  I don't that excited about Christmas time, but I definitely don't hate it.  I've strongly disliked it before as it did used to be a more stressful and sometimes very sad time of year for me, but it's getting to be a bit better.


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Re: I hate Christmas
« Reply #44 on: December 24, 2017, 11:34:51 AM »
The consumerism is a distraction.
Focus on the real reason for the holiday.

No, sorry. Biblical and historical scholarship points to Nimrod, son of Cush, grandson of Ham, great-grandson of Noah and Nimrod's mother-wife as contributing to this particular practice in ancient Babylon. It's a Babylonian fertility and feast day, just like Easter. It's pagan sun worship, plain and simple - and has absolutely nothing to do with Yeshua the Messiah, our redeemer in blood and the divine son of HaShem as spoken of in the New Testament, or related to following the Way. Saying otherwise misses the mark, as it is sin.

There's plenty of evidence pointing to an early fall birth for Messiah, fulfilling a feast day of HaShem right around Yom Tov (Rosh Hashanah/Yom Kippur/Sukkot). Here's the thing, though, pagans celebrated birthdays from antiquity, as it's a practice rooted in astrology... so outside of academic interests in confirming Yeshua as being the Messiah through fulfillment of prophecy and feast days, it doesn't matter. Celebrating a birth has nothing to do with the belief system we're called to follow as believers in Messiah, especially when it was His sacrifice on the execution stake during Passover that actually matters and sanctifies us.

Now, if you mean that "Jesus" as in Gad Zeus, the white dude with long hair and a beard with a halo around his head that most people blindly follow in modern Christianity that was picked up from Constantine and the Roman hijacking of the faith in 312 CE... their sun god sacrificed to with pig flesh on the altar in the Second Temple's Holy of Holies by Antiochus IV Epiphanes on the Winter Solstice, thus sparking the Maccabean Revolt in 168 BCE, then yes! I suppose Gee-Zeus is the reason for the season!

This is the danger of the adversary, it's a lie sold and packaged as a truth that makes you feel good inside. You're just certain you're doing the right thing, but look at the company that we keep by observing the Winter Solstice with the rest of the world and all the symbology and practices attached to it. We're called to be in the world, but separate and not of the world, and to testify to the truth.... not to fictions that make us feel good. If we lie in direct opposition to the dates and seasons set forth in scripture, only to ignore His Word for the purpose in delighting in pagan orgies of celebrating the self, orgies that we were commanded not to partake in, what does that do to our testimony and claims of scriptural evidence to justify following after Messiah?

I'll tell you what it does, it compromises it.

Why? Because we've mixed the Holy with the profane, like cross-breeding sheep with goats. The end result is either a still birth or sterile offspring. Our faith ceases to have any bearing on reality, and everything to do with fables, fairy tales and other children's fictions. Souls are on the line, our own included. Do you want to be responsible for showing someone the truth about Sheol/Hell and the need for Messiah, and in doing so wind up giving them a religion that still leaves their soul potentially lost to eternity in the Lake of Fire?

The worst part is, all the "great" things that Christians claim are so valuable about the season? The family and fellowship and generosity and whatnot? These are things that we should be doing in our daily walks, not once a year. This date would have no special hold in their hearts if they were actually practicing and walking out the faith they profess, as it would just become another day.

Here's the thing, friend. Truth is truth, and we're judged by what we do with that truth when we come to it. This is the truth, and it's not hard to find anymore... so, please, if you have any doubts, do due diligence yourself and start with the very scripture followers of Jesus are supposed to uphold as being truthful and right, but don't ignore it. In the end, you've got to make a choice with this knowledge. Do you choose to follow Messiah, start your own Maccabean revolt to repurify the temple inside you, reveal His glory as the true Lion of Judah, and put away the abominations of your forefathers to cling to His truth? Or do you cling to the ways of man, the ways of your forefathers, and double down on your practices, thus creating your very own abomination of desolation within your heart?

We are called to flee from sin and idolatry, and the 25th of December has both written all over it in spades. Out of a deep love for HaShem/Yeshua and concern for my brothers and sisters and for the lives of those we touch, let me urge you and anyone else here who claims Messiah to cleave to Him and to the truth for the sake of your own testimony.
« Last Edit: December 24, 2017, 11:53:04 AM by Daley »


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Re: I hate Christmas
« Reply #45 on: December 24, 2017, 11:54:27 AM »
And another thing.  There's only two good xmas carols:
1. Kenny and Dolly - Once Upon a Christmas
2. Maria Carey - whatever that song is that she sang and gets trotted out every year (I bet she gets tons of royalties for that one every year this time - good career move on her part)

All I Want for Christmas is You

Didn't you forget Wham!'s Last Christmas?


