So I'm doing the Moomoo brokerage deal, for around $320 in bonuses. No ChexSystems and no hard pull.
$100 "cash reward" sign up bonus; $50 "cash reward" referral bonus; 15 x $3+ stocks ($45); $125 GOOG stock's what I have done and have planned:
6/3/2023 Created account w/ referral link and linked Chase Checking via Plaid
6/6/2023 Transfer $5800 to Chase Checking from credit union checking account -- in the Moomoo sign up process, Plaid wouldn't link my CU account.
6/9/2023 Plaid transfer $5800 from Chase Checking to Moomoo
6/12/2023 Purchase 58 shares of SGOV
8/15/2023 Sell all 15 shares of misc $3+ stocks just awarded -- been over 60 days
8/15/2023 Sell the free share of GOOG for $125 or so
8/15/2023 Buy 1 share of SGOV
8/31/2023 Sell 59 shares of SGOV -- sell at max stock value, so it's a capital gain and not a potential wash sale.
9/5/2023 Buy $1000+ order of stock applying the $150 "cash reward" bonus -- $100 sign up and $50 referral.
Liquidate and close the account as soon as possible after reviewing the fine print.
$320 return on $5800 invested is 320/5800 = 5.52% in 3 months, or 22.1% APR. Plus around 4.75% or so APR on $5800 for 2 1/2 months (SGOV). So altogether about a 26% APR on $5800 for 3 months.
EDIT: The minimum is $5000 to get the free GOOG stock. But since I'll be getting the money in there a week late, and just in case they go by average daily balance, I decided to go with $5800.. maybe will do $5900 just to be safe.