Just finished What the Dog Saw by Malcolm Gladwell. This is a collection of essays he wrote for the New Yorker.
I found it quite interesting, as I expected that I would. I love his podcast "Revisionist History."
You know, I just spent a couple of minutes reviewing the typographical rules regarding period placement and quotation marks. I hate the way it looks to have the period inside the closing quotation marks, but that's the way I was taught and it is convention here in the US. Apparently, convention in the UK is to put the period after the marks. This is somewhat due to the usage of single quote marks in UK vs double here in the US and the effect that the font spacing has on the resulting text typographically.
Now that we live in the digital age with dynamic font spacing, the reason for the convention is pretty much gone, but we're stuck with this vestigial rule. I say no more.
"Revisionist History".
And this book is now a week past due at the library, but you know, COVID-19, so library's closed.