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I hate Christmas
« Reply #46 on: December 24, 2017, 12:22:55 PM »
My Mom loved Christmas and couldn't wait to have her Christmas lights lit up outside and her Christmas tree up the day after Thanksgiving. She bought tons of gifts and spent a lot but loved every minute of it. It was crazy considering it was just me and the Hub! She passed away in 2013 and now the Hub and I don't even put up a tree. It is sad but I feel she took Christmas with her. I have no joy for it since she left us.


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Re: I hate Christmas
« Reply #47 on: December 24, 2017, 12:26:01 PM »
I love Christmas.

Just finished baking several batches of homemade cookies now I am packing to visit family for the holidays.


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Re: I hate Christmas
« Reply #48 on: December 24, 2017, 12:31:55 PM »
I went through a period of hating Christmas. I found the consumerism and waste disgusting (from the obligatory presents covered in throwaway paper to the ridiculous amount of energy wasted by fairy lights). I hated the way Christmas expanded into the whole of December, so by the time Christmas came round I was fed up of the whole thing. I hated having to go to stupid Christmas themed events I didn't want to go to. I hated the way people whined "But it's Christmas!" when I said I didn't want to go, as if I should magically transform into a different person at Christmas and suddenly enjoy loud music and crowds. Most of all I hated the weird pressure to have everything be perfect and for everyone to get along, as if a certain calendar date could paper over the reality for the rest of the year, and if one tiny thing wasn't perfect then Christmas was ruined.

But then I realised that I really and truly did not HAVE to do anything just because it was Christmas/December. I actually could pick the bits I liked and leave the rest. There is no cosmic force of Christmas, like gravity, that people are powerless to resist. Do you HAVE to buy lunch out every day, or can you choose to bring one from home? Christmas is that kind of question, not a "Do you have to eat regularly?" question.

So over the past few years I've been quietly stepping back from all the things I don't like about Christmas and just keeping the bits I do. I'm still not all the way there because I chose salami tactics rather than a clean break, but I've rather enjoyed things this year.

I'm buying four presents, for my family, but I'm either buying something I feel good about giving them (in a values sense - e.g. fairtrade chocolates, locally-made soap) or just not stressing and buying something I reckon they might like but if it's not the best present ever then that's fine - e.g. spent ten minutes browsing the international politics section of Waterstones for my brother and picked the best book I could identify in that ten minutes). I have asked for roasting tins and fancy shower gel from my parents.

I have eaten mince pies (love 'em!) but ignored the special turkey sandwiches and peppermint hot chocolates.

I have listened to Christmas carols and selected crap Christmas pop songs but have no idea what Christmas number one is.

I have not watched a single Christmas television special. I don't even know what's on these days.

I didn't buy a Christmas tree but did buy a nice big bunch of red, white and green flowers today for our dining room. (Hope to cut foliage from the garden in some future year when we have some!)

Our "Christmas dinner" is going to be pulled pork from the freezer in burger buns, and a box of chocolates.

We don't send Christmas cards but I do use the ones we receive as a reminder to send an email thanking them for the card, and asking how they are and making plans to see each other if it's been a while.

Our effort levels for Christmas have never been lower than this year and it's never been more enjoyable. I think the obsession with Christmas is a bit like Valentine's Day. If your life or family or relationship is so bad that you need to spend lots of money on some universally mandated day to make you feel good about it, you are doing life/family*/relationships wrong. If you're happy with your overall life, Christmas can be a pleasant reminder of some things (to keep in touch with distant friends, to give to charity, to appreciate your family - whatever it is for you) and a pleasant wintery excuse for others (buying an indulgent box of chocolates, buying cut flowers, cooking a huge roast dinner - again, whatever it is you like doing but wouldn't want to do all the time). But if you're unhappy with your life, it only serves to highlight and multiply that unhappiness as you desperately try to paper over the cracks by spending money and doing what you "ought" to do and then getting stressed out that your general life still isn't what you want it to be.

*Not necessarily you personally. Your family might just be shit. But you won't magically get on because it's 25th December.


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Re: I hate Christmas
« Reply #49 on: December 24, 2017, 01:17:40 PM »
The consumerism is a distraction.
Focus on the real reason for the holiday.

Sure. Should we focus on Jesus’ message to help the poor and sick while Republicans try to dismantle health care and social security?

Nobody cares about Jesus or his messages. It’s all lip service. If Jesus was alive today, he would be ignored or locked up.

And if you need his birthday to be a decent person, what are you doing the rest of the year?

People do care, do take his message to heart. Not every Christian votes Rep, many even vote Dem! I have had success convincing hard-core conservative Christians to change their views towards social justice issues using the values/theology of the faith.

If someone chooses to focus on spirituality and a message of caring for others rather than consumerism on Christmas I would think that's something MMM would endorse.

Yes, but that’s not for a day a year. That should be your daily ideology. People treat Xmas like the one time of year they remember to be human. It’s not. There’s nothing special about the day, it’s like any other. Be decent all year.