Yep, we have no shortage of options for things to make us look prettier. We can't get life saving medications, surgeries, or medical devices that have been sufficiently studied for their impacts on women, but we can get any style of joint-damaging stiletto shoe and cancinogenic hair dye that you could possibly imagine.
Please know that both I and @Ron Scott were both being completely tongue-in-cheek. We weren't suggesting those advantages are actually advantages.
I'm aware.
Anyhoo, on a totally different topic, if anyone wants further evidence of the literal shit women have to deal with, we can always return to one of my favourite topics: men's shit and their insistence that women should really just be okay with it.
So I've marveled for years at the stats that men, despite spending inordinate amounts of time when they do take a shit, are evidently so homophobic that an enormous amount of them are too squirrelly about touching their own anuses that they don't wipe sufficiently AND won't clean it in the shower.
Okay, so we have an enormous amount of the population walking around with fecally rich gluteal clefts. That, to me is just sad, I feel sad for these men that the patriarchy has made basic personal hygiene so challenging.
What I am far more horrified about are the videos that men are making that have enormous amounts of support about how this is what makes men "real men." There's a whole world of videos out there of men trashing women for taking issue with having to wash shit stained underwear. There's even a very famous video of a guy saying that real men full-on shit their paints regularly and women should just happily clean them when they get home.
This guy's video about how grandpa always told him never to drop your undies for a woman who wouldn't clean them if you shit your pants at work was particularly popular. Go generational shit-pants wisdom! A LOT of men agree with this.
Speech Prof is a fun influencer who has a series of videos responding to "real men have shitty underwear videos" and I've linked the third of his. as women, we are not only expected to handle and wash shit-sodden clothes for men, we're also expected to get intimate with shit-encrusted nether-regions, AND we're not supposed to complain about the ever-present shit, because we should be proud of the evidence of our men being "real men."
I think peak toxic masculinity is walking around with a dirty bum and posting videos on the internet about how that makes you proud to be a man and somehow also making it about shaming women.
I mean that is *chef's kiss* toxic perfection.
Seriously though. What the actual fuck are we doing to poor little boys that they're ending up this way?? Cuz' I'm not cleaning anyone's shit-smeared clothing unless they have a medical condition.
Granted...I haven't done laundry in over a decade, so what the fuck am I even talking about